Destiny Thread (Bungie) - 9/9/14

Bungie dev team hitting the Iron Banner and Livestreaming now. Curious to see how they play.

Popped Bladedancer out and attempted to clear a control point this morning in the Iron Banner. I proceeded to get one shotted by a Light Beware Fusion rifle from a level 30. Yeah, they def tweaked it. (I'm level 30 too btw.) Fusion rifles are so powerful in the Iron Banner. I'll be running with mine for sure over my shotty.

Bruh I got melee killed in the middle of my bladedancer at FULL health multiple times on regular crucible last night. I feel like they nerfed the Hunter Arc Blade ability :smh: Bungie hates us
Popped Bladedancer out and attempted to clear a control point this morning in the Iron Banner. I proceeded to get one shotted by a Light Beware Fusion rifle from a level 30. Yeah, they def tweaked it. (I'm level 30 too btw.) Fusion rifles are so powerful in the Iron Banner. I'll be running with mine for sure over my shotty.
Bruh I got melee killed in the middle of my bladedancer at FULL health multiple times on regular crucible last night. I feel like they nerfed the Hunter Arc Blade ability
Bungie hates us
For real. Prob guna rock the Golden Gun from now on.
Bungie devs said you can buy as many Rebuffs as you need. As long as you have the Motes of Light, you can keep buying them. 87 Motes just sitting for me. Found something to use them on. 
You vacation you lose.... 4 days of no Destiny. :x

Im hoppin on the first open Fireteam I see tomorrow. I dont care if it's for the daily, crucible or whatever. Once I fire up the PS4, I'm bout to be unchained like Phogoth. :lol:
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You vacation you lose.... 4 days of no Destiny.

Im hoppin on the first open Fireteam I see tomorrow. I dont care if it's for the daily, crucible or whatever. Once I fire up the PS4, I'm bout to be unchained like Phogoth.

My mans is fiending for some Destiny word to Pookie
Hard Mode for your Alternate tomorrow? Let's speed run the VOG like we did last week when Zero finally got his boots. That run was too clutch.
I'm down. I was telling Zero and Biggie I will be on today-Thursday night because I am going out of town Fri & Sat night and coming back Sunday. Between the 2 raids, nightfall and weeklies and then Iron Banner rep, I will be busy, lol
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