DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - The Penguin out 9/19 then every Sunday on MAX

Honestly I'm worried just because a GEM hasnt been released in the DCU, I want something akin to Ironman at this point and NO, it doesn't have to be anything like Ironman but Greatness is expected
I mean they got all villains from batman On some BTAS steez "almost got em" episode and this movie wasn't AMAZING??

It just makes me sad man
I too find it hard they have yet to make a movie that was liked by the majority. Where everybody is leaving ready to see it again.

3 movies in for a shared universe. That's not good.

Why do y'all act like ironman was some sort of masterpiece?

The best CBM is still owned by WB (TDK), maybe 4th times a charm with WW. :lol:
Nah b, nobody has ever said that.

Ironman is just a really good movie that knocked it out of the park.

*New* development.

Some of the guys that were trashing SS Monday without seein the film, are now trashing the film after seeing it.

*Surprised face*
Name names.

I'm seeing posters who were barely in here rating this poorly while I see some who've been here rate it highly.

Its been a real mix.
If only Hardy stayed, and kept his usual menacing tone.....bruh. Jai did ok, but Hardy woulda been next level.
Tom Hardy was suppose to play Rick Flagg not ******* lame *** Captain Boomerang.
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Osh and P on Twitter. Tay and the one that announced he saw Star Trek today instead. (Forgot the SN)

That's off top of my head. Should I go back and add more?
Osh and P on Twitter. Tay and the one that announced he saw Star Trek today instead. (Forgot the SN)

That's off top of my head. Should I go back and add more?
How you in this thread complaining about Twitter posts? :lol:

Not sure who you're talking about with who saw Star Trek instead. But hey we got Flatbush thinking the movie was crap and he wanted it to be great.

I must've missed PMatic being one of the guys wanting to hate this movie before it came out. I don't recall any of his posts ******** on it before it's out unless you're counting posting an article about how the studio has been ******* up as prejudgement on a movie he hasn't seen.

You gotta be clear about who is in this bias/fanboy/hate a movie before it comes out/want a movie to fail group.

Meanwhile half of your review is more about critics and those who reacted to it than it is about the movie itself. At least it seems like you actually enjoyed the movie compared to your BvS review/excuse.
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Because I talk to them on more than one platform?

And it relates to some in here? :lol:

I saw EVERYONE trashing it MONDAY before any of them saw it. Tons of it. NT, Twitter, FB, you name it.

Today I've read 15+ pages of people enjoying it, and only a handful that didn't.

Some of those, were judging it Monday. So....

Welp, DC again..... love that narrative when people haven't even seen the film.

Like RFX said, votes AGAINST the movie were happening before people saw the film. You grasp how retarted that is? It's pathetic.
just got back from watching..

I think I gave BvS 3.5/8.. I would give this 4.5/8 and that is being very very generous

Like all things with the 3 DCEU films to date you can see in this that there are a lot of things that could have been capitalized upon.. But weren't.. And if they had just kept things simple they would have ended up with a far farrr farrrrrrr farrrrrrrrrrrrrr better film (like just following the damn animated movie)

I think the studio is failing the actors AND the directors

Like why have batman all self-righteous in BvS.. And then turn around and making deals and putting Amanda Waller under his protection in this

I didn't even watch gods of Egypt and that's the first thing that popped into my head during that one part.. And then one dude doesn't even get an attempt at a back story.. And speaking of back stories

Bats plays such a promenient role in the back stories and shows up at the end.. But doesn't show up when you have a MOS looking event only at night

And the "villain" would have made sense for superman, green lantern or flash like the people with actual powers.. Hell the whole damn justice league.. Not these guys

And again to go back to the studio, I don't get how some of these pieces are fitting into the larger puzzle.. Since they are making an interconnected universe

Felt like they jumped to AOU while skipping A1 and everything that went into it

I think they should just pull a deadpool.. And keep a majority of the actors.. Hell could keep directors too.. But they really need to come up with a larger plan
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You need a rant/vent thread about ppl who hate movies before seeing them and movie critics man :lol:

I don't get making that a good chunk of your review about the movie you actually saw.

Like RFX said, votes AGAINST the movie were happening before people saw the film. You grasp how retarted that is? It's pathetic.
When RFX admittedly put that poll up way too early I believe I saw one person voted it sucked. By the next day it was 2. By last night the last time I checked it was tied; 2 it was good, 2 it sucked. So maybe 2 ppl who didn't see it voted it sucked for the lulz.

You talking like 20 ppl voted I feel suicidal after seeing this within a hr the poll came up.
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Movie is fine, but disappointing.

You can see all the potential, you can see the parts of good movie but it doesn't come together.

