
My girl hates parties and I love it :pimp:

But seriously y'all can't complain about stuff that's this easy. It's called dating. Test the waters until you find someone that's your perfect fit. I also feel like this question is a little unrealistic because I've met so many females of all kinds. Smart, reserved girls, WILD, attention seekers and everything in between. Almost any type of girl you can think of is out there. Just search.

I work with damn near all women and the range of personality types is amazing.
its easy get off the internet. focus your attention on yourself and not others. theres so much things in life brother.

if you really need internet, then go on other sites. so much information there that will help your life improve.
I had one, she was beautiful man and I'm talking about Scarlett Johansson Beautiful, green eyes, nice tanned skin, she smoked weed, she worked, she didn't give a **** about anyone else but her and her family, she treated me like a king, she wasn't even to social media **** or partying, she had an IG and didn't even have even 200 followers which is low for a girl as pretty as she was, considering theirs ugly *** **** with thousands of followers, but anyways man i met her through one of my exes and yes they were best friends and i just decided to take huge risk of trying to get with her and loose my girl at the time, and i actually did fail at first and i ended up breaking up with the girl i was with, but about 5 months after that her friend hit me up on IG and we ended up dating and eventually she was my girl but like always i ****** up the relationship by not giving her enough attention. A beautiful female no matter if she's a good girl or a *** always needs attention! To this day i still can't believe i ****** it up with her. So moral of the story is you got to get your self out there man, the more females you talk to and get to know the better of a chance your gonna get with finding a keeper because not all girls are the same, you just gotta look.
OP is in wisconsin?

.... c'mon b... you know all the girls in wisconsin of all places aint ALL about fashion and partying...

you just judging females based on your perception through the internet

If I can find real ones in san francisco and LA...i'm sure you can connect with a few in WISCONSIN!!!
Is it bad that I like the type of women OP described? Minus the reality shows and social media fame :lol:

I ain't trying to date a damn nun mane.. Homebody chicks ain't no fun.

I'm with you. I #$$@$@ hate the girls OP likes. Boring,prudish,and judgmental
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Don't go looking for those women. Put yourself in good environments and there they will be.

In the meantime, smang these birds the way they supposed to be smanged.
I get the whole putting your best foot forward thing, but are there females out there that care about anything more than shopping, reality shows, expensive cars, designer labels, top shelf liqour, I G likes, being seen, going out all the damn time, etc. Do these even exist anymore? If so where the hell do I go? Sorry, NT some things just getting real old to me.
Take a step outside and meet some new people. 
Ya'll keep telling me to step out and meet new people. The thing is I've been making that effort, but it's crazy because it seems everything is becoming such a hipster trend nowadays. One of ya'll said something about museums as if that hasn't become one of the main weekend thing to do for this new wave of young hipster yuppies.I don't mean to sound whiny, but damn it gets so annoying. I've been considering relocating overseas..way of life is so different over there....
You just looking in the wrong places for the females you desire. There may be a trade off cuz they might not look as good or even worse they maybe fine and not shallow but not be interested in you cuz you're not all that interesting yourself. It's a journey man, sometimes it feels like you in the maze though.

*puts on farmer's hat, grabs pitchfork, lights torch*

I say we burn the Draya appreciation thread down. Whose with me?

*puts on farmer's hat, grabs pitchfork, lights torch*

I say we burn the Draya appreciation thread down. Whose with me?


Idk why that thread is still up
You know nothing TroyD
I know females like that op.

My son's mom is a prime example, all she does is work and have family time. She's into social media but since I've known her she's never cared about designer anything. She dresses nice, she makes the clothes the close don't make her. I've known her since we were 17, we'll both be turning 25 this year, she's never been into clubs and she doesn't follow the crowd.

My current female friend dresses amazing but she could careless about a designer label, she doesn't club and she's not big on social media. She is into expensive cars and nice things in general but she just does it for herself.

Country girls FTW. I don't think I could really relate to a woman like OP described.
But do they even look good?

Post them pics NT brethren.
dont go to the club, shopping mall, etc.....

go to church, grocery store, library...

