DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - The Penguin out 9/19 then every Sunday on MAX

but thatshow bats fights, he moves around you with his agility, its crazy for a 70-80 yr old but thats bats in essence

in MoS, nam ek destroyed that guy that was locked into his seat and has nowhere to go, i am sure if nam ek got his hands on him then he is done for

you act like nam ek has bats head in his grips and just survived his death grip :lol: the scene clearly shows bats alluding him

you aint got to forget all logic to make everyone else look bad and snyder seem cool

It ain't about me trying to make Snyder look cool ( I tried that for years here with yall, to no avail :rofl:), but compare Nam Ek from MOS to what we got in the Flash

They made Nam Ek look like he was 70 years old himself with that slow a** punch he attempted. And I love the character of batman. But I gotta be somewhat reasonable when it comes to him
so if you were directing the film, you just want nam ek to punch a hole in his chest and thats the scene? :lol:

its a different universe/timeline so power levels doesnt have to be the same as it was in MoS, i mean dude is still super strong, nothing in bats plane worked

and cant we reasonably say that the explosion and dude crashing on land disoriented him allowing bats to do his thing? we can find all the reason why it doesnt work but cant find ways why it would?

do we really got to take it to this level of nitpick? we got a cool scene and we got to see bats do something we’ve only seen in the books or cartoons, thats not enough because snyder wasnt the one that pulled it off? I mean in the books bats was doing this to darkseid and no one would argue darkseid would obliterate nam ek

but i am sure if this was snyders film, twitter would put it on a pedestal as masterpiece

its a comic book and you cant suspense disbelief even to make him look cool and emulate what he does in the books even though it shows him lose in the end anyways?

i mean what are we doing here? :rofl:
Looking back, they really did give Batman the “little brother tagging along with big brother and his friends” treatment in JL, compared to BvS.

And I actually jumped back in my seat during Keaton’s fight scene in Russia. Ain’t no way geriatric Bruce Wayne supposed to be moving so sprite and nimble like that, especially after being retired for so damn long 😂
Huh? You mean the Batman who suddenly became a bumbling idiot with his jaw on the floor the moment Wonder Woman showed up? Watching him and Barry act so gassed over WW was cringe AF.

They dumbed him down during that scene on the bridge for the comedic appeal, which has become so cookie cutter and predictable.
Not to shoot them any bail, but you all do understand that was the lasso of truth right?
Imo. The progression of Batflek from BVS to the Flash felt natural. Dude went from being a broken/disillusioned vigilante to having his faith restored in being a hero with the advent of being apart of a team dedicated to the same cause. The entire beginning sequence felt like a live action Justice League Unlimited episode.
its not going to affect gunn, that movie was produced and filmed (or at least started) before he got there

just like aquaman 2

gunn might add something in the end credit to tie it with the new DCU but his new universe starting with Superman: Legacy isnt going to be affected
so from what i gather from this thread
everyone died/vanished but ezra miller?[spoiler/]

that would be a dcu thing to do 💀
Think this was stated over the weekend, just confirmation now I guess.

It's Going To Be Tough For This To Perform Well. Who Knows What To Think Of Aquaman2 By The Time That Releases

But By The Time Gunn And Co Start Releasing Their New Universe Material I Think They Will Have Lost A Lot Of Interest With Audiences.
Saw Flash tonight, loved it. Didn't see it on a megaplex/IMAX screen, just at the old school theater two blocks from my house in my small town, so the CGI stuff wasn't a dealbreaker for me. Good "multiverse" story.


Miller was really good, which makes me hate him IRL even more - he's box office poison and was probably a significant reason for the movie's bad $$$ showing.

Supergirl was absolute :emoji_fire:. Don't think I've ever seen Sasha Calle before. She's absolutely smoking.

Keaton was incredible - solidified his "Best Live-Action Batman Ever" title.