Detailed spoiler review later.
Also wasn't a fan of joker being a crime boss..

I think leto's joker with Harley could be fun.. Agents of chaos, but without some sort morality angle like ledger's joker.. Them just having fun with complete disregard for any and everyone

Him being the antithesis to the seemingly overly dark and brooding bats
Also wasn't a fan of joker being a crime boss..

I think leto's joker with Harley could be fun.. Agents of chaos, but without some sort morality angle like ledger's joker.. Them just having fun with complete disregard for any and everyone

Him being the antithesis to the seemingly overly dark and brooding bats

I HATE the concept of buisness man Joker. terrible.

Leto's performance is good, I wish it was in service of better material.
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*New* development.

Some of the guys that were trashing SS Monday without seein the film, are now trashing the film after seeing it.

*Surprised face*

I did no such thing.
I feel like dude is confusing posts about the critics' reviews for personal hate for the movie before seeing it and following it up with bad reviews after seeing it confirming an opinion before seeing it.

I don't even recall posts of ppl basically saying this movie will suck in this thread and then seeing it and saying it did.

There were actually posts of ppl saying these critic reviews are bad but I'm still gonna see it.
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Also wasn't a fan of joker being a crime boss..

I think leto's joker with Harley could be fun.. Agents of chaos, but without some sort morality angle like ledger's joker.. Them just having fun with complete disregard for any and everyone

Him being the antithesis to the seemingly overly dark and brooding bats

I HATE the concept of buisness man Joker. terrible.

Leto's performance is good, I wish it was in service of better material.

In the little that the two were together.. It was good

But the most stable I want to see joker, was the dark knight.. Where he had a plan and goals and used the perception bats and others had against them

I want to see this joker and Harley with complete disregard.. Like children always wanting to play or eat candy.. or drug addicts constantly looking for that next high

No idea or appreciation for consequences.. And them simple view bats as the parent there to ruin their fun
Regarding Robin easter egg

When they did the character profiles, I remember seeing something about Robin in Harley's file.
Went on reddit and someone confirmed "Accomplice to the murder of Robin" :pimp:

I seen that too hoping it will be showed in this movie.. Nope..
Also wasn't a fan of joker being a crime boss..

I think leto's joker with Harley could be fun.. Agents of chaos, but without some sort morality angle like ledger's joker.. Them just having fun with complete disregard for any and everyone

Him being the antithesis to the seemingly overly dark and brooding bats
I HATE the concept of buisness man Joker. terrible.

Leto's performance is good, I wish it was in service of better material.
In the little that the two were together.. It was good

But the most stable I want to see joker, was the dark knight.. Where he had a plan and goals and used the perception bats and others had against them

I want to see this joker and Harley with complete disregard.. Like children always wanting to play or eat candy.. or drug addicts constantly looking for that next high

No idea or appreciation for consequences.. And them simple view bats as the parent there to ruin their fun
You didn't get that vibe in the chase scene?

In that 2 minute scene, Harley/Joker seemed annoyed by Batfleck.
Also wasn't a fan of joker being a crime boss..

I think leto's joker with Harley could be fun.. Agents of chaos, but without some sort morality angle like ledger's joker.. Them just having fun with complete disregard for any and everyone

Him being the antithesis to the seemingly overly dark and brooding bats

I HATE the concept of buisness man Joker. terrible.

Leto's performance is good, I wish it was in service of better material.

In the little that the two were together.. It was good

But the most stable I want to see joker, was the dark knight.. Where he had a plan and goals and used the perception bats and others had against them

I want to see this joker and Harley with complete disregard.. Like children always wanting to play or eat candy.. or drug addicts constantly looking for that next high

No idea or appreciation for consequences.. And them simple view bats as the parent there to ruin their fun

You didn't get that vibe in the chase scene?

In that 2 minute scene, Harley/Joker seemed annoyed by Batfleck.

Yes, that's why I made the point

Don't need the crime boss aspect

Was my point not clear enough in either post?
I don't know why but his whole convo with Common had ne dying.

"but joker thats your *****" lol

People legit thought he was the villain
Also that God Scott Eastwood wasn't **** in the movie. I couldn't have taken him night wing or deathstroke
I don't know why but his whole convo with Common had ne dying.

"but joker thats your *****" lol

People legit thought he was the villain
Everyone was uncomfortably laughing at my theater.

People legit thought he was the villain

Was what we got better?

Joker or some other smaller character should have been the bad guy.. Should have used assault on arkham as a skeleton and just flesh it out different

Marvel just did that shhh with civil war and changed things out of necessity

People in charge making it wayyy more complicated than it need to be and you ending up with gods of Egypt.. And wasting quality material
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