Do you get angry when people

Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo


The irony and ignorance in this thread....

I get real heated when ignorant white people think every one who speaks spanish is mexican.

youd be surprised at how much racist
our white "friends" and acquaintances say when us minorities aren't around

Ya'll seriously think that only "White" people are racist,
. I'm Mexican, hung out with people of all races/ethnicities and most think that all Latin people are Mexican, until I school them. A lot of black people that I come across referr to Latino's as Mexican. Some of it is innocent ignorance and all you have to do is drop knowledge instead of sitting in your seat fuming. Most of them get the
, face and apologize and thank me for letting them know. Someone once asked me "What part of Mexico is El Salvador in?", I just laughed and told that person that El Salvador is not a part of Mexico, and is located in Central America. It isn't right to tell a person from El Salvador that they are Mexican, it is offensive to many. You can refer to them as Latino since El Salvador is in Central America and is a part of the region known as Latin America (Mexico, Central America, South America, DR, PR, etc).

That is the problem with people nowadays, all they do is stay quiet and be bitter instead of taking action and dropping knowledge. You can't blame people for being ignorant when all you do is stay quiet and don't speak up.

the point isn't that only white people are racist , its more so that white people in my circle can never admit to beingracist . ive heard so many white people say racist things that they actually believe in , and then when they are accused of saying something racist deny ittill no end . ive had white people say "you only got into blah blah university because of affirmitive action" when they knew absolutely nothing aboutmy grades or my SAT scores

my ex GFs parents didnt want us dating because she was white and im black , and this chick had the nerve totry and tell me that she didn't think her parents were racist ? are you
kidding me ?
Yea that's my main beef with people. It'd be untrue to say only white people do it, not by a long shot, but if I had a nickel for every time somebodyprefaced with, "Not to be racist but..." then said or did something racist I'd be a gillionaire. These same people will buy into all the bigotedstereotypes, develop an expectation bias looking over the 100s of people who don't fit that box only to find one to "justify" theirracism/xenophobia, and if ever called on it will say, "I'm not racist, I have a ______ friend."

Newsflash, even if true that doesn't at all preclude you from the possibility of being racist. You can even date interracially and be racist. Hardlyanybody actually thinks they're racist. In fact I've literally heard people say stuff like, "I'm not racist, I just don't like _____people," or that they don't hire those people, or want to associate with any of those people, etc. It's like dude, that is the definitionof racist.
the point isn't that only white people are racist , its more so that white people in my circle can never admit to being racist . ive heard so many white people say racist things that they actually believe in , and then when they are accused of saying something racist deny it till no end . ive had white people say "you only got into blah blah university because of affirmitive action" when they knew absolutely nothing about my grades or my SAT scores

my ex GFs parents didnt want us dating because she was white and im black , and this chick had the nerve to try and tell me that she didn't think her parents were racist ? are you
kidding me ?

Nobody wants to believe they are racist and everybody will deny it. I've had black people tell me: "I can't beracist, I'm black". My reaction:
, because that personactually believed what they said.

Furthermore, interracial dating is a touchy subject. White people are not the only ones that frown upon it. You always hear about black women frowning uponthe black men going with white/asian/latin broads. Most Middle Eastern Parents frown upon dating outside the race/creed. What about when parents don'tallow their son/daughter to date/marry someone outside their religion? Is that racism. I think that is tackling a whole 'nother monster.
nah i just have a good laugh about it... if its funny....

it its disrespectful.. ive dead spit on people for disrespecting my race..
I personally cannot understand why someone would be racist. Nevertheless some people choose to be racist and actual believe the type of junk science thatclaims that character and intelligence are bundled up with skin color, eye texture and other traits which are based on the most minute genetic variations.

In other countries where there are multiple ethnicities and they have fought a recent civil war along ethnic lines, I can understand seeing someone who isdifferent from your own ethnic group and seeing that person as a potential enemy. However, being from this country and being from the group that hastraditionally has been given the most advantages and privileges, I see a different person and I see a potential friend or potential person with whom I can dobusiness and we can both make each other better off in the end.

Perhaps whites and people from other ethnic groups see others as threats because in much of our academic and political discourse, the world is presented as azero sum game . The notion is that all of the wealth in the world is fixed so if someone else starts to do well then your own group must suffer as a result.The truth is that the proverbial pie, of which we all want a piece, can grow and shrink and much of the size of society's pie is based on how much or howlittle people in a society work together peacefully and voluntarily.

If one thinks rationally about the World, it is clear that the world is not zero sum and people of different backgrounds can work with people from otherbackgrounds and all parties can have better lives as a result. Many influential voices end up telling the public the zero sum narrative. In the of academicsand members of the media, they do not have a disincentive against being wrong and in the case of politics they often times have an incentive to not only bewrong about the world being zero sum but also to be hyper provincial.

Alas, far too many people in our society will continue being provincial and will view others as a threat instead of as a friend.
Jokes is jokes. Personally I woulda said i'd head out to where you pick up day laborers.

If I don't feel any disrespect coming from the statement, I won't treat it like there is any.
Originally Posted by wj4

I crack stereotype jokes all the time..but only to ppl who I have known for a while. I keep it tame to my classmates and those who I don't know too well.

Same, usually just crack jokes if me and my friends are hanging out at home or just us. Usually dont say stuff openly in public too.

to the original poster, that taco thing isnt even funny, why would ppl laugh at that. smh
I joke around with my friends and family. My girl is white/Chinese, and her mom is all the way Chinese. I'm pretty light-hearted about it, and I veryseldom get mad about stereotypes if they're just honest jokes.

What really makes me mad is how some of my black friends (yes I'm black) can blame other people for being racist when they can't see how close-mindedthey are themselves. I hate that. Just because we're black doesn't mean we have to go out into the world with a chip on our shoulders.

I also hate the way ignorance pervades our society. People make stupid assumptions based on ancient preconceptions. TO THIS DAY some of the people that I wentto high school with think that the only reason I go out with my girl is because she's white/Chinese (based on a well-known stereotype, this means thatshe's easy, and that she gives good top). No, I date her simply because I love her, not because of what she can do for me, whether it be material orsexual.

What a world we live in.
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