DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - The Penguin out 9/19 then every Sunday on MAX


Movie was really, really good.

I find it hilarious all the **** tards that were judging a film they seen based off 50 year old white dudes that tell us Driving Miss Daisy or Tree of Life are Oscar worthy, must see films.

******* losers.

Not a perfect film, nor is any Marvel for that matter, but that doesn't mean it's a terrible movie.

Harley Quinn. My God. Margot was Ledger level character. She IS Harley. Gold Star, A+.

Will was great. Right up his alley.

Rick Flagg, really well done.

Kitana, better than expected.

Joker was awesome. Brief and all, left us wanting more, but MESMORIZING on screen. You wanted to soak every moment up. Even in her "dream" I couldn't not watch him.

Bats + Joker + Harley + Arkham = Orgasmic solo film. If they do that.......

Enchantress was cool, but her brother was kinda weak.

Waller tho... :pimp:

If only Hardy stayed, and kept his usual menacing tone.....bruh. Jai did ok, but Hardy woulda been next level.

Y'all wrong, Harley did the bat/shotgun thing. I saw it. It was quick tho.

Also peeped the Robin line, believe it was last.

My biggest....question/gripe. That movie played more music in two hours than MTV the last two years. Why? :lol: Do a montage or two, song here, song there. They went iPod shuffle on our ***. :lol:

It surely could have been slowed down and more depth. No doubt. But they introed like 8-9 characters. That's rough. If it was 3-4, coulda taken more time, but that many, with only 2 hours, scenes were gonna get cut. With more time they coulda really showed out Joker/Harley, or Diablo, Will, even Waller-Flagg, but they had to get to work to get to the squad. That was the point. Had they been shown in other films, woulda had more time for depth.

It was nowhere near 30% or whatever the **** rotten idiots say. Or the mindless **** sticks that gave their input on Tuesday for a film they'll see tomorrow. You're all ******* losers for that ****.

I just read 15 pages with maybe 1-2 guys sayin they didn't like the film. But a week ago everyone was ridin critic laps with a saddle and a smile. :smh:

Go watch Divergent again or somethin you clowns.

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The wonky transitions from scene to scene was so distracting. I honestly believe they intentionally filmed this in chronological order so they didn't have to rewatch and edit this ****show.

Like writing a term paper the night before and you just turned it in because you didn't have time to proofread and edit it.

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Honestly I'm worried just because a GEM hasnt been released in the DCU, I want something akin to Ironman at this point and NO, it doesn't have to be anything like Ironman but Greatness is expected
I mean they got all villains from batman On some BTAS steez "almost got em" episode and this movie wasn't AMAZING??

It just makes me sad man
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Why do y'all act like ironman was some sort of masterpiece?

The best CBM is still owned by WB (TDK), maybe 4th times a charm with WW. :lol:
Why do y'all act like ironman was some sort of masterpiece?

The best CBM is still owned by WB (TDK), maybe 4th times a charm with WW. :lol:

I think with the TDK we KNEW it was a masterpiece, unexpectedly too

Ironman we were all aware and prepared that this is what marvel wanted to do as a shared universe

I doubt anyone would come in here and try to even take down TDK, which was incredible.
but shared universe is a completely different ball park, and thats all im saying
*New* development.

Some of the guys that were trashing SS Monday without seein the film, are now trashing the film after seeing it.

*Surprised face*
I know if a person didn't like Mad Max: Fury Road then I just ignore their movie opinions.
Movie was great!!! Great soundtrack. The entire squad was awesome. I don't like Jared Leto as the joker. He didn't gimme the joker feels like Ledger did, nor did I enjoy his voice or appearance. This movie was by far better than BVS tho. They needed more scenes like the bar scene. PLEASE. They took out too many scenes from the ads. Including when El Diablo orders a drink. This film suffered from editing. :smh:
Still, these critics bombing the film are something else...
Flask is empty BTW :lol:

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I know if a person didn't like Mad Max: Fury Road then I just ignore their movie opinions.

I may do the same for anyone who thought this was an above average film.

Mediocre? Maybe if you have an extremely lenient scale.
I know if a person didn't like Mad Max: Fury Road then I just ignore their movie opinions.

What if a person likes MM, but doesn't consider it the most perfect film and Oscar caliber? :nerd:

Then that's normal. All I ever said was the movie was damn good and a fun watch. I just don't like when people said there wasn't a story.
Movie was really fun for me I'll give it an 8 the villain fight was kind of wack though. Margot will always be :evil:

Killer Croc also needs to lift some weights in a swamp.
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I know if a person didn't like Mad Max: Fury Road then I just ignore their movie opinions.

What if a person likes MM, but doesn't consider it the most perfect film and Oscar caliber? :nerd:

Then that's normal. All I ever said was the movie was damn good and a fun watch. I just don't like when people said there wasn't a story.

That was kinda me. I think I said Star Trek, the search for water. :lol:

The water was where you left, at the start of the movie. :lol: But I don't crush it too hard for that, all films have "weak" stories. Dudes dressed as bats. Guys in tin cans flyin around. Driving cars from building to building.

All movies have leaps of faith. I joked about MM in that same vein. Good film, but not the perfect creature some pushed for.
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