Did this teacher do the right thing? Turning in star hoops player under suspicion of cheating...

Originally Posted by Barack 0drama

But Wolf couldn't let the matter slide. North Lawndale is a charter school, with more control over its curriculum than a typical public school, and a "do-the-right-thing" imperative is essential to its mission and to the life lessons it tries to teach.
I hate teachers like this.

Why do you care if somebody is cheating? You get paid either way.

Life is a game

Exactly, life is a game. If there are no rules or oversight, everyone is encouraged to take shortcuts and cheat. If everyone... no noteveryone... even if a significant amount of people take shortcuts and cheat do you even understand the ramifications?

Do you want engineers who cheated their way through school designing your buildings and bridges?
Do you want doctors who cheated their way through medical school performing heart surgery on your mom?

And I know what your rebuttal is:
1.) But hes just one person
2.) Hes an athlete though

If we let one person through, we just started sliding on the slippery slope. How many people do we allow to cheat? Only athletes? Only artists?

Lastly, its about being fair. Yes its an unfair world and being fair is a uphill battle, but what do you think moral abolitionists were thinking? "Ohslavery is unfair, but life is a game so lets not even bother to try and change/regulate things"? No.
To the above poster, I hope you were kidding with the first 4 lines, I agree with the fourth though.

It's not like this dude is a scholar if he's in Algebra 2 as a varsity player most likely junior or senior, shoulda let it slide IMO.
Originally Posted by Much Respected

Originally Posted by Barack 0drama

But Wolf couldn't let the matter slide. North Lawndale is a charter school, with more control over its curriculum than a typical public school, and a "do-the-right-thing" imperative is essential to its mission and to the life lessons it tries to teach.
I hate teachers like this.

Why do you care if somebody is cheating? You get paid either way.

Life is a game
Exactly, life is a game. If there are no rules or oversight, everyone is encouraged to take shortcuts and cheat. If everyone... no not everyone... even if a significant amount of people take shortcuts and cheat do you even understand the ramifications?

Do you want engineers who cheated their way through school designing your buildings and bridges?
Do you want doctors who cheated their way through medical school performing heart surgery on your mom?

And I know what your rebuttal is:
1.) But hes just one person
2.) Hes an athlete though

If we let one person through, we just started sliding on the slippery slope. How many people do we allow to cheat? Only athletes? Only artists?

No, You don't know what my rebuttal is.

I believe Major course in college should be held to that type of scrutiny, Because you'd be letting incompetent people out into that line of work.That's how we have botched surgeries, Poorly built-bridges etc.

I don't think a prof/teacher of a Gen-Ed course should be all Dudley-Do-Right looking over your shoulder while you're taking an Art History exam.
Originally Posted by Barack 0drama

But Wolf couldn't let the matter slide. North Lawndale is a charter school, with more control over its curriculum than a typical public school, and a "do-the-right-thing" imperative is essential to its mission and to the life lessons it tries to teach.
I hate teachers like this.

Why do you care if somebody is cheating? You get paid either way.

Who do they think they are with this sense of entitlement? As if what they teach is so important to the world?

98% of people don't use algebra in the real world, And the harsh reality is, Life is a game, And it's about who you know, And not what you know.

Dude is a star athlete, He's not going to have to look at these books again once summer hits, And he'll coast through college because of his athletic abilities. That's the way it is.

Originally Posted by TkTheGirl

Yeah he did the right thing.
These people don't realize how lucky they are to have a teacher that gives a damn.
This ain't "Dangerous Minds" with kids bringing guns to school and teenage pregnancy. I'm from Chicago, That's a good school in a nice area.

You serious about that? You can apply that sad mentality to ANY profession. I'm sure he's underpaid as it is, and the fact that heactually had dignity/morals and did the RIGHT thing, should be applauded. None of us know the extent of the cheating, because it wasn't detailed in thestory....there could be a potential benefit of the doubt given to the student. However, to lambaste the teacher for actually caring not only about thewell-being of his students but the integrity of his job is laughable. You have too many teachers out there who don't give a %$*$ and will pass thesesorry-*%% kids through, when they barely have any social/academic skills to begin with. Anyone who has attended public schools knows this. This teacherdeserves better than the school/district that he is working in. Seems like the type of guy who is dedicated to his job. There need to be more teachers outthere like him. I recommend you watch "Hard Times at Douglass High." It's a documentary on the students/administration/teachers at FrederickDouglass High School in Baltimore. If you want to see teachers quitting mid-year because of all the BS they have to deal with in the classroom, then thiswould be a good flick to watch. The kids in these schools don't make it any easier. If there were more people who actually cared, then things might be alittle bit different.
Originally Posted by ericberry14

yes the teacher did the right thing... but i need to know what evidence of cheating this teacher came across before i make a final decision about the situaiton
Originally Posted by pip777

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Student Athletes....
..not Athlete Students

Originally Posted by Barack 0drama

Originally Posted by TkTheGirl

Yeah he did the right thing.
These people don't realize how lucky they are to have a teacher that gives a damn.
This ain't "Dangerous Minds" with kids bringing guns to school and teenage pregnancy. I'm from Chicago, That's a good school in a nice area.

The area doesn't matter I've gone to nothing but suburban cookie cutter schools and still ended up with teachers who didn't give a damn about you.People getting fired for verbally abusing the students and all... To make a teacher feel horrible for giving a damn about how well a student does and makingsure they do what's right is just a clear indication of the *%@ backwards thinking of the people in this society today.
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