does my family member have a case for sexual harassment?

Feb 29, 2000
ok so quick story. my family member benn working at this place for 10 years. new boss comes in and is a jerk. gives my family member 70% evaluation score whenshe had 100% all the other years. my family member doesnt hide her dislike for the new boss as the old boss and her were really good friends. argument occursbehind closed doors about said evaluation and the new boss says in a nutshell "were you sleeping with the old boss?" and my family member replies areyou crazy? no! then the new boss ask "then will you sleep with me?" my family member goes to management and reports this and they tell her "doyou have any proof that he said this? " so because there was no witnesses they cant do anything about it but change her department. my question is......isthis sexual harassment and if it is why is it allowed to go unpunished???
damn, thats %$$@%$ up. It seems like something that wont go thru in court though. You can definetley try though, and should.
Originally Posted by maxb7ty

Originally Posted by sheistbugz

Originally Posted by FREQUENTFLYER

[Edited out]


witty, but this is not the time or place.

I iz serious cat this iz serious thread.

take the new boss to court if HR doesnt do anything about this
i have no clue when it comes to legal cases and all that type of stuff, but how can she win a case if there's no proof?
my pop told me, "its not what really happened that matters, its what you can prove happened." sounds like y'all $#8^ outta luck bro... get onyour 007 hype and catch dude on hidden camera or hidden mic. or something..
Thats terrible but no proof = no case. See if he's harassed others. Get enough people to testify and then you'll have an actual case but you'llmost likely just get him fired
need proof? there have been countless times where its told to HR, and they get on him to make sure he DIDNT say it. you dont do nothing because theres no"proof"
Originally Posted by SINce1987

my pop told me, "its not what really happened that matters, its what you can prove happened." sounds like y'all $#8^ outta luck bro... get on your 007 hype and catch dude on hidden camera or hidden mic. or something..

word to Denzel in Training Day "It's not what you know, it's what you can prove!".....that is soooo true in life!

Where did she work?
Originally Posted by htownhooper31

That's not harassment, it's a simple question. She shoulda said no thank you and got on with her day.

nah, thats an inappropriate question, and is sexual harassment.

Hell, listening to someone else talking about sex can be deemed sexual harasment.
damn thats crazy but sense there were no witness the only thing i can think of it taking it to the highest level and at least have a record of it ... it reallyis gonna be a he said she said battle for now .... sorry fam hope yall win this
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