The doomed timeline was a great twist and I appreciated the collapsing multiverse cameos. I can give the bad CGI in the speedforce/multiverse a pass since I presume they're supposed to be seen through a window of "unreality," but I'm frankly getting a bit tired of the reliance on CGI for everything in general. I recall the CGI in Multiverse of Madness being that movie's singular positive feature, and would've liked that level here, but whatever, it's a minor nit for me to pick.

The scenes with past-Barry's roommates and hero-Barry's coworkers were completely unnecessary. Not sure why they were even included.

Cameo at the end of the movie was great. Post-credit scene was surpassed by the falling dog credits stuff IMO.

Blue Beetle looks halfway decent... it will bomb, regardless. Aquaman 2 shouldn't even be a thing. DC films are cursed, and I trust absolutely nothing under Zaslav. Until WB gets it's **** in order and there's been 5+ years of stability at the top of the food chain I have zero hope that I'll see anything produced that will make people appreciate what makes DC great. I fully expect Gunn to bail by 2025 and then hopefully they just put DC movies away for a long while before re-launching everything again in a way that cleans up the mess of the last decade.
If James Gunn brings in Vincent Chase as his Aquaman, it’ll be the greatest casting ever and they can back up the Brinks trucks:lol:

Saw Flash tonight, loved it. Didn't see it on a megaplex/IMAX screen, just at the old school theater two blocks from my house in my small town, so the CGI stuff wasn't a dealbreaker for me. Good "multiverse" story.


Miller was really good, which makes me hate him IRL even more - he's box office poison and was probably a significant reason for the movie's bad $$$ showing.

Supergirl was absolute :emoji_fire:. Don't think I've ever seen Sasha Calle before. She's absolutely smoking.

Keaton was incredible - solidified his "Best Live-Action Batman Ever" title.

The doomed timeline was a great twist and I appreciated the collapsing multiverse cameos. I can give the bad CGI in the speedforce/multiverse a pass since I presume they're supposed to be seen through a window of "unreality," but I'm frankly getting a bit tired of the reliance on CGI for everything in general. I recall the CGI in Multiverse of Madness being that movie's singular positive feature, and would've liked that level here, but whatever, it's a minor nit for me to pick.

The scenes with past-Barry's roommates and hero-Barry's coworkers were completely unnecessary. Not sure why they were even included.

Cameo at the end of the movie was great. Post-credit scene was surpassed by the falling dog credits stuff IMO.

Blue Beetle looks halfway decent... it will bomb, regardless. Aquaman 2 shouldn't even be a thing. DC films are cursed, and I trust absolutely nothing under Zaslav. Until WB gets it's **** in order and there's been 5+ years of stability at the top of the food chain I have zero hope that I'll see anything produced that will make people appreciate what makes DC great. I fully expect Gunn to bail by 2025 and then hopefully they just put DC movies away for a long while before re-launching everything again in a way that cleans up the mess of the last decade.
is the cgi worse than this?
Just got back from seeing Flash. It was jus “ok” nothin spectacular.

Buhhhhh mannnnn that CGI was grotesque!
The babies :sick:
The Speedforce scenes :sick:
The shot of Barry’s Mom & Dad in the Speedforce scene :sick:
Wonder Woman flying away from the bridge :sick:
The cameos!!
Nic Cage, Henry Cavill, FRIGGIN CHRISTOPHER REEVES!!! :sick:
Look liked some damn wax figures!! I feel like I’m gonna have nightmares over this ish!

But other than that the movie was jus “ok” Sasha Calle was SuperGirl 😍 mannnn I hope she comes back in future movies she has potential in that role and Michael Keaton kickin *** as that old man Batman! Sheesh 🔥

Looking forward to Blue Beetle tho.
I thought the hype was exaggerated.. the movie itself was good to okay. Worth a theater watch, not the worst movie by any means, but not the best comic book movie ever. I'll rewatch it for sure.

But The Flash possibly being one of the biggest box office disasters of all time was not expected. What an utter disaster by WB. And there's a lot of factors involved with it but damn.
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