Derrick Rose Doesn't Like to Dance

I think Boozer saw how much hate he was getting on this site so he paid Rose on the side to get our attention(s) so that we can forget about the black ice thread.
Originally Posted by Scientific Method

Actually the argument started about 4th quarter performances.

You dissed LeBron in that regard, and I just pointed out that Derrick Rose was actually considerably worse and furthermore was actually closed out by LeBron. Positions are irrelevant. So if you choked and got abused by a choker, than what the hell is DRose? Obviously whatever is below a choker.

And you can mention what the Mavericks did to LeBron I guess, but anybody could then retort with the fact of what LeBron did to Derrick Rose, a whole round sooner.

Neither of us has a crystal ball so all we have is the present and the past to go by. And until otherwise proven, LeBron > Rose and Heat > Bulls.

Really, the point I think some of you are missing is this: Rose is a 4th qtr player, LeBron just locked him up. No one else has done that to Rose. Whereas LeBron just flat goes MIA in the fourth. It is obvious no one can stop him, so he just check out.

I'm damn grateful to have a player that goes all 48 minutes...I hope he will improve against Bron going forward. But Bron disappears like the Magic Man from Talladega Nights come those last 12 minutes.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Wait WUT?.... You pay to use Niketalk?

Almost as bad as when you thought pookieman was selling his children. 
You guys look to deep into #%% , Derrick Rose has never been known to goof around like that. It just isn't him. No big deal. But the thread is hilarious, can we get back on track before someone yells "Illuminati" 
Do people just forget that aside from Lebron's defense in the ECF, he went bonkers from three point range. Shots he's never hit consistently in his life. His shooting percentages in the Eastern playoffs were a complete anomaly. Then he came crashing down to earth against the Mavs. He couldn't sustain it. If the Bulls could hit the broadside of a barn, and Lebron doesn't have the greatest deep shooting performances of his life, that series is a lot closer than 4-1. Not saying Bulls win, but it'd be closer.
But LeBron has taken the Cavs to the Finals. �A Cav's team that had far worse players than the Bulls. �And for me, the teaming up with other superstars showed that importance of team chemistry.

Lets not pretend the East was nothing more than hot trash that season.

Can we see the original photos of Wade and Rose before it was photoshopped.
I'm in disbelief
I come to really be disgusted with Lebron fans, most of them are just like him, you put value in all the wrong things and wonder why it dont work. Flash over substance will never get you anywhere. Dude has that attitude that he wants to be the best and nothing else matters. You call him lame or lacking personality real ppl call him focused. You claim lebron is just having fun dude, no he is an attention +@+%%.
I was glad he wasn't out there dancing ,all this dancing around and acting foolish is what's wrong with the NBA today they weren't doing this junk in the 80 s and 90s when basketball was good, and for all the people calling my dude D Rose slow , don't confuse humble for stupid and at 24 he's earned more dough then most of us will in a lifetime
Originally Posted by akm2tan

I like Lebron dont get me wrong, hes a great player

What I dont like is the trend he started with teaming up with other players ( which was totally legal) but it discredits everything he will do with his career. If he wins thats fine but he had to do it with D Wade and Bosh all at their primes.

The bulls on the other hand has built their team by drafting Rose, Noah Deng and signing Boozer and bringing in a great coach. I have more respect for a team thats built that way then this teaming up crap. It destroys the NBA when only the big market teams plus OKC can compete. Whats the point in watching good teams like the 76ers and the Pacers when you know their just gonna fall to these teams.

So while you say that lebron and the heat is better thats ok but look at what he had to do for it to be that way. A great player never should have to team up with two other stars to win. (And still didnt do it after being so cocky they would last year)
Didn't know Skip Bayless was on NT.
Nobody wins by themselves, PERIOD. No matter how great you are, you need a supporting cast, regardless of how good-to-great your supporting cast is.

MJ, Tim Duncan, Kobe, Dirk, nor Hakeem won titles by themselves. I don't remember seeing Hakeem face an entire Magic team 1 on 5 to win a title, and I don't

remember Kobe facing the Celtics, Magic, Nets, etc.1 on 5 during title runs either. Matter of fact, the only non-superstars centered team to win the titles in the past

10 years was the Pistons. So people can cut out all that "wah wah wah Lebron has Wade and Bosh" stuff out. 
Originally Posted by ricky409

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Originally Posted by KanyeWestJayZ4life

Can anyone help with this video. Ultimate troll mode, 

if that's really derrick rose, then the world needs to see this...
homey actin like he doesnt have a dancing bone in his body...

i feel like drose might've had a dark past in the world of dancing that prevents him from dancing ever again
Originally Posted by ballislife32688

I come to really be disgusted with Lebron fans, most of them are just like him, you put value in all the wrong things and wonder why it dont work. Flash over substance will never get you anywhere. Dude has that attitude that he wants to be the best and nothing else matters. You call him lame or lacking personality real ppl call him focused. You claim lebron is just having fun dude, no he is an attention *@$*%.

As opposed to who, Derrick Rose fans? The same kats who want to praise Rose for coming out looking unhappy to be there in an All Star Game intro, compare and contrast the 2 with Rose somehow being "a 4th quarter player" and LeBron being "MIA, calling in sick" despite the reality that Rose is the one who did less than @#%$ in the 4th quarter in that series; same kats who laughed at LeBron for that turnover late in the All Star Game but neglect to remember their boy Rose did that MULTIPLE times in an ELIMINATION CONFERENCE FINALS game while en route to blowing a double digit lead in a matter of less than 3 minutes.

But keep hanging your du rag on the fact he didn't dance or smile at All Star Game intros because "it's not the right time or place," he's "all business," and that's his "game face." I guess that will make you feel better when LeBron and company ruin any Chicago championship hopes for the foreseeable future, thus leaving Rose with plenty of time in the offseason to work on his dance moves.
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