Donald Trump is running for president

The same Ernie Johnson who basically said he'd love to see how far Colin Kaepernick gets with trying his protest in some other country?

Yeah, ok.

I can't take the Inside the NBA crew seriously anymore.

Shaq has been a Trump "supporter" for a while yet sat up there the same night Ernie gave this speech and acted as if he agreed with the guys that it was a bad thing that Trump won.

This is why I simply don't idolize atheletes,musicians or movie stars.

Most of them are clowns...

Now when it comes to someone to look up to...
Presi trump should do that arrogant " fight me" walk that connor mcgregor does recently next leveled the vince mcmahon cocky billionaire walk to become the new most gangsta strut in existence.
You and Van Jones really need to reevaluate your "whitelash" conspiracy theory. Even if a sliver of the population feels the way you describe, the fact is that a small group of trees does not represent the forest. Your choice to focus on the fringe is what caused you to miss the movement.

Obama ultimately represented the establishment. He started his campaign saying he would only take private donations, only to buckle to the banks and insurance companies (based on what we've seen from the bailouts and Obamacare). There's a reason he said that not getting votes for Hillary would mess up his legacy. Obama was a last-ditch attempt of the establishment to regain the collective trust of the American people.

It's ironic that I'm a truck driver that picks up trucks in Minnesota and drives them through the entire "rust belt" out to the east coast. ALL I saw was Trump signs. I also stopped at rest stops and diners and spoke with people. I found a lot common ground with people of all colors. I didn't understand at the time how important that area was, but i knew Trump had tapped into an organic groundswell movement.

Please make an attempt to let go of the media-driven "everything's racist" narrative and actually reach across the aisle and ask your fellow man why he voted opposite from you. Try to have a dialogue instead of walking up and telling people (falsely) why they did what they did. Everything isn't as black and white as you think.

They hated the establishment so much that they almost exclusively re-elected them in every other area of leadership in the country (Senate, Rep, Governors). The GOP is running the country just as they have been since 2010. This is why your or anyone else's claim is they wanted an outsider rings really hollow because if it was true it would have permeated throught the process, but it didn't. Career politicians are in the same place and the outsider savior looks to be putting his staff together full of those guys/ladies as well. Good thing the president has autonomy though...oh wait.

As for the whitelash, Van Jones spoke as eloquently and factually as one could without really going in.
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Trump did to poor white people what Democrats did to black people.


Black people didn't to start to vote Democrat because the Dems tricked them into it. Please don't believe that.

Black people used to vote Dem-GOP like around 70-30 even as high as 60-40 (which is line with Latinos, Asians and educated whites of today), but a few months after the Civil Rights Act pass, the GOP ran a segregationist as their candidate, then in the next election they started to use dog whistle racist rhetoric to recruit poor whites. They have been using that strategy ever since.

Republicans abandoned the black vote in favor of poor whites. And that was made easier because at the same time the Dems where kicking out racist whites (Dixiecrats) from the party, they found a home in the GOP.

And Ii is kinda crazy to compare one election, which had low turnout, and knowing that poor whites vote for the GOP nearly at the same clip black people vote Dem, to black community's voting trends over decades, and that stretch over all socio-economic levels.
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You and Van Jones really need to reevaluate your "whitelash" conspiracy theory. Even if a sliver of the population feels the way you describe, the fact is that a small group of trees does not represent the forest. Your choice to focus on the fringe is what caused you to miss the movement.

Obama ultimately represented the establishment. He started his campaign saying he would only take private donations, only to buckle to the banks and insurance companies (based on what we've seen from the bailouts and Obamacare). There's a reason he said that not getting votes for Hillary would mess up his legacy. Obama was a last-ditch attempt of the establishment to regain the collective trust of the American people.

It's ironic that I'm a truck driver that picks up trucks in Minnesota and drives them through the entire "rust belt" out to the east coast. ALL I saw was Trump signs. I also stopped at rest stops and diners and spoke with people. I found a lot common ground with people of all colors. I didn't understand at the time how important that area was, but i knew Trump had tapped into an organic groundswell movement.

Please make an attempt to let go of the media-driven "everything's racist" narrative and actually reach across the aisle and ask your fellow man why he voted opposite from you. Try to have a dialogue instead of walking up and telling people (falsely) why they did what they did. Everything isn't as black and white as you think.

They hated the establishment so much that they almost exclusively re-elected them in every other area of leadership in the country (Senate, Rep, Governors). The GOP is running the country just as they have been since 2010. This is why your or anyone else's claim is they wanted an outsider rings really hollow because if it was true it would have permeated throught the process, but it didn't. Career politicians are in the same place and the outsider savior looks to be putting his staff together full of those guys/ladies as well. Good thing the president has autonomy though...oh wait.

As for the whitelash, Van Jones spoke as eloquently and factually as one could without really going in.

Their own senators treat them like ****, and they reelect them. What did you expect?

Until we reeducate the American on the nitty gritty of his/her own political system, we will always have scenarios like this. I asked the same thing to TT yesterday: if he was tired of being lied to, if he saw that one of the candidates was liying to him, why did he persist with his support of said candidate? It's just not rational.
I hope he does well but i just realized something

During that near decade when obama was in office there was always that group of people....the silent majority.....that throughout that whole time werent really a fan of the president. The "lets see what he does now :rolleyes group"

Thats going to be me now lol.

:lol: i guess ya gonna just stay mad for 4 years ehh? after us on da ground knew what it was for months and months.

here's da irrefutable fact, da same people that voted for Obama TWICE just voted in Donald Trump.

