
Mar 21, 2005
No info really, just saw it on the news and thought maybe some people might care...........cuz I don't.
Originally Posted by TheTrapezeSwinger

So this Columbus guy thinks he's gonna do big things sailing...I say he's gonna fall off the end of the earth, but that's just me.

haha that was a good one
So this Columbus guy thinks he's gonna do big things sailing...I say he's gonna fall off the end of the earth, but that's just me.
damn dude. don't you live in Orlando too? You been in a coma for the last 2 weeks? it's been all over the papers, news, internetz..
I searched and didn't see I guess I'll take the hit on this one. lol

Actually I kinda figured I was late but anyways.......
I heard Benjamin Franklin discovered something called electricity. I don't think this will make a impact.

I don't know what's worse, the fact that dude just found out or the fact that his news channel is just reporting this.
Originally Posted by J Dilla Himself

Anybody peep that martin luther king speech? I heard rosa parks posted it on youtube
[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]MLK speech? okay. Rosa parks? Yeah i see it......Youtube? You failed therebuddy[/color]
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