DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - The Penguin out 9/19 then every Sunday on MAX

Part of me wonders if moviegoers have superhero movie fatigue? Not excusing bad movies but by most accounts the Flash was solid but the numbers aren't looking good. The superhero genre has been struggling if you aren't talking about Spiderman or Guardians.
Mediocre / bad super hero movie fatigue is a real thing for sure…Spider-Verse and Guardians are doing fine…

Honestly the public is just tired of being fed crap…It’s been a steady decline for the DCEU for a while, Disney is feeling it now…Indiana Jones seems to be leaning this way as well…

If Barbie lands, coupled with Mario and now Spider-Verse, these major studios are going to have to rethink their approach going forward…People aren’t willing to pay for a movie just because it has big IP branding, it needs to actually be worth watching…
a lot factors in with the flash

first ezras extra curricular activities did get a lot to boycott the film

then your main star not doing press hurts too

the gunn hyping it up as the greatest superhero film then it turns out to be not true got people staying away too especially when its not even close

then the drama behind the scenes and snyderdorks

the film really has to be the greatest cbm ever made to overcome all of that but that is also why they just had to get it out there and get it out of the way and be done with it
It’s just time for something new…When the last 6 movies to release in that continuity are considered to be failures, just end it…

Gunn just needs to start over with a clean break…I feel like if they carry anything over from the DCEU it’ll meet with the same type of reception…Have to think Aquaman will land just like Flash did and if we’re being honest here, Blue Beetle looks like a movie that would’ve released in the early 2000’s…The DCU needs to be completely new…

55 mil though? After everything that's happened? I'm pretty sure Batgirl could've done THOSE numbers.

In the end, this seems to be a vehicle solely to soft reboot the DC movie continuity.

WB only got themselves to blame. They knew the risks, took so much criticism off the ******** they did do, Miller was a clear problem and just pushed forward regardless.

Paying Tom Cruise to sway opinion was not it.
I think since he's directing it, Superman Legacy will do good numbers just based off of Gun's rep, the trailer (which are usually good from him), and this being the start of a new cinematic universe.

I think even Marvel fans (Gunn fans) will come out to see this and anybody split about DC's new path won't matter.
depending on the budget i think blue beetle might do well due to it being the first latino super hero and also the cobra kai fanbase.
This.. A friend was mentioning him and I didn't have a clue who that actor was..

"He played in Cobra Kai"

My response: I haven't watched the damn cobra Kai show on Netflix..
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