Drake says he's the first person to successfully sing and rap...

Dont argue with Drake stans bashing phonte.

To them successful is if 11 year old blone white girls know about the artist.

I actually respect Justin beiber's rapping and singing ability more than drake's

I feel like this link is kinda related to the topic lol:

(Some tumblr drake/jayz/kanye comicstrip)
The Beiber "freestyle" again. So all you guys that say it's cool and he went in would you buy a rap album from Justin Beiber?
Why do people keep saying Phonte? I think y'all are missing the keyword here, "successful".
just cuz hes not all over the radio/television dont think homies not "successful"... but i honestly think Drake cannot sing he sounds like s**t a little hook or couple bars is cool but a whole song he sounds like basura... i do think Drake is a good artist especially preYMCMB, but he bit his whole style from Tae and i think hes scarred of people finding out reason why the track they did didnt make Drizzys album and why he snubbed Tae when he reached out for Charity Starts At Home:.
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