If you've only had sex with them once I can understand. There's several girls names or faces I can't remember for the life of me. It's like when you know a few lyrics to a song but can't remember the name but you never get it until you let it go.

Recent smashes though? Farfetched unless you never got their name to begin with and smashed in a dark location/lights off.
I for one don't remember my last three smashes before my girl. of course this was more than a year ago

:stoneface: stop lying.  You sound silly man

I remember all of mine visually, as far as names....... maybe half of them

My same sentiments, though I remember the names more often than not.

:rofl: nah, used to be like that though (wasnt a good lifestyle). I can name the majority of the last 3 years though. Skipped lunch? Never on a work day, had some chicken fried rice and a chef salad

What you did there, i see it
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ehhh maybe you guys suffer from alzheimer's disease because I remember them all but one maybe 2 and thats from 5 plus years ago.  Call me crazy but I like to know who I stuck my D in. 
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i understand there are some definite yamb-melters in here... and i understand the ratings...
but not all of yall are smashing.... i'd bone each and every single one of those girls if they were willing, goddamb...


Dudes talking about she ain't all that,... please...

all these id lay asap

truth be told
ehhh maybe you guys suffer from alzheimer's disease because I remember them all but one maybe 2 and thats from 5 plus years ago.  Call me crazy but I like to know who I stuck my D in. 

I have too many important things to remember, as long as she looks clean and I dip the condom in industrial strength bleach I'm good money.
My count isn't high - I think 29 or 30 but I definitely remember all of the faces. Names definitely not as there is no reason to remember a one night stand's name especially if you don't ask for the number.
I'm sure you dont care, but i really think you took the wrong route to trying to seek approval here. Its disrespectful to all the women- and i hope they post pictures of you on Pinterest and you get ripped to shreds, and then see it- its only fair. I can speak for myself and others (again, maybe you dont care- you dont seem like you have a good rapport with people anyways for doing this)- but i could never trust anybody that does stuff like this, and its hard to respect too :\

I wouldn't go that far.

Was this a scumbag move? Yeah.
But it's also pretty much par for the course in this digital age.
Guys on here anonymously post pictures of women and none of us know them but we all discuss, critique, and sometimes pedestal-ize them.
That **** is so ******g weird to me, because most of us are conditioned to believe that that's okay.

This man was e-validated, and fulfilled some social need. *Shrug* We all have them.
I just hate that this is how it happens nowadays.
2013? The Internet Life: We Off That
(Or, I'm off that. Unless I'm using it in a constructive/appropriate manner)
I don't know, I'm pretty a good judge of surface level character and those females don't really strike me as the type to date a guy that's willing to air them out on a message board. 

Not hating, just saying maybe one of them maybe your REAL ex or something and you wanted anonymous affirmation she's "ok"...but c'mon man none of them girls are higher than a 6-7 but they look like they MAY have a little class...and just maybe out of your league, if you're stooping this low.

I have a conquest folder hidden among my work files, BUT I'm in most the pics. I'm too much of a gentleman to care what other think about what I slip my peen into.

I'm a secretive type of guy, and I respect the females in my past reputation....internet is FOREVER

these types of chicks are usually a bad judge of character themselves. ive seen it too many times.
i've seen #2.  whether it's from personal meeting or someone else showing pics in the past, i've seen #2.

that calls this entire production into question.  either you're someone on a troll account, you're from my neck of the woods, or you didn't smash that.  in which case....
i've seen #2.  whether it's from personal meeting or someone else showing pics in the past, i've seen #2.

that calls this entire production into question.  either you're someone on a troll account, you're from my neck of the woods, or you didn't smash that.  in which case....

You know what bro... for some reason, she looks familiar too. I really do think her picture has been posted on NT before.

ah man, homies number is already higher than mine and im two years older

but 8 is the nicest, honestly they're avg girls, and for some reason they all look a like to me, like most of them are cousins

but i would rather just smash one of my ex's than any of those girls, including 8
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