Does anyone else ever be at work like "Yo, this can't be life"?

All the time.. But I'm working to create a better future..

This is one of many ways to look at it. Many people can be content with making money with a job they don't like. hell, thats probably the mentality behind those blue collar workers, dirty jobs, etc who work the same thing day in day out, for years and years. Its not a fun job. But they get by. I think it really is about your situation currently, and what was your life like when you came up in terms of education opportunities, job opportunities, struggles, etc.

Simply put, I think you should do what makes you happy, but keep in mind that money make the world go round. it doesn't buy literal happiness, but it is what prevents or gives you problems in life.

I was fortunate to graduate college debt free, with a EE degree but couldn't find a job right out of college. After a long search, i got lucky with a friend hooking me up, and I took it. Did it for 2 years. coworkers were great for most part. but the work was boring, and mundane. at least for me. besides the industry i was in (MEP) wasn't my scene. Didn't like waking up to sit down for 8 hrs at a computer.

i changed my field and went into medicine so to speak, and am happy with the change. No regrets.
I didn't expect so many people to relate, I was honestly just venting :lol:

There's so much insight in this thread. I'm actually gonna clear my job at the beginning of the fall semester to focus on my school work. So close to graduation and it's getting rough

Anyone else be applying to what seems like cool jobs only to find out its another one of those multi-level marketing things? :smh:

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Peter Gibbons: So I was sitting in my cubicle today, and I realized, ever since I started working, every single day of my life has been worse than the day before it. So that means that every single day that you see me, that's on the worst day of my life.

Where are you working at?
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see thats the thing im not struggling money was its the emotional side if that makes since ill be 30 next year and I dont kno what career I want. I want to wake up and be happy to go to work.
that's what i want also been job hopping made bad decisions when i was younger 

dropped out of high school and was a struggling hood figure
 for a couple of yrs 

but i did get my ged during that time im doing ok now

but im married with a lil boy and its just not enough bread to go around

im almost at 30k a year and with my wife it puts us close to 60k

but we are like in the thin area where we make too much but don't make enough
I am 27 and have been working for a gov contractor for 6 years now. Ever since I moved into the business area out of manufacturing/hands on work I have hated it. Sit in a cube all day long and feel like I'm wasting my life away. I make good money, good benefits, paid for me to finish school, will pay for grad school, but every day I ask myself.... Is it worth it? If it werent for living on my own and having to put a roof over my head I would have quit a long time ago. I have a degree but I'm not looking for another "rat race" job. Hopefully one day I'll figure something out so I can stop thinking "Yo, this cant be life."
I am 27 and have been working for a gov contractor for 6 years now. Ever since I moved into the business area out of manufacturing/hands on work I have hated it. Sit in a cube all day long and feel like I'm wasting my life away. I make good money, good benefits, paid for me to finish school, will pay for grad school, but every day I ask myself.... Is it worth it? If it werent for living on my own and having to put a roof over my head I would have quit a long time ago. I have a degree but I'm not looking for another "rat race" job. Hopefully one day I'll figure something out so I can stop thinking "Yo, this cant be life."

dem feels man

this is a pretty serious summer for me, actually had a talk with my mom today might be selling my place an moving back home
I didn't expect so many people to relate, I was honestly just venting

There's so much insight in this thread. I'm actually gonna clear my job at the beginning of the fall semester to focus on my school work. So close to graduation and it's getting rough

Anyone else be applying to what seems like cool jobs only to find out its another one of those multi-level marketing things?

Where are you working at?
I work as freelance production assistant on TV and Film sets. 

I use to hate to wake up each morning because I knew exactly how my day would turn out even before I went through it.

Jobs that restrict your movement and force you to repeat the same task throughout the day are soul crushing and drain you of any creativity or motivation.

I'd rather earn a little and love what I do than earn a ton and hate to wake up each morning. 

                              "They pay you just enough so that you don't quit and you work just hard enough so that you don't get fired!"
I am in that current situation now. Going into physical therapy is a 7 to 8 year commitment. I started my journey a little late while working menial jobs here and there with the epitome being in a unionized hotel industry. During my gap year between undergrad and grad school (now) I reflected to see if I really wanted to continue. After getting yelled at, treated like dirt, doing what I felt was a meaningless job feeling like my existence is meaningless i knew for sure I was going to continue with my goals lol. 

