"Days of Future Past" - New X-Men Movie Release Date (First Class Sequel)

X-men 1 and 2 benefitted greatly from when they were made.. And the fact that we wanted x-men (hell any of our favorite childhood characters) movies so badly
Very true. I watched them both again within the past year and neither aged gracefully. I'm gonna try to go in with no expectations with DoFP so I'm not disappointed with how it turns out.
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90% with 21 reviews in so far on Rotten Tomatoes

I know it's early, everyone hates RT, Fox is the worst, blah blah blah, but I'd rather the early reviews be positive than negative.
But reviewers don't care about source material which is why when it comes to comic flicks, their opinions are null and void.
But reviewers don't care about source material which is why when it comes to comic flicks, their opinions are null and void.

Meh, a good (or at least watchable) movie > following source material. Last couple xmen movies were neither
I get that, but I'm glad so far the reviews are positive as an overall movie. I'm sure they care very little about continuity and timelines and all that, which so many of us in here do. I'm not as outraged as many, but I've also kind of given up since everything is so messy :lol:

It could be the best reviewed comic book movie of all-time, but if the source material is destroyed, I know tons of fans would be pissed.. regardless of the overall movie. If given the choice between a great movie that takes liberties or changes source material vs. a bad movie that's completely faithful, I'll take the former. We've been over this and I know others don't feel the same and I understand. It has it's limits, though. If they suddenly give Professor X claws like Wolverine or something absurd like that, I don't care if it wins an Oscar.. that's idiotic :lol:

i think something I noticed with the Spider-Man 2 discussion was a lot of praise for how much it felt like a comic book.. the visuals, the action, how they handled Gwen, and all of that was great.. but it still suffered from basic film issues. Pacing, jumbled plot, etc., so that's where I'll consider the reviews.
Well, that's a good thing. I'm betting expectations came into play. Cuz for some reason (I didn't see many in the trailers) it seemed like everyone was ready for ASM2 to be great. And likewise, everyone was ready for DoFP to be awful. I'd guess both would be decently avg to not that bad.

So i'm guessing the early reviewers are all happy it crossed that low bar? :lol:

And don't act like RT means nothing. It's the simplest spoiler-free way to dip your toe in the water for any movie.

That's all. And it's early...the rating almost always comes down with big movies.

It's not like a low score means they cancel the movie or a high score means better than TDK or w/e. It's the simplest way to get a feel for the whole audience, even if you do or don't agree with them. And besides in 2014, if you can't find a single comic book loving soul online, who's opinion you'd respect enough on a movie like this...you're just different.
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I get that, but I'm glad so far the reviews are positive as an overall movie. I'm sure they care very little about continuity and timelines and all that, which so many of us in here do. I'm not as outraged as many, but I've also kind of given up since everything is so messy :lol:

It could be the best reviewed comic book movie of all-time, but if the source material is destroyed, I know tons of fans would be pissed.. regardless of the overall movie. If given the choice between a great movie that takes liberties or changes source material vs. a bad movie that's completely faithful, I'll take the former. We've been over this and I know others don't feel the same and I understand. It has it's limits, though. If they suddenly give Professor X claws like Wolverine or something absurd like that, I don't care if it wins an Oscar.. that's idiotic :lol:

i think something I noticed with the Spider-Man 2 discussion was a lot of praise for how much it felt like a comic book.. the visuals, the action, how they handled Gwen, and all of that was great.. but it still suffered from basic film issues. Pacing, jumbled plot, etc., so that's where I'll consider the reviews.

Yup, take MoS. Ok comic book movie with some of the worst editing I've seen. Movie just jumped all over the place.
These comic book movies were made for "us" **** what the general consensus thinks about them. "We" are the reason these comic book films are billion dollar films now. If "we" aren't happy, then they failed. I don't care how much money these movies make.
^They are made for money. Michael Bay is unapolagetic about transformers. WB or whoever makes those movies is very happy with him.

In the eyes of these studios Money > A good film.
Making changes to the source material is completely forgiveable if they are true to the characters, which Fox is not. Beast is the X-Men hulk now and is shy and timid, Cyclops was 2D, Psylocke was WTF? Siblings are born 40 years apart. Almost every character besides Xavier, Logan, Raven, and Erik, are just there to confirm that other mutants do exist.
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Let's not pretend Niketalk is the only place "clowns" like X-Men and X-2.

