December Wrestling Thread | Rest In Peace Brodie Lee | Happy New Year | JOTM Bruce Mitchell

Bret was an amazing heel with his Pro Canada gimmick and Hart Foundation stable and arguably the best world baby face there has been next to Hogan.

Bret’s Mic skills are underrated again, especially during his heel run.
The "Funny" part disqualifies Bret.

I was going to push back but since he added, "Ability to be funny" Bret can't be included.
Ability to play face and heel well, good on the mic, able to wrestle any style, able to be funny and be taken serious as a threat, entertaining as characters
They had the mic skills that those 3 didn’t have.
Also, what is your take on HBK with YOUR qualifications?

I come in Peace.
Also, what is your take on HBK with YOUR qualifications?

I come in Peace.
I’d say he’s a level slightly below Kurt and Eddie. If Eddie and Kurt are at A+, he’s at an A-

That comes down to personal preference though. His second run (not counting the Crown Jewel match) is one of the best of all time because he had so many classic matches. I was never a big fan of DX though
I mean being presentedas a goofy/semi-comedy character.

Not just a bad gimmick. (Miavia / Ringmaster)


Kane: He went under a mask and back then most people didn't know it was him. So yes, he was given garbage but was able to turn it around.

Diesel: Master Blaster and Oz were terrible gimmicks too. Not sure they were presented as comedic wrestlers.

With Shotzi, I was using the word goof to describe her as someone that was presented as a joke. I jave asked before if she was supposed to be a Special Needs character because that is how she comes across.

The Ringmaster was bad. He was basically a mute who was a lackey of Ted DiBiase carrying the million dollar belt when he started in WWF in late 1995. That overrated a%$ 🤡 who's a loser with the Clippers, Kawhi Leonard, reminds me of that gimmick.

It's Rocky Maivia. That gimmick was destined to fail out the gate. They dubbed him the blue chipper. WWF tried hard to hype him as a 3rd generation star when he started out in fall 1996 because his maternal grandfather and his dad were wrestlers preceding him. Fans just weren't buying it.

Rocky looked like a broke a%$ male stripper somewhere in the Pacific Islands with that outfit on. 🙄

That Chia Pet hairstyle didn't help his image either. 😆

Here's evidence that fans didn't embrace him. I recall seeing these signs on TV often within the first few months he was in WWF.
Kurt Angle is really overrated in my opinion... The first couple of years of his career (when he was still learning), he was the Olympic wrestler gimmick who always wrestled as a brawler. Whenever he did have a "technical" match like his match vs. Benoit at WMX7, it would always be the other wrestler holding his hand throughout the whole thing. Not really surprising that his most famous match during the early part of his career was probably his KOTR 01 match against Shane McMahon.

He didn't really start "getting it" in my eyes until 03-04, but by then he was already dealing with a bad neck and within two years he was off to TNA where, besides having a handful of good matches, he's pretty much wasted the second half of his career.

He's still probably a top 20-30 guy for me though...really versatile and capable of having a good match with almost anyone, but not top-10

Interesting take.

Blue Mamba Blue Mamba thoughts?
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