Nah they didn't. Obama didn't win the white vote last time either, and especially the non-educated one. Obama won primarily because of his diverse coalition which didn't show up in as great of a numbeds as needed in the right states. But Drumpf still got less votes than Romney and lost the popular vote on top.
America is so GREAT NOW!

"I was approached by an old white guy, maybe in his 70s, with a Trump shirt, at Chili's on Veteran's Day yesterday... He said he was in Germany, and that they did not let Blacks serve over there," Walker wrote in a Facebook post on Saturday.

Walker told Dallas News he was stationed in Hawaii in the 25th Infantry Division during the late 1980s. Black soldiers have fought in every American war since the Revolutionary War, including World War II, though often in segregated units.

Walker said that as he prepared to leave with a to-go box of food, he was approached by the Chili's manager, Wesley Patrick. Walker said Patrick told him that another customer had reported he was not a real veteran, and that his dog, who was with him at the restaurant, was not an actual service dog.

"At this point I was grossly offended embarrassed dehumanized and started [r]ecording," Walker, whose name on Facebook is Ernest Blackbatman, wrote in a post accompanying a video that he recorded. "Mr. Wesley snatched my food away, made body contact."

I was approached by an old white guy, maybe in his 70s, with a Trump Shirt, at Chili's on Veteran's Day yesterday. He asked if I was in the 24th unit, and I said "no the 25th". TRICK QUESTION. He said he was in Germany, and that they did not let Blacks serve over there. He left to the back, and came back and rubbed my dog Barack, who is a service dog. I was seated and eating my food. The waitress packed the rest of my food in a to go box because I had to go pick up my wife. I got my food and tipped the waitress. Then the Manager, MR. Wesley Patrick, comes from the same area in the back, walked up, and rudly informs me that a guest said that I was not a real soldier because I had my hat on indoors. Other guests heard him. He asked for my military ID, I was calm, and provided it to him. I also provided him with my DD214 which is my discharge paperwork. At that point he should have just said "I am sorry Sir, thank you for your service' Instead he followed up with "the guest also said your dog is not a service dog." Barack had his Red Service Vest on, and his Certified Service Tags. I was sitting for 35 minutes prior with Barack beforehand. At this point I was grossly offended embarrassed dehumanized and started Recording...Mr. Wesley snatched my food away, made body contact
Trump flipped plenty counties that voted Obama twice. Counties in states that he flipped, like PA and WI.

And that's the part that needs to be analyzed more. How prominent was this shift? Any data about this? The question is did they flip votes because they were unhappy with Obama's presidency or did they just not like Hillary. Or maybe they liked Trump and his message.
Trump flipped plenty counties that voted Obama twice. Counties in states that he flipped, like PA and WI.

He flipped a few and in other counties in PA Hillary outperformed Obama from last time IE the Philly metro and suburban areas so it's a bit deeper than saying the people switched allegiances. Some did and even more that didn't vote last time in rural areas for either party came out this time.
I hope he does well but i just realized something

During that near decade when obama was in office there was always that group of people....the silent majority.....that throughout that whole time werent really a fan of the president. The "lets see what he does now :rolleyes group"

Thats going to be me now lol.

I genuinely respect that revelation. We should all hope he does well. In the meantime, get hip to the fact that he plays dumb as a form of offense in social encounters. #3dchess
Donald seems to be way more reserved in his approach. His body language and new "somber" tone shows that he recognizes how serious this position is and how tantamount his decisions are gonna be. The humility shown so far is surprising to say the least.. I'll be watching with a close eye.
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:lol: i guess ya gonna just stay mad for 4 years ehh? after us on da ground knew what it was for months and months.

here's da irrefutable fact, da same people that voted for Obama TWICE just voted in Donald Trump.

Nah they didn't. Obama didn't win the white vote last time either, and especially the non-educated one. Obama won primarily because of his diverse coalition which didn't show up in as great of a numbeds as needed in the right states. But Drumpf still got less votes than Romney and lost the popular vote on top.

u still gonna lie to yourself?

70% of America is white.

peep this video with Michael Moore on MSNBC, it refutes ur entire claim.

Them broke bois in the Midwest that voted for Drump are gonna die when they found out they fell for the banana in the tailpipe :rofl:
:lol: i guess ya gonna just stay mad for 4 years ehh? after us on da ground knew what it was for months and months.

here's da irrefutable fact, da same people that voted for Obama TWICE just voted in Donald Trump.

Nah they didn't. Obama didn't win the white vote last time either, and especially the non-educated one. Obama won primarily because of his diverse coalition which didn't show up in as great of a numbeds as needed in the right states. But Drumpf still got less votes than Romney and lost the popular vote on top.

u still gonna lie to yourself?

70% of America is white.

peep this video with Michael Moore on MSNBC, it refutes ur entire claim.

I know you're have a hard time with facts, especially ones involving numbers, but geez

Obama never one the white vote. That is mostly because of uneducated whites allegiance to the GOP
Surprise, surprise Senate votes against bill giving benefits to vets. Bet you can guess who the majority of them voted for though.
People still surprised by a guy who didn't get a single backing from a Republican yet still won the nomination for the party?

Simply, he catered to emotions and understood the game, how it's played, and how to win it. Hillary slacked because she thought it was a guaranteed win.

Don't know how you do it, but he did it. Now, gotta wait and see what deals he cut in order to get there.

It feels like it's an ok let me get the office, but you call all the shots presidency. Well see. I'm not for either party, I vote for whoever I see is fit, but I just don't understand how people can't see thru a person like the Donald. I can feel his angle, since day 1. I do agree with some things he says. I think he will do good. I think he will also see realistically that most of the promises he sold to people for the vote cannot be accomplished.
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