Destiny Thread (Bungie) - 9/9/14

Down to do the normal raid before it resets.. My titan is a 25 though, but my guns maxed.. :nerd:
Just ran a few iron banner matches. I'm sorry but if you can't destroy people with The Last Word then you a)shouldn't be using hand cannons and b) should learn how to aim. This gun is an absolute beast.
They shut down all of buffalo today because of snow. cant go in to my rotations.

My titaness hitting 20 today. 

Iron banner all after noon 

@Dat Dude Chris  assemble the raid/nightfall teams tonight b
got boots yesterday with randoms, went through the whole raid in about an hour.  Gonna hit 30 by this weekend.  I still wanna do Iron Banner though, but i think you needa be IB rank 4 to buy the lvl 30 gear and i never played this initial IB, so i'd be rank 1 or 0, i dont even remember
@bamez  lol yea I had no idea how all that crucible and vanguard stuff worked the first time IB was around so I doubt I have any sort of ranking in there
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Tip for those running Iron Banner. Make sure you equip the Emblem, shader, and class item if you have it from the last time. You get an additional 10% rep bonus for each item. I wonder if running the nightfall stacks with that...
Tip for those running Iron Banner. Make sure you equip the Emblem, shader, and class item if you have it from the last time. You get an additional 10% rep bonus for each item. I wonder if running the nightfall stacks with that...

It did from what I remember.
Whats the daily for today? or does anyone know a site that updates it daily?

edit: found one. daily mission/bounty updates
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Oh and with the 10 bounty slots, it will make leveling weapons so much easier now.

I turned in 8 bounties with the hand cannon telemetry pack active on my Fatebringer....I went from about a 1/4 left on the damage upgrade before you unlock the Oracle Disruptor, all the way to the very last damage unlock open to make the gun 300.

Rare blue engram turned into the Vanquisher III auto rifle for me last night as well

Think I am going to get Fatebringer to 300 and then level either the Vanquisher or work on Mdia Tool. Might as well use it a lot since it rare before it ends up at Xur like TLW did
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