Democrats & environmentalist wackos wanna kill da Hemi by 2040

U.S. emissions have remained mostly flat since 1990 while emissions from China and India have skyrocketed. Why should we subsidize through carbon taxes and costly mandates the countries that are not reducing emissions and happen to be our economic rivals?

The fact that U.S. emissions have remained relatively flat since 1990 shows how market innovation and efficiencies, not the heavy hand of centralized government, is the better way to address climate policies.

A company in my district in Kansas, Occidental, is using carbon capture technology to reduce emissions and support sustainability. Congress can and should encourage environmental innovation and technology, but we should never agree to crippling mandates that our economic competitors will never adopt.

The left is also ignoring facts that don't fit its narrative. Consider the example of electric vehicles. The facts just don't line up with a truly progressive ideology. For instance, taxpayers rarely hear that electric vehicles are not necessarily better for the environment than modern gasoline-powered combustion engines.

The energy required to power electric vehicles has to come from somewhere. That somewhere is our electric grid, which happens to be powered to a significant extent by fossil fuels. The IFO Institute in Germany recently concluded that electric vehicles produce more pollution than diesel engines.
u aware da sun has more effect on temperatures than co2?

u also aware there's no 1st world living without oil & natural gas?

We obviously need oil and natural gas right now, I don't disagree with that. But we also need to determine alternative measures that can take up the bulk of energy consumption in the next few generations.

Are you aware that CO2/greenhouse gas and the sun together are part of what drives climate change?

The issue with both loud ends (I need a muscle car vs ban all the gas) is that neither is taking the time to compromise because neither wants to lose. Both have personal stakes in this. It's stupid. We can have muscle cars and further study alternative sources. It's not difficult.
China and India combined also have more than 30% of the world's population.

And China makes ******* everything for the world.

We probably have higher emissions per capita.
But we also need to determine alternative measures that can take up the bulk of energy consumption in the next few generations.


bottom line is environmentalist swear if its up to them folks are gonna be forbidden from tapping oil reserves that are explored and discovered.
The lack of science knowledge plays a big factor here. Republicans in office think they’re the smartest people in the room and would pimp out their mother if it benefits their agenda/pockets.

I’ve discovered there’s no rationalizing nor educating those folks. They’ll continue to be ignorant until the world falls apart or in this case heats up like crazy then blame it all on Hillary’s emails.

Pick up a book and learn a little something. Are people really trying to rationalize on why to F the earth and deal with all the consequences just to drive “da Hemi”? If so, there’s some deeper rooted issues in the mind of Republicans.
there's one side that wants to eliminate eating meat, cars, and cheap energy, and one side that doesn't...its that simple.

bottom line is environmentalist swear if its up to them folks are gonna be forbidden from tapping oil reserves that are explored and discovered.


There are levels to environmentalists. The inverse of what you're saying is there are people who will willingly destroy the earth for temporary gains.

I think both ends are misguided and being played by higher interests, and should educate themselves but both sides already think they know everything so here we are.
there's one side that wants to eliminate eating meat, cars, and cheap energy, and one side that doesn't...its that simple.

Eliminate meat? Never heard of this before
Eliminate cars? Dems sure love electric cars or any electric vehicle for that matter so more news I’ve never heard of.
Eliminate cheap energy? If it harms us then obviously. Are you going to eat a Ebola burger because it’s a low, low price of 1c? Cmon.
If they create meat that tastes close to the real thing, I’m in there like swimwear. Why wouldn’t y’all eat plant based protein if it ends up tasting like the real thing
I’m glad to see there wasn’t a logical argument against the other points

there is, im just driving so ain't got time to type :lol:

you gotta understand the big play, these folks want to eliminate meat consumption because they see that it creates too much greenhouse gases that are" bad for da environment" as far as emissions and other moral thrived ideas in regards to animals and PETA ideology.
there's one side that wants to control women's bodies, prevent technological advancements, and oppress PoC

-when does da rights of da unborn begin? they're gonna have to hammer that out.

-tech is only a advancement when its adopted willingly and makes society better, not dictatored to top down...folks wanna drive electric cars? go ahead its a free country..dont act like democrats beholden to wacko environmental folks on their religious dogma about da Earth ending on 12 years have to force da rest of us.

-united States is da best place for people of color in da entire world.
Ninja ain't got time to be worrying about all that ****. We talking about da hemi man

just do da math, everytime certain dems hold office its all "get outta ur cars, use mass transit, stop eating meat, ban fur, ban combustion engines".

right on cue.
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