Donald Trump is running for president

It's funny too because you wanted a dude to be president who is actually a convicted swindler with his sales pitches and words to be president and now is.

But I guess if you use basic dumbed down vocabulary like great, good, and tremendous while you're hustling it's ok to the extent that he sounds like a New Yorker (who dude seemed to not be able to strike any relation to, he related more speaking that way to imbeciles in middle America.)
Thats the White America double standard and hypocrisy....

Trump says horrible things and its "cute or "respectable because he just doesnt give a ****"

to white Americans.

If Obama said half those things it would be considered "vile" "gangster pimp" and "thuggish"

to white Americans.

Whites just need to come to terms with thier very own hypocrisy and double standards of perception.

No point in reasoning with people who cant even check themselves for thier own BS.
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yup, guy who said this is a visionary:

"You know, when (Ben Carson) says he went after his mother and wanted to hit her in the head with a hammer. That bothers me. I mean, that's pretty bad. I'm not saying anything other than pathological is a very serious disease. And he said he's pathological, somebody said he has pathological disease. It's in the book that he's got a pathological temper. That's a big problem because you don't cure that. You don't cure these people. You don't cure a child molester. There's no cure for it. Pathological, there's no cure for that."


what makes Obama so good is that his intelligence and thoughtfulness comes across in his speech. that's why we gravitate towards him.

with trump, his thoughtlessness is what we see when he speaks. it's not that he's unpolished. he's just simple-minded, reactionary, and plain old dumb.
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Only a black president can be a great orator and get compared to a finessing pimp. Let's see how many times people make that comparison for Winston Churchill.

Let a black candidate say he can grab girls ******* because he's a star and let's see how people react too. Dudes would go uncle ruckus saying racist things about African roots.

Speaking in a savvy and smooth tone no matter what the color of the person
I would still label as a pimp or a used car salesmen white or black
It sounds good but your still being Bamboozled
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Only a black president can be a great orator and get compared to a finessing pimp. Let's see how many times people make that comparison for Winston Churchill.

Let a black candidate say he can grab girls ******* because he's a star and let's see how people react too. Dudes would go uncle ruckus saying racist things about African roots.

Speaking in a savvy and smooth tone no matter what the color of the person
I would still label as a pimp or a used car salesmen white or black
It sounds good but your still being Bamboozled

You are full of it
you're the type to call someone who goes off to college or who does well in school a sell-out.

we need people like you to stay on the sidelines.

The sidelines gives you a better view of the truth

Your not buying into the b.s.
Liberals don't like hearing the truth they want the we are the world crap and that just doesn't cut it once you take the blinders off

You are full of it
I'm not here to make you think otherwise
You don't believe what I'm saying I really don't care
you know what bothers me about this election?

i had always given people the benefit of the doubt. i didn't judge or dismiss or disregard someone who was uneducated or uncultured because i always assumed they still had a good moral compass and understood right vs wrong as well as anyone, sometimes even better.

the results of this election have made me rethink that premise. i used to think money corrupted, but now i realize that lack of education and culture can be even more detrimental.
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you're the type to call someone who goes off to college or who does well in school a sell-out.

we need people like you to stay on the sidelines.

The sidelines gives you a better view of the truth

Your not buying into the b.s.
Liberals don't like hearing the truth they want the we are the world crap and that just doesn't cut it once you take the blinders off

You are full of it
I'm not here to make you think otherwise
You don't believe what I'm saying I really don't care

Lots of projecting here.
"take the blinders off"

What does this mean?

You blind to what's really going on and you want to believe what your saying is right when it's not

In a nutshell you're not aware of what's going on around
I can't think of anything good that's happen with our government in the past 8 years the cost of living has gone up more the the average person can handle.
Rich or poor everyone is paying more for the things we want to the Basic necessities like food and rent
Like I said talking savvy and smooth sounds good in soundbites and on paper but in the end the public pays dearly for it.
"take the blinders off"

What does this mean?

You blind to what's really going on and you want to believe what your saying is right when it's not

In a nutshell you're not aware of what's going on around
I can't think of anything good that's happen with our government in the past 8 years the cost of living has gone up more the the average person can handle.
Rich or poor everyone is paying more for the things we want to the Basic necessities like food and rent
Like I said talking savvy and smooth sounds good in soundbites and on paper but in the end the public pays dearly for it.

The people in this KY county overwhelmingly voted for Trump (he got 86% of the votes there). They also elected a Republican who has vowed to eliminate the state version of Obamacare, which has made healthcare for the majority of them free, considering that the median income is around 13k a year.

