Donald Trump is running for president

I highly doubt it. His campaign slogan "CHANGE" would not work today landscape I dont think after two fails presidential terms. On second thought maybe it would, since people believe in Wildebeest Hillary or lunatic Bernie.

he didn't use change when he beat Mitt and he beat him handily when he had lower approval ratings.
At least Democrat Presidents can show their face in public. Check out the RNC conventions and see if any of their previous administrations even show up. :lol:

Democrat presidents have the media covering for them. Clinton is a serial abuser and raper of women, was impeached, lied under oath, lost his law license, etc. What a great guy :rolleyes If he was a republican he'd be in jail, same with his wife.
Clinton raped people?
You may believe that.

But she doesn't, because she stresses her closeness to Obama at every opportunity and doesn't really have any significant difference from him other than her more hawkish foreign policy past and the medical devices tax.

Someone didn't give Slick Willy this memo bc he's been trashing Barry at every turn on the campaign trail :lol:

You are point blanking misrepresenting Bill words/lying. And you know it

He is talking about Republican obstructionism hurting the economy. Not Obama

*Update: An aide to Bill Clinton says the legacy he was referring to was Republicans' obstructionism.
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He should be behind bars but he's a democrat so he's gucci.

Hilarious you believe this, if he was Republican, he would double down on "family values", refuse to step down, and say "god" has forgiven him, and still remain in office.
I highly doubt it. His campaign slogan "CHANGE" would not work today landscape I dont think after two fail presidential terms. On second thought maybe it would, since people believe in Wildebeest Hillary or lunatic Bernie.

So many of Trumps supporters are just deluded. Obama is someone who actually had the Democratic base excited both times he ran. Trump won't even come close to beating Clinton who's not nearly as popular as he was.

The fact that so many of his supporters care about Bill's indiscretions and don't care about his show their hypocrisy. This is how he plans to run his campaign so his supporters emulate this clown :smh:
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The fact that so many of his supporters care about Bill's indiscretions and don't care about his show their hypocrisy.

Hypocrisy? Hindsight, most individuals probably think of Trump as a playboy billionaire whom has had his fair share of prostitutes, models, and escorts. Hell Trump would probably be proud of that. However, Slick Willy went on live television and LIED to the American public! Not once but twice!

Just look into this man's eyes as he lies.. TWICE!

I think of Trump not as a billionaire playboy, but as a white nationalist pedaling false promises and tacitly championing white supremacy.

Whose supporters stay willful ignorant about the facts that refute every argument they make in Trump's favor
US media is indeed very biased but in many cases I see people immediately slandering something because it came from a left- or right-biased media outlet. In the case of Trump, I see a lot of people claiming a smear campaign is being held against him. While that is true to some extent, a lot of it comes from statements that came right out of Trump's mouth. The media reporting on Trump's suggestion to ban all muslims from entering the US for example or his ignorant statement about abortion is not a "smear campaign", it's simply reporting on Trump's statements and actions.
An example of a smear campaign is a few posts above, the woman who said her words were being distorted by the media to slander Trump.
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And we have Newt Gingrich and others like him, and still repeatadely give people like him 2nd and 3rd chances and even considered him for president in '12 and as a VP right now. Look if you are going to discredit candidates be bipartisan about it. The hypocritical part is that these republican candidates run on the platforms of family values and monogamy yet they are the ones who get caught the worst.

Sure democrats have their Wiener and others, which is why I said it's a bipartisan issue. But they don't stress the family values AS such a central issue. It's there, but the GOP is known to just go over the top for Christian values at every turn. If you are going to attack one party for this, then just expand your google search and look for all politicians no matter their affiliation.
US media is indeed very biased but in many cases I see people immediately slandering something because it came from a left- or right-biased media outlet. In the case of Trump, I see a lot of people claiming a smear campaign is being held against him. While that is true to some extent, a lot of it comes from statements that came right out of Trump's mouth. The media reporting on Trump's suggestion to ban all muslims from entering the US for example or his ignorant statement about abortion is not a "smear campaign", it's simply reporting on Trump's statements and actions.
An example of a smear campaign is a few posts above, the woman who said her words were being distorted by the media to slander Trump.

Our mainstream media is set up in a way that makes what you're talking about happen. It is by design.

Constant propaganda and programming platform for "liberals" and "conservatives".
Hypocrisy? Hindsight, most individuals probably think of Trump as a playboy billionaire whom has had his fair share of prostitutes, models, and escorts. Hell Trump would probably be proud of that. However, Slick Willy went on live television and LIED to the American public! Not once but twice!

Just look into this man's eyes as he lies.. TWICE!

I'm not knocking him for his dating life but he obviously has issues when it comes to how he views women. So because Bill lied about an affair that's comparable to someone who values a woman based on how she looks? Trump has said some stupid things when it comes to women so it's a not a surprise they would go this route in attacking him.
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Raise the minimum wage, pursue a public option, refinance student loans, subsidized community college, criminal justice reform, immigration form, etc.

You know all things Obama wants/wanted to do and was blocked at every chance

Cuz we owe 20 trillion dollars :lol:

66.7% of Americans think we're on da wrong track... only 25.6% think every is great.

I would LOVE for Hillary to run on Obama's 3rd term...that should great in da debates :lol:
I'm not knocking him for his dating life but he obviously has issues when it comes to how he views women. So because Bill lied about an affair that's comparable to someone who values a woman based on how she looks? Trump has said some stupid things when it comes to women so it's a not a surprise they would go this route in attacking him.

Trump is a womanizer no doubt. Trump and Bill... two rich billionaires whom have treated women like objects over decades and one of them we have to know about on the daily for the next four years. :smh:
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I'm not knocking him for his dating life but he obviously has issues when it comes to how he views women. So because Bill lied about an affair that's comparable to someone who values a woman based on how she looks? Trump has said some stupid things when it comes to women so it's a not a surprise they would go this route in attacking him.

Trump is a womanizer no doubt. Trump and Bill... two rich billionaires whom have treated women like objects over decades and one of them we have to know about on the daily for the next four years. :smh:

Only difference is Bill actually been accused of raped...

Oh and Bill aint a Billionaire.
Those Clinton's, I tell you. Its funny to me in one of Hillary's speeches she says she is not a career politician.

I wonder how she gets 250k per speech though? Because of her cooking secrets?? :rofl:
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^^^^Really?? So what do you think of Hillary, Rusty,??

That she is a better option that Trump

Based on what?

He's a his only salvation is Hillary picking liberal judges :lol: damn da economy...matta fact "she'll let Bill handle da Economy, he knows how to do it." :smh: :lol:

Not sure if posted, but I think Jon Stewart summed her up best. He obviously goes in on Trump too, but the way he describes her is far more damning whether he realizes it or not.

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