:lol: It's nothing but promiscuous strumpets in churches.

And who the hell still goes to the library under 30?

And are you advocating lounging around grocery stores in hopes of picking up women? Try doing that without looking like a rapist.
Wow son, if you can't pick up a female in a grocery store there just might be something rapey about your a whole approach to women :lol:
I had one, she was beautiful man and I'm talking about Scarlett Johansson Beautiful, green eyes, nice tanned skin, she smoked weed, she worked, she didn't give a **** about anyone else but her and her family, she treated me like a king, she wasn't even to social media **** or partying, she had an IG and didn't even have even 200 followers which is low for a girl as pretty as she was, considering theirs ugly *** **** with thousands of followers, but anyways man i met her through one of my exes and yes they were best friends and i just decided to take huge risk of trying to get with her and loose my girl at the time, and i actually did fail at first and i ended up breaking up with the girl i was with, but about 5 months after that her friend hit me up on IG and we ended up dating and eventually she was my girl but like always i ****** up the relationship by not giving her enough attention. A beautiful female no matter if she's a good girl or a *** always needs attention! To this day i still can't believe i ****** it up with her. So moral of the story is you got to get your self out there man, the more females you talk to and get to know the better of a chance your gonna get with finding a keeper because not all girls are the same, you just gotta look.
Post pics brah or this is a fairytale :nerd:

Ya'll keep telling me to step out and meet new people. The thing is I've been making that effort, but it's crazy because it seems everything is becoming such a hipster trend nowadays. One of ya'll said something about museums as if that hasn't become one of the main weekend thing to do for this new wave of young hipster yuppies.I don't mean to sound whiny, but damn it gets so annoying. I've been considering relocating overseas..way of life is so different over there....
Move out of your area to a whole new place and start over. If you really want a good chance move somewhere in Europe.
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They exsist, they're just deep, deep, deep, deeeeep in the hidden jungles
I wasn't attempting to make any generalizations, just going off of personal need to get defensive...
Ya'll keep telling me to step out and meet new people. The thing is I've been making that effort, but it's crazy because it seems everything is becoming such a hipster trend nowadays. One of ya'll said something about museums as if that hasn't become one of the main weekend thing to do for this new wave of young hipster yuppies.I don't mean to sound whiny, but damn it gets so annoying. I've been considering relocating overseas..way of life is so different over there....
What are you doing to make the effort? When you make a topic like this, it just sounds like you're trying to have a pity party. 
this is why stores like barnes and nobles and borders closing down hurt the game. i've met some gems in those.
Wow son, if you can't pick up a female in a grocery store there just might be something rapey about your a whole approach to women :lol:


lol going to the grocery store for the sole purpose of picking up women is normal? Yea ok.
I don't think anyone said that :lol: Like I said there might be something off about YOUR approach. If I want to encounter a fine female and decide to swing by the grocery store I'm not gonna be roaming the aisles hands empty trying to talk to moms and women who are alone and just asking for their #s, that **** can be creepy (but hell that might work if you look good enough :lol:).

You get a shopping cart, you actually shop, you browse the fruit and vegetable section, you bring coupons and ******* share them, you be nice, charming, and cordial. Talk to a lady that looks good and go from there with your usual game or if you're the type have your own grocery store themed pick up lines :lol: I mean honestly there can even be times a female approaches you in a store.

Might as well add other random stores to the list
Home depot (I guess you could strike up a convo about helping her with wood work)
CVS (they are probably picking up condoms)
Home Depot, Lowes, BJs, Costco, etc. If you know what you're doing and do it right going to places like that to pick up a girl shouldn't be that much different than doing it in a mall. **** should start with a smile to see if you're in.
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What are you doing to make the effort? When you make a topic like this, it just sounds like you're trying to have a pity party. 

I've been making an effort, maybe I just lack patience/over thinking it. I made the post to get my thoughts off my mind, not to have a pity party....didn't think we couldn't share how we were feeling on here in order to gain an objective perspective...but I respect your perspective boris.
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