It's not like people are hyping up Ghost Rider.. the first two X-Men were good, with the second being one of the better comic books movies for awhile. It's not that far-fetched or ridiculous, let's not exaggerate things.
Some ppl just have really bad taste across the board and are too entrenched in their opinions due to being stubborn. Plus makes no sense to acknowledge a dude who claims he doesn't even watch these X-Men movies anymore but spends half his time on NT complaining about them.
But reviewers don't care about source material which is why when it comes to comic flicks, their opinions are null and void.

Meh, a good (or at least watchable) movie > following source material. Last couple xmen movies were neither
Yeah there's a balance. A good movie is a good movie. If you're letting your attachment to source material curve your opinion that much you clearly have a bias.
These comic book movies were made for "us" **** what the general consensus thinks about them. "We" are the reason these comic book films are billion dollar films now. If "we" aren't happy, then they failed. I don't care how much money these movies make.
You couldn't sound more entitled and more wrong here :lol: Comic book fans did not make any of these billion dollar franchises what they are now. This is like a perfect storm relying on a lot of variables. The most important being Hollywood running out of ideas to the point a lot of what they're doing is no longer original screenplays by remakes, decades separated sequels, and adaptions. The other important part being the comic book bubble bursting late 90s where Marvel almost goes bankrupt forcing them to sell at the time what were pretty worthless movie rights but had potential to other companies.

When it comes to fans going to see movies, half of these ppl mainly know the X-Men from the cartoon and toys more than the comic. Even if you took in to account the millions of ppl buying comics in the 90s none of that adds up the billions these two franchises are making (Avengers and Iron Man). Stuff like Batman has been apart of America for 70+ years. He's ******* iconic and the movies were good. Same for Superman and MOS wasn't even that good they just gave fans what they wanted as far as fights and destruction with Supes. **** goes farther than the what comic fans like.
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These comic book movies were made for "us" **** what the general consensus thinks about them. "We" are the reason these comic book films are billion dollar films now. If "we" aren't happy, then they failed. I don't care how much money these movies make.

Then the only one that's really succeeded is Watchmen?

Wait, no...they changed the ending... |I
Master Zik Master Zik I can literally count on 1 hand how many people knew who the avengers were before Sam Jackson's cameo in IM 1. You think people knew who he was? Or do you think they were trying to cater to the fans? Legit question...

Point being that "our" enthusiasm for the avengers initiative is the reason why Avengers released and became a world event. Don't give me that Robert Downey Jr. sells tickets crap because he was embraced by comic book fans and his rebirth took off from there. All I'm saying is the comic book films should take the source material and what "we" like more into consideration because super hero movies won't be cool forever and at the rate they're going this comic book movie thing is bound to burst
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Master Zik Master Zik I can literally count on 1 hand how many people knew who the avengers were before Sam Jackson's cameo in IM 1. You think people knew who he was? Or do you think they were trying to cater to the fans? Legit question...
Parts of the story catering to the comic fans by using source material does not mean the comic book fans are responsible for Avengers grossing a billion dollars.

Point being that "our" enthusiasm for the avengers initiative is the reason why Avengers released and became a world event. Don't give me that Robert Downey Jr. sells tickets crap because he was embraced by comic book fans and his rebirth took off from there. All I'm saying is the comic book films should take the source material and what "we" like more into consideration because super hero movies won't be cool forever and at the rate they're going this comic book movie thing is bound to burst
I'm sorry but RDJR is a huge part of it. Forget being accepted by comic book fans. That's minor giving his performance, movie fans would've accepted him anyway. After IM1 none of the Iron Man movies have anything to do with the comic books yet they still did #s and IM3 made a billion off a butchered Extremis story and a cop out Mandarin. A BILLION based off of nothing.

Can't say I really agree. These studios are gonna do what they think make the most money. Once they get the ball rolling all bets are off. I'm not naive to think they're making the movies only for me and just for me. If they did all these movies would be vastly different.

