December Wrestling Thread | Rest In Peace Brodie Lee | Happy New Year | JOTM Bruce Mitchell

So it makes sense why I can’t get **** done (Nitro/PPV write ups), doctor said I got the Rona. I have no energy at all.

With that said I'm fine, just no energy. Being mentally strong and taking care of the family.

Here is one I completed, going to try and get the PPV done before the Dolphins game. Ya'll take care of yourselves out there, I did everything right and still caught it. It's bound to happen. Be safe.
Good look. Trying to get a routine going with SD. Always enjoy it when I watch so I need to be consistent.

degenerate423 degenerate423 danger style danger style Are you watching Superstars? If so which date.

Semi-related since it kinda is in the same world as wrestling but American Gladiators has a channel on PlutoTV. Makes for some solid Saturday morning/afternoon viewings.
Nah I haven’t. I’m planning on watching SuperBrawl 1996 TOmorroW. That’s what the schedule is right? Just basing off the thread title. 8)

degenerate423 degenerate423
5 February 1996
Monday Nitro

Randy Savage with Elizabeth and Woman vs Chris Benoit

Here we are, third week in a row and I will be saying the same thing. Why in the blue hell is the world championship opening up the match?! As if I didn’t care about the world title before, here we go again where it’s just a throw away match for Hogan to get front stage. There are things I liked vs the other matches, one this was a match with someone new. Seeing Benoit beat the piss out of Savage for their match was enjoyable. Showed how strong Benoit is and how well he can do with top talent. On the contrary it was against the heavyweight champion whom, once again, didn’t look strong at all. He may as well be Mikey Whipreck as far as I’m concerned at this point. The spot with the suicide dive, oh man… that looked legitimate rough. Savage did no favors by dropping that elbow to his head, but it looked good for TV. Having a baby face lucky champion isn’t working for me at all. If that wasn’t bad enough, Hogan is always in Savage’s back pocket with everything they do. I can’t watch a match with one or the other where I don’t see both, it’s beyond overkill.Sure enough by the end we lose all sight on the match, build with Benoit, the championship due to Hogan, Woman turning, and Flair. If THAT wasn’t enough then we have another run in with Zodiac, Giant, and Flair again. Macho Man, after dying 20 seconds before, runs down for the save and takes Hogan save spot. Once again, Overkill.

Dungeon of Doom vs Four Horseman
I couldn’t wait to talk about this match, for anyone that watched it… man! We got a real treat. Let’s chat about Pillman, he is running far and away with this loose cannon role but it seems that it rubs people the wrong way. You see people breaking character time and again (Flair, Arn come to mind) to give him a get your **** together look. Sure enough again, Pillman was stiffing up on Hugh early with some shots and Hugh was no selling. Then Pillman slaps the dog **** out of Hugh in the corner and Hugh gave a look of “you mother ****er.” To Hugh’s credit, he stayed professional other than the no selling. You see Arn talk to both a few times in the corner, curious on what was said. Then did it go down, beyond curious what set off Taskmaster but it was hilarious to see the two go at it. Arn and Hugh standing back for a minute letting it go was equally funny, just a shrug and an it is what it is. Lastly the ref wanted to parts of whatever issues were going on. Very interesting to see the real life bleed out like that, would love some background on this one. I feel like the announcers missed a great opportunity to sell the hell out of the bad blood and the respect strap match. The finish as what it was, Mr. Wonderful with a random broom spot then a walkout during Flair’s entrance, just a weird series of events. Again something I did enjoy was the vets with the young guys. Not to say Pillman is a young guy at this point, but certainly could have done a lot of things for the company where Taskmaster and Arn were very limited in their time. WCW is really missing the ball by not giving more power to the young, let them drive, and then using a Hogan/Flair/Savage/Giant as a main attraction. Would give them more importance, bigger pops, more demand, and when they give the rub to younger talent who needs it then it means more. This is beyond obvious hindsight is 20/20, but as a comparison WWE currently doesn’t have this issue - Taker is gone, Cena is in movies, Rock is in movies, HHH is behind the curtain full time. The only person I can think of is Brock, and they used him perfectly. Show up every once in awhile, have great matches, go home. I haven’t watched a lot of AEW, but the goofiness I’ve seen it would be had to compare.

Marcus Bagwell vs Ric Flair
How good does Woman look here? Funny to go back and watch ECW then see her show up on this show fully with WCW. Again, as the theme for this show went, it’s nice to see vet with newbie. The difference here is it’s Ric Flair and Bagwell. At what point did Bagwell earn this match? Where are all the wins he stacked up, why not a match against US title contenders… but a jump to Flair? Just real goofy… match was fine. But something snapped into my brain and it won’t leave now. I read Bret’s book when it came out, and I vividly remember him saying Flair just wasn’t THAT good. The reason why is because he has the same exact match over and over. (Paraphrrasing) I’ve talked about Flair and Sting and all of those have been exactly the same. Here we are with Bagwell, and it is roughly the same. Maybe I just don’t remember well enough, but I recall the Dusty classics. I recall Shawn, Taker, and the Royal Rumble. Be interesting to watch moving forward.

Road Warriors vs Lex and Sting
This match went on entirely too long. Didn’t get much from it and Hawks constant no selling of things (Piledriver) is at an annoying level. I liked the Lex finish, just constantly doing scum bag stuff to win behind Sting’s back, good touch. But then we get to the end of the match, high IQ stuff here. Instead of calling out them for cheating and demanding a rematch, they demanded to see the winner of their next match… what? Just a rough one for the main event, third week in a row where it’s not the world title.
DCAllAfrican DCAllAfrican

Thanks man. First things first, I see that logo - Bret Hart.

Not so much a loss in strength but constant back pain and yes, lethargic. Every time I try and clean, do laundry, clean the kitchen, whatever I get two tasks down and then it’s a 10/15 minute stop and lay down or something.
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