Make sure you are studying something that you know you are going to love. 
dem feels man

this is a pretty serious summer for me, actually had a talk with my mom today might be selling my place an moving back home
I'm surprised your mom didn't want you to become a doctor of some sort since she's a dentist herself, man.

Best of luck in your career and life path.
when I worked retail yea I did im just waiting for a job in my field until then it looks like ima be moving furniture/junk hauling..which I actually enjoy  for idk what reason but I love it
see thats the thing im not struggling money was its the emotional side if that makes since ill be 30 next year and I dont kno what career I want. I want to wake up and be happy to go to work.
that's what i want also been job hopping made bad decisions when i was younger :smh:
dropped out of high school and was a struggling hood figure :lol:  for a couple of yrs 
but i did get my ged during that time im doing ok now
but im married with a lil boy and its just not enough bread to go around
im almost at 30k a year and with my wife it puts us close to 60k
but we are like in the thin area where we make too much but don't make enough :smh:  
are we brothers :nerd:
just described my life to the tee
except i finished high school
just got a call back though from this county job
and they want me to start monday
put my 2 weeks notice in JUST NOW
and gonna call out all next week
i make cool money now but its a job that will need to nowhere
this county job will lead to way greener pastures
I most definitely feel like this every time I have to work. Been there since my freshman year in high school and I just graduated college in May. Im so tired of the place that I be wanting to call up there and say I quit this wack job with this wack *** pay. Im the best manager this company ever hired. And im not bsing I have had th general manager and even the owners tell me this and I know because I truly work my *** off but they dont want to pay me! Got a BS in business mgmt!
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I most definitely feel like this every time I have to work. Been there since my jr year in high school and I just graduated college in May. Im so tired of the place that I be wanting to call up there and say I quit this wack job with this wack *** pay. Im the best manager this company ever hired. And im not bsing I have had th general manager and even the owners tell me this and I know because I truly work my *** off but they dont want to pay me! Got a BS in business mgmt!
what do u do exactly
like what kind of company???
and with that kind of leverage
it seems like that cant afford to lose u
u can give em an ultimatum
like u found something better but u wanna stay here if yall can match or come close
see if they budge
what do u do exactly
like what kind of company???
and with that kind of leverage
it seems like that cant afford to lose u
u can give em an ultimatum
like u found something better but u wanna stay here if yall can match or come close
see if they budge
Manager at this ice cream place
And I want to do that but first I most definitely want something to fall back on just in case they want to play tough and then I can seriously quit if they don't want to meet my requests.
Just started a job at Lowes, HATE it. After like 45 minutes to an hour, I'll look at my phone and only 7 minutes have gone by :smh:

Won't be here forever though. Meanwhile I'm there, I'll put 100% into it and be the best I can be.

Used to work there myself, so I can def. relate :lol:. What position are you, if you don't mind me asking?
I feel like this every once in a while. But then I realize I'm not going to be here forever. And I end up feeling sorry for all the people I work with that have been there 5+ years. Like damn dog. The benefits are good but this is really it for you?

Grateful to be where I am but this is not at all where I'll be finishing my career
I'm surprised your mom didn't want you to become a doctor of some sort since she's a dentist herself, man.

Best of luck in your career and life path.

Nah my parents were never pushy or anything like that with my sis or I.
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Been a stay-at-home dad for a touch over 2 years now, but it's time for me to head back to work soon.

Got a 4-yr degree and had a steady state government job for 3.5 years prior to staying at home. It was my first "real" job after college. I'd say I hated it about 95% of the time. I was chained to a desk and computer most the day and it just sucked the life out of me. Quite frankly, I'm surprised I made it there that long.

So now that it's time to find a job, I'm at a complete loss about what to do. Thinking about a desk job makes me mad depressed, but most other jobs I'm seeing simply don't pay well. I just don't want to be that guy who is 50 and hates his job. I've learned that I'm not a "company man" at all. In fact, if I could work by myself or be in charge of my own small company, I'd be perfectly happy. But I have zero clue on how I can turn what I love in life into a way to make money. Really, really, really sucks. I know a job isn't my life, but I spend so much time working that it only makes sense that I get some satisfaction from it. Can't see myself being that 9-5, rat race dude ever again, but it looks like I may have to say eff what I see in my future and just bite the bullet and join the race again. Not looking forward to it at all.
i just never got the whole 9a-5p thing when it really its like 8a-6:30p, when you factor in an hour lunch (thats so long) and commutes...

Gothenburg, Sweden is experimenting with a six-hour work day...interesting
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