Do not eat a Umi Sushi in Atlanta, Georgia!

Isn’t this the norm what am I missing here?

Lots of places have that dress code that want to be more upscale.

It’s been a long time since i lived in Atlanta but i remember a lot of black clubs having this sort of dress code + metal detector also.

Not saying the owner / that place isn’t racist but don’t get why this specific place is being called out for a dress code requirement that’s almost a word for word standard used by most places.

I’m probably just getting old and don’t know what the norm is anymore. What do places usually say as the dress code nowadays?

Go back under your rock please or go back and watch the video.
Comprehension seems to be your weak areas.

Related to this vid all too well. During the mid 2000s that's how every bar and club in my city was run. Even when I moved back to Milwaukee in 2014 alot of clubs were using dress codes and bans on certain brands to keep Blacks out. I've legit seen clubs say no jokes, camo shorts neck tats, ripped jeans, jordans ALL OF IT.

I'm ashamed to say when I was young I just complied. As I've gotten older I just made the concious decision that if someone was doing their best to keep me out then I wasn't going to put my all into getting into their establishments just to spend my hard earned money.

**** that sushi spot and that owner. Homie doing his best to "look" cool based on an image that our culture has made hot. Using a dress code to keep those same people out of his spot is sucka ****. I could never support.
Pre Covid, there wasn't a single high end restaurant that did not allow sneakers in NYC, not one. Why would I want to go down to the confederacy and find out that sneakers were not considered upscale, especially at damned sushi bar?

Imagine having the audacity of not being anywhere near the ocean and then acting like your day old transported frozen fish sushi allows you to be a high end “exclusive” restaurant :lol: worst excuse of all time to keep black people out
Imagine having the audacity of not being anywhere near the ocean and then acting like your day old transported frozen fish sushi allows you to be a high end “exclusive” restaurant :lol: worst excuse of all time to keep black people out
DC spoiled me. If you want seafood you go to the warf where that **** just came from. You dress like a bum and eat that **** on the street :lol:
Theyre being called out because they arent keeping it consistant for everyone.

If no sneakers are allowed, fine, but that should apply to everyone. Doesnt matter their race or brand of sneaker theyre wearing.

I’ve been to clubs in majority white areas where dudes were wearing damn flip flops inside.

also dress code has no correlation to behavior. Vegas has “upscale” dress code yet the trashiest people from all over the country fly out there to party.
DC spoiled me. If you want seafood you go to the warf where that **** just came from. You dress like a bum and eat that **** on the street :lol:

I mentioned this earlier, but sushi is like that too in Japan. Other than the spots with exclusive master chefs that prepare meals for presidents/royalty, I haven’t been to a single sushi spot in Japan that acts so pretentious. It’s a simple food concept that has many cheap options, and even in the more expensive spots (I’ve been to one where it was almost $100 a person) decor is bare bones and people wear whatever the hell they want there.

I don’t get how a fake sushi spot in Atlanta tries to do all this when it’s such an everyday meal in the country it originates from. And like KHUFU KHUFU mentioned, I haven’t been to a single “upscale” restaurant in NYC/Cali that has this type of dress code, and these are places with the best food in the entire country
I mentioned this earlier, but sushi is like that too in Japan. Other than the spots with exclusive master chefs that prepare meals for presidents/royalty, I haven’t been to a single sushi spot in Japan that acts so pretentious. It’s a simple food concept that has many cheap options, and even in the more expensive spots (I’ve been to one where it was almost $100 a person) decor is bare bones and people wear whatever the hell they want there.

I don’t get how a fake sushi spot in Atlanta tries to do all this when it’s such an everyday meal in the country it originates from.
They’re selling the “experience” not the food. I’m not hip to all that BS. Good food is good food. All that other stuff is pointless
I’ve been to clubs in majority white areas where dudes were wearing damn flip flops inside.

also dress code has no correlation to behavior. Vegas has “upscale” dress code yet the trashiest people from all over the country fly out there to party.
Maaaaannnnnn.....LOL! You are DEAD ON about places like Vegas!
Yeah probably should of prefaced my comment with - what happened in the specific circumstance from the video was nonsense and clearly some / all / the owner a racist and picks and chooses when to apply their standards based on subjective and racist standards.

Was just more wondering if things have changed these days for words being used for dress codes. The statement sounds like a standard set of words that’s been used for decades to exclude younger “ghetto” people from going to a place. Often this means black but it depends on the area and can mean a pretty broad range of people (in a place like california where ghetto is spread a little more evenly if based just on jersey wearing dress codes)

You're not black, huh?
Circling back around to the discussion on the last 2 pages: sushi is one of those foods that I've made a serious effort to try and enjoy, but I'm always underwhelmed by it.

Still looking for that roll or piece of nigiri that makes me go "wow," but I haven't found it yet.
Sushi's something you have to get from the right spots.

It can easily be underwhelming and like McDonald's or mall Chinese food.

Plus something like a California roll which everyone normally tries first isn't something that will grab you in either.
Food poisoning much? :lol:
The one thing you DO NOT do, is to eat food from questionable sources, especially from those of questionable hygiene!

Hey, people get food poisoning on cruise ships and even at high end restaurants, so...

Ya’ll gotta stop discriminating against the little dirty restaurants :pimp: :pimp:
Hole in the wall spot gotta look slightly dilapidated. At least you won’t get turned away and the food will be good :pimp: :pimp: :pimp:
OH! I see what you are doing! You are appealing to a specific demographic here! Gotcha'! Bathroom gotta smell like urine, as it wharfs down the corridor leading to the lunch tables! It helps if there is not a place to wash your hands, and the servers wipe their noses on their sleeves, right?!

I see you!:rofl:Those were the places open during the lockdown!
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