Does Anyone else Conditionally rep Team Raw? Vol. I can't be the only one...


Jun 1, 2008
Yo NT, I was just thinking about this when reflecting my own encounters.

I go to a private catholic university and suffice it to say that some of the kids at this place are BANKING. Some kid drives around a Skyline, there are a ton of range rovers, BMWs, Mercedes, etc. I happened to meet one of these rich kids through a mutual friend (my home girl brought her over my house once when my roommates and I were having a party.) Her family owns a few newer living complexes in the cities, and she lives in the pent house suite of one of them.

Long story short, I ended up at her place one night and just as I was about to strap up she goes "Oh, you don't need to use one of those. I never use them and I've been on birth control since HS." Now, I was pretty wasted, but I've been much more drunk on other occasions and was still smart enough to strap up (especially since I know a little of this chick's history and it's
.) Then I realized that right before we started getting down, she was telling me about all the places her father owns and how many homes her family has across the states.

So, in essence, I purposefully didn't strap up because I know if I get her preggo I'm set for life.

..I feel so dirty.
Shes on Birth control tho. So you took a chance with a @**!% thats rich?? You need to get your priority's straightened out dude.
Originally Posted by soltheman

Yo NT, I was just thinking about this when reflecting my own encounters.

I go to a private catholic university and suffice it to say that some of the kids at this place are BANKING. Some kid drives around a Skyline, there are a ton of range rovers, BMWs, Mercedes, etc. I happened to meet one of these rich kids through a mutual friend (my home girl brought her over my house once when my roommates and I were having a party.) Her family owns a few newer living complexes in the cities, and she lives in the pent house suite of one of them.

Long story short, I ended up at her place one night and just as I was about to strap up she goes "Oh, you don't need to use one of those. I never use them and I've been on birth control since HS." Now, I was pretty wasted, but I've been much more drunk on other occasions and was still smart enough to strap up (especially since I know a little of this chick's history and it's
.) Then I realized that right before we started getting down, she was telling me about all the places her father owns and how many homes her family has across the states.

So, in essence, I purposefully didn't strap up because I know if I get her preggo I'm set for life.

..I feel so dirty.
As an active member of Team Raw, I commend you.
I've never used a condom in my life.

I've also never not used a condom in hopes of knocking up a rich girl.

*tips hat*
reppin' Team Raw too.

Good job, unless the dad doesn't like you and threatens to erase you from the earth if you do not stay away.
@ set for life. How do you not know things won't flip on you in the future? Stay safe, and don't do that again. Especially not knowing her background, c'mon dawg.
I read this "Team Raw" stuff and I laugh, because I just know yall are reaching for the lulz. But I read it more and more, and yall %$%#%# are dead !%% serious. Just raw doggin these #%@@? I'm strappin up all the time. No risks over here.
yall are so stupid. seriously.

its crazy dudes even go as far as getting "burned" like it's cool and still carry on like hiv isn't real.

you have sex with the girl you have sex with every guy she has sexed with and every girl that guy has had sex with and every guy that girl has had sex with x infinity. you think the chance of stds is at 0? wilding.

I did it once by complete mistake, got tested, never in a million years again, so disappointed in myself after that,b lame it on the alcohol but still, she just hopped on and i went with it.

and yes it felt mad good and wet.
save it for marriage. rolling the dice with random @%+$*# and you two haven't even been tested is not a good look. sorry to be the debbie downer but...
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