December Wrestling Thread | Rest In Peace Brodie Lee | Happy New Year | JOTM Bruce Mitchell


Tucker definitely a Jannetty.

Future Endeavor soon come.
I wish the WWE bring byke the Mixed Match Challenge so Dunne and SheDunne can tag
together and win IT all.
Yea I would agree to an extent but maybe now she will be presented in a more serious role.
We will see. I just don't recall many people that STARTED off as goofs that became a star afterwards.

A STAR afterwards.

If you know of some who have, let me know.
This is one of the greatest F ups in wrestling history! It still endures after over 20 years. Booker T inadvertently calling Hulk Hogan the N-word in a promo in '90s WCW will never get old. The immediate look on Booker T's face when he realized he f'd up bad on camera is awesome. 😆

Booker T discuses his regret in this clip several years after that F up. He even divulged how Hogan reacted to it jokingly on the spot. 😆

Here's video of Booker T still expressing regret about it over 20 years. He even talks to Hogan on the line about it. Booker T needs to move forward! 🙄

Booker T has nothing to feel guilty about. It will always be hilarious until the end of time. Nobody ever thought he was wrong or heinous for that memorable botch. People still laugh and talk about it in the present. 😆👍
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