DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - The Penguin out 9/19 then every Sunday on MAX

While it sucks Rock has made yet another bad movie more and more solidifying he's a pretty trash movies star and this slimming his chances he'll be in a super hero flick any time soon I don't feel bad for him.

He knows what a great script is. If he has so much control and power to bring Cavill back he could've focused on quality. I still don't know who directed Black Adam. Rock could've tried to lure a great or at least good director and better writers to come with better themes and do better than poorly executed cheesy hand signals, making Black Adam some quasi watered down Drax, and a much better villain and overall motivation for why these things are happening.

Instead we got laziness and relying on the hype train.
honestly, i think dude doesnt know a good or bad script when he sees it thats why his good films are far and few in between

i think he works too hard to be lazy at anything but some people are just not good at certain things and picking scripts are his and it probably doesnt help he wants to put his finger in everything he does and have some control
I doubt the Rock took a decade to make Black Adam. That was all hype for the movie. Like seriously, I had to google who the director was and surprised it was Jaume. For ten years and you came up with that plot? Go back to Disney.

I have no faith with Zaslav running the show at WB/Discovery. You think Gunn is going to change things? I won't be surprised if Gunn makes two movies and they decide to move on, AGAIN.
honestly, i think dude doesnt know a good or bad script when he sees it thats why his good films are far and few in between

i think he works too hard to be lazy at anything but some people are just not good at certain things and picking scripts are his and it probably doesnt help he wants to put his finger in everything he does and have some control
Then he should at least link up with a few proven directors and rotate or get a main guy and go on a run.

10+ years and nobody told him the scripts were trash? :smh: Just yes man?

I don't get how he can be a producer for a movie with a good script but thinks Skyscraper and Rampage are the right moves.
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Rock in the same boat as Cruise is right now that's he'll only work with a select few that he shares the same vision with and can boss around. :lol:
being surrounded by yes man is nothing new unfortunately, again he surrounds himself with people who maybe just there to make money so not much you can do

so gunn actually standing up and saying “no” for once is a good sign
Rock in the same boat as Cruise is right now that's he'll only work with a select few that he shares the same vision with and can boss around. :lol:
Cruise actually makes good to great movies that are high grossing though.

Cookie cutter Rock films make money but they're so average/by the numbers and not the franchises he wants.

As far as movie stars, Cruise is more of an actor than the Rock.
Just finished watching it. It wasn't complete dog turd like I expected but can't say it was good either. They did too much and tried to make the character the strongest in the dceu when he should just be the villain for their goofball shazam.
Cruise actually makes good to great movies that are high grossing though.

Cookie cutter Rock films make money but they're so average/by the numbers and not the franchises he wants.

As far as movie stars, Cruise is more of an actor than the Rock.
Of course.
cruise been living off the m.i. franchise for the last few decade. he will have a few other things like that scifi movie he kept dying in and the top gun sequel.
Even if it's a basic Tom Cruise blockbuster, the story beats make enough sense for you to ride it out. Just real basic **** Rocky doesn't care about.
Comparing Tom Cruise and the Rock is the definition of apples and oranges…Let’s be real…

I mean Tom Cruise is a legit Academy Award nominated actor that’s worked with some of the biggest names that’s ever been in the movie making business…Of course he’d have a better handle on what goes into making solid movie top to bottom…People sometimes forget this since he’s been THE Hollywood action guy for a couple decades now…His adaptability is what continues to keep him as a box office draw…When something doesn’t work, like The Mummy for example, he’s not afraid to end it and focus on what’s working for him…If people show they're getting tired of action actor Tom Cruise I guarantee he’d be able to transition back into a legit dramatic actor without issue…As it is right now though the public loves what he’s doing and he seems to love it just as much…

Dwayne is a WWE wrestler…He’s all about the spectacle and plot points that are sometimes borderline incoherent…It’s only natural that this is the way his movies would lean…His personality is what’s carried him as far as he’s gotten, but people seem to be getting tired of him playing “The Rock” in every single film he makes…Only issue he is running into is he hasn’t shown that he can pivot away from being “The Rock” now that the movie going audience is getting a little tired of it…

Only similarity would be that they both demand control of their projects, for better or worse…
I do feel bad for Rock. He spent like a decade trying to get that movie made. Finally gets that movie made. Fights for Cavill to return. Hypes it all up with as much marketing as he can…

only for the movie to not break even and Cavill getting cancelled. I dont think any official word is out saying he won’t return, but he’s done :lol: not even 1 tweet that the movie is up on HBO Max now.

I havent even seen the movie yet :smh: :lol:

No one knows who or what Black Adam is. People tend to watch characters known. Unknown ones are a much tougher sell. I still have no idea who the hell Black Adam is. The 300 or so mill it made is REMARKABLE for some lost DC character.

The same struggle the Eternals had. No one knows or really cares.

The Rock as the Juggernaut or even Lobo would have worked better.
Black Adam isn't some unknown, it's one of the more popular anti-hero characters, Shazam's nemesis. I'm surprised at the amount of people claiming this.

As a guy that grew up in comic book culture and still buys from time to time, Black Adam rang zero bells. Literally had to google him. I don’t seem to be alone. Shazam wasn’t exactly some huge main character either but the movie was pretty good.

So to me Rock had a huge uphill battle and for it to do 300 mill plus is pretty solid. But this was no billion dollar franchise.
what is the top 5 best movies rock been in?

with him as the lead:

jumanji 2
super pets
i cant think of a 5th in terms of films but i liked him in ballers or maybe journey 2 because its entertaining with hudgens in in

if its just a film he is in, would probably include 3 f&f films in there and maybe the other guys

everything else is rinse and repeat and thinking about it now, its like the 90s action film formula, same plot points are hit and just insert the buff guy to save the day and even black adam is set up that way
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