I don't agree with this idea of the comic book movie bubble bursting either. I'm pretty sure the good movies will be here for the long run. Your view on it seems to be do the movies the way I like it now cuz there's no telling when this will all be over. I think that's complete bull ****.
^^ IM3 made a billie off of Avengers' muscle. RDJ was washed up and Iron Man saved him. How many people have seen Chaplin? Ok now how many people have seen iron man? Exactly. You think they could've made a Thor movie without "our" enthusiasm? How many people knew anything about Thanos, the infinity gems or Guardians of the Galaxy for that matter? Hollywood needs us just as much as we need them. Let Guardians tank and watch and see how many liberties Marvel takes outside of the Avengers. I bet that Doctor Strange movie will get canceled
^^ IM3 made a billie off of Avengers' muscle. RDJ was washed up and Iron Man saved him. How many people have seen Chaplin? Ok now how many people have seen iron man? Exactly. You think they could've made a Thor movie without "our" enthusiasm? How many people knew anything about Thanos, the infinity gems or Guardians of the Galaxy for that matter? Hollywood needs us just as much as we need them. Let Guardians tank and watch and see how many liberties Marvel takes outside of the Avengers. I bet that Doctor Strange movie will get canceled
First off you sound stupid comparing Chaplin to Iron Man :lol: :smh: Regardless of IM not being one of the bigger known superheroes at the time. You're comparing a period piece/biography film to a summer action flick.

We're not talking about IM reviving RDJR's career. You keep talking about these other movies and comic book fans enthusiasm. I'm telling you these movies would've still done #s with just the regular movie goers that go watch any other summer blockbuster based off of the trailers and commercials. Comic book fans are not responsible for a billion dollar franchise. You kinda just keep ignoring ****. Like I said after IM1 none of the movies are based off of the comics in the least.

IM3 made as much as it did off of Avengers and what RDJR acting ability. Son was the star of Avengers and that just carried over to IM3. Before Avengers it wasn't like these other solo movies had the popularity IM did. It was RDJR and Sam Jack that showed up at the end of IH. It was Sam Jack showing up again at the end of IM. IM was the lynchpin of the whole damn thing. It's a good movie whether it was based off of the comics or not.

It's like your ignoring that IM as a comic book hero was never a-list. The movies propelled him to that level not comic book fans. If it was just comic book fans he would already be up there with Spider-Man and the X-Men.

You keep saying us like without comic book fans comic book movies won't make money. You in for a rude awakening about Hollywood. It's the good well promoted movies that usually make the most money. It's like you not even looking at comic book movies that already exist. Few exceptions that don't fit.

The whole reason you think that way is cuz you think this is a bubble when it's not.
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First off you sound stupid comparing Chaplin to Iron Man :lol: :smh: Regardless of IM not being one of the bigger known superheroes at the time. You're comparing a period piece/biography film to a summer action flick.

We're not talking about IM reviving RDJR's career. You keep talking about these other movies and comic book fans enthusiasm. I'm telling you these movies would've still done #s with just the regular movie goers that go watch any other summer blockbuster based off of the trailers and commercials. Comic book fans are not responsible for a billion dollar franchise. You kinda just keep ignoring ****. Like I said after IM1 none of the movies are based off of the comics in the least.

IM3 made as much as it did off of Avengers and what RDJR acting ability. Son was the star of Avengers and that just carried over to IM3. Before Avengers it wasn't like these other solo movies had the popularity IM did. It was RDJR and Sam Jack that showed up at the end of IH. It was Sam Jack showing up again at the end of IM. IM was the lynchpin of the whole damn thing. It's a good movie whether it was based off of the comics or not.

It's like your ignoring that IM as a comic book hero was never a-list. The movies propelled him to that level not comic book fans. If it was just comic book fans he would already be up there with Spider-Man and the X-Men.

You keep saying us like without comic book fans comic book movies won't make money. You in for a rude awakening about Hollywood. It's the good well promoted movies that usually make the most money. It's like you not even looking at comic book movies that already exist. Few exceptions that don't fit.

The whole reason you think that way is cuz you think this is a bubble when it's not.

:smh: you can downplay the comic book fans all you want but it's the truth. Just like with LOTR, just like the Harry Potter series, these films have diehard fans. Those fans are the fans of the comic, the dorks who dress up in costume to go to the premier. They're the ones that propel these movies into pop culture status because people want to know what the big fuss is about, they want to feel like they are apart of something. Avengers made all that money because people were able to follow the films from the beginning. These films will make money NOW without the comic fans but it was the comic fans who initially embraced it and made them successful. And my point being that Hollywood should cater to "we" the comic book fans as much as they can because the general public like you said is just going to see a summer blockbuster. Maybe I'm naive in thinking that it shouldn't just be about money when you're messing with stories and characters that people grew up with *shrugs*
First off you sound stupid comparing Chaplin to Iron Man :lol: :smh: Regardless of IM not being one of the bigger known superheroes at the time. You're comparing a period piece/biography film to a summer action flick.