Now, they are left wondering how they will pay for their medical care now that the candidates they championed are executing their plans.

Who are the ones with the blinders on? Who are the ones who believe the sweet nothings? Who are the used car salesmen?

Get real.
Unleaded gas is $1.85 a gallon where I'm at.
And you want me to believe the cost of basic necessities have gone up over the past 8yrs?
crystalmethod crystalmethod @Rexanglorum Just Like The People Who Dislike Their Government And Are Fleeing Their Countries To Come Here, You Can Do The Same - I Remember Alot Of People Saying If Donald Became President They Would Be Leaving! B Y E. Maybe Then We Can Take On More Immigrants. But To Continue Making This An Ethnic Issue - Please Lets Stop It, Please. Let It Go! I've Given Valid Points On The Immigration Issue - You Can Agree To Disagree Your Decision. @Rexanglorum What Degree Do You Hold??? Trump Went To Wharton Business School. What's Your Position - Did You Vote - If So For Who - And Reasons Why???


You realize everytime i respond to always go off on another topic and never adress what i said.

The fact that you cant realize that its 100% an ethnic issue is really tell tale of how much you dont know about how alot of people think. And through out your posts your proving yourslef to be one of these people.

You are ignorant.

But whatever.
I'm done.

You realize everytime i respond to always go off on another topic and never adress what i said.

The fact that you cant realize that its 100% an ethnic issue is really tell tale of how much you dont know about how alot of people think. And through out your posts your proving yourslef to be one of these people.

You are ignorant.

But whatever.
I'm done.

Skin Color Is Very Preliminary - Prejudices Are Much More Sophisticated. The Human Brain Should Be Able To Process Information Much Better Than That, But I May Be Assuming Because I Analyze Deeper. But If Most People Are Judging Skin Color Fine By Me - Skin Is Beautiful!
what makes Obama so good is that his intelligence and thoughtfulness comes across in his speech. that's why we gravitate towards him.
He also just comes across as a regular guy with a good head on his shoulders, not your typical politician. I think that's also why many people overseas gravitate towards him. Even people who couldn't give a damn about international politics have very favorable views towards him. My mom for example doesn't really follow politics but has repeatedly praised his character and is even sad he'll be leaving soon. Back when he first won the presidency my highschool even gave us the afternoon off to celebrate his victory 
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Only a black president can be a great orator and get compared to a finessing pimp. Let's see how many times people make that comparison for Winston Churchill.

Let a black candidate say he can grab girls ******* because he's a star and let's see how people react too. Dudes would go uncle ruckus saying racist things about African roots.

Speaking in a savvy and smooth tone no matter what the color of the person
I would still label as a pimp or a used car salesmen white or black
It sounds good but your still being Bamboozled

You are full of it

Sums up that grumpy weirdos posts.

And y'all really here bothering yourselves with someone hiding on their secondary account, capitalizing the first letter of every word?
your in texas enough said
But your post said "Rich or poor everyone is paying more for the things we want to the Basic necessities like food and rent"
There's no mention of geographical location so dont add it after the fact.

Lots and lots and lots of people are doing much better than they were 8yrs ago.
But your post said "Rich or poor everyone is paying more for the things we want to the Basic necessities like food and rent"
There's no mention of geographical location so dont add it after the fact.

Lots and lots and lots of people are doing much better than they were 8yrs ago.
I don't know any of the people you know
The people I know are not doing better then they was doing 2 years ago
The hell with 8 years before obama

The cost of living is cheap in Texas compared to nyc
Be happy with your $1.89 a gallon gas
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Unleaded gas is $1.85 a gallon where I'm at.
And you want me to believe the cost of basic necessities have gone up over the past 8yrs?
That's only one part of the basket of goods that the CPI takes into account- a lot of those goods are astronomically higher than they were in recent history (gas not being one of those, but it's also controlled). Another thing to factor in is inflation, which isn't accurate with all of the quantitative easing that's been done. It's hard to blame Obama for the financial mess he stepped in to. Some people blame sub prime mortgages (usually the conservatives because they can pin that on Clinton). Some blame Bush because a lot of the financial corruption related to sub prime mortgages and secondary markets happened under him (usually the left). To me it was just the political scene at the time and both sides were in the pockets of those that caused it. Nothing wrong with lending to risky borrowers if you do it right (stable rates that reflect the risk and don't allow them to be bundled together in other markets and have them called great investments. All while people collect bonuses for fooling those investors).
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Incoming White House Chief Of Staff says no Muslim registry. Although that was to be expected. Trump really bout to piss these supporters off
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