Does clothes make the man ?

I love looking fresh and all but at the end of the day i feel stupid because i spent too much dough on clothes. I still don't get why i should spend 100 +for a pair of jean, 30 for a t shirt, 100 for a pair of kicks, 150 for a jacket. I've tried to cut down on shopping but for some reason i keep going backfor more. The Polo thread does not help much
Does anyone feel this way ?
[color= rgb(204, 153, 0)]If you got style, then you should be able to make target work for you... Cats thinking you gotta havea Supreme fit to be fresh are failing IMO....[/color]
Clothes definately makes a man stand out. But you dont have to dress expensive to be a man.

But if your good enough, you can make a target outfit look like a million bucks

*Edit* hivemind
If clothes define who you are, then you must not have much going for you. Not you specifically, but the universal "you". A person needs substance,charisma, goals etc. clothes really don't matter.
Addicted to being fly, I cant help it, nor do I want to change for that matter.

Women tend to be more into physique than clothing so may want to fall back on all that spending, especially
considering these girls are not spending half of what you spend on an outfit.
I never understood why anyone would spend that much money on items that they can only wear a few times max. Just doesn't make any sense whatsoever.

If your clothes are making you, then you've got it all wrong and you need to reevaluate.
Originally Posted by Fanatic15

If clothes define who you are, then you must not have much going for you. Not you specifically, but the universal "you". A person needs substance, charisma, goals etc. clothes really don't matter.

Said it best. Most dude fails to realize this, but a lot of times clothes makes a man stand out. If you're looking bad or smelling bad, that wont sit wellwith the ladies.
(Your gangster is not defined)
Your gangster is not defined by how low your jeans fall by your waist, but more how your genes stand over his expectations.Never forget where you came from.
(Your gangster)
Your gangster is not defined by how many rocks are in your watch, but rather how many rocks you move while on yourwatch.
(Gangsters, hustlers, republicans, democrats, pimps and !!$@.)
Conservatives, labor, the seller, the buyer, the product, the producer.
(See you are what you are in this world.)
The gangster is absorbed and adored by those that don't understand the laws that govern gangsterment.
Gangsterment allows you to make up your own laws and create brand newwords.
Clothing is an extension of your personality. [color= rgb(0, 0, 0)](Sounds good,I almost believe it)[/color]
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