Drake says he's the first person to successfully sing and rap...


my thoughts exactly

Missy was killin it wayyyyy before and she still got it look at that J.Cole track

Andre 3000

Lauryn Hill

Ill even say Wiz is getting up there

and its not really singing like Whitney Houston or Mariah Carey its more of harmonizing and holding melodies
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I guess he's not old enough to know that Cee-Lo actually rapped and rapped eight hundred million billion trillion gazillion infinity times better than Drake. I actually don't mind Drake but this dude is South Parkin' it bending over and smellin' his own farts. I guess he figured it was the Jewish Chronicle and only 80 year old white people from Florida would be reading it so no one would understand the lies falling out of his mouth.
*waits for Niketalkers to name a bunch of rappers no one in mainstream America has ever heard of
*waits for Niketalkers to name a bunch of rappers no one in mainstream America has ever heard of
LOL kid

People heard bout all these cats in this thread - back then. Drake is relevant - now. But 10 years from now, when you get to be an old grumpy "back in our days" *** and when you start imposing your nostalgia for Drake (or who-whatever) on the new kids, you will get same answer thrown back at you..."who da **** is Drake".
LOL kid

People heard bout all these cats in this thread - back then. Drake is relevant - now. But 10 years from now, when you get to be an old grumpy "back in our days" *** and when you start imposing your nostalgia for Drake (or who-whatever) on the new kids, you will get same answer thrown back at you..."who da **** is Drake".

you really think Drake won't be relevant in 10 yrs? okay :lol:
it's funny to watch NTers turn on someone (except Kanye); a couple years ago we had a 1000 page thread on "what's next for Drake" but now that he has become so big y'all hate him and post article after article like this to get off on it.
you really think Drake won't be relevant in 10 yrs? okay

One would think that the internet exposed many many things to people, one of them being music industry and how those things work.

Apparently, it didn't. Or you don't pay any attention. If you think Drake will be relevant in 2022. you're pretty...um...well, no need to even address it. I'm just high-five you on your enthusiasm for Aubrey, I bet you feel all kiiiiiinds of tingles when you hear his mellow voice singin and then switchin to rap, right?

It touches your feminine side and then switches to straight thuggery.

Champagne Papi for president LOL
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