We're not talking about IM reviving RDJR's career. You keep talking about these other movies and comic book fans enthusiasm. I'm telling you these movies would've still done #s with just the regular movie goers that go watch any other summer blockbuster based off of the trailers and commercials. Comic book fans are not responsible for a billion dollar franchise. You kinda just keep ignoring ****. Like I said after IM1 none of the movies are based off of the comics in the least.

IM3 made as much as it did off of Avengers and what RDJR acting ability. Son was the star of Avengers and that just carried over to IM3. Before Avengers it wasn't like these other solo movies had the popularity IM did. It was RDJR and Sam Jack that showed up at the end of IH. It was Sam Jack showing up again at the end of IM. IM was the lynchpin of the whole damn thing. It's a good movie whether it was based off of the comics or not.

It's like your ignoring that IM as a comic book hero was never a-list. The movies propelled him to that level not comic book fans. If it was just comic book fans he would already be up there with Spider-Man and the X-Men.

You keep saying us like without comic book fans comic book movies won't make money. You in for a rude awakening about Hollywood. It's the good well promoted movies that usually make the most money. It's like you not even looking at comic book movies that already exist. Few exceptions that don't fit.

The whole reason you think that way is cuz you think this is a bubble when it's not.

:smh: you can downplay the comic book fans all you want but it's the truth. Just like with LOTR, just like the Harry Potter series, these films have diehard fans. Those fans are the fans of the comic, the dorks who dress up in costume to go to the premier. They're the ones that propel these movies into pop culture status because people want to know what the big fuss is about, they want to feel like they are apart of something. Avengers made all that money because people were able to follow the films from the beginning. These films will make money NOW without the comic fans but it was the comic fans who initially embraced it and made them successful. And my point being that Hollywood should cater to "we" the comic book fans as much as they can because the general public like you said is just going to see a summer blockbuster. Maybe I'm naive in thinking that it shouldn't just be about money when you're messing with stories and characters that people grew up with *shrugs*
I'm downplaying them at all. They play a part they're just not responsible for two billion dollar franchises.

Excuse me but which LOTR or Harry Potter film grossed a billion dollars? :nerd: I must've missed that. **** you just naming movies based off books now. Why not mention Twilight too?

I'm sorry but between the two, the movie goer that's there for the summer blockbuster (consistently) is more reliable than the comic book fans specifically demanding copy pasta of the source material (that'll boycott something if they don't like where they think it's going). Hence failed expectations for certain movies. It's why despite being better First Class didn't do as well as past X-flicks. It's the same reason that MOS not sticking to a Superman we all know still did 600 mil.

I guess you are naive. Those same comics you grew up with were made to make money as well. Again you're either ignoring that or fooling yourself. This stuff wasn't made for the benefit of your childhood memories. Your confused about what was initial too. If Avengers made all that money cuz ppl were able to follow all of the other films that connected then there you go, that's not dependent on comic book source material. While some ppl may be swayed by cb fan opinion they're not the leading force in these movies being successful.

End of the day if you think Avengers wouldn't have done a billi without giving comic book fans whatever they want your crazy.
Ehh, I still believe that comic book fans make up a very small percentage of the movie going public. They are the most rabid of all the movie goers and the most loud, but they're just not as important as the casual movie goer. I always go back to something like Scott Pilgrim vs the World which came out in 2010. Got rave reviews at Comic-Con and was a critical success. Released during a time when comic book films were really on its' upswing. Real creative and something that should have had cross over appeal. At the end of the day, it bombed and was dismal failure at the box office. Same could be said about Karl Urban's Dredd.

Being a follower of comic books since 90-91, I'd like to think I was integral in helping get these films made, but those would just be delusions of grandeur. No matter how much I told my friends about Dolph Lungdren's Punisher, ain't no one cared. Same with hyping the Corman, Fantastic Four film (which was eventually canned). :lol:
Master Zik Master Zik call me Crazy as well as naive then because you know like I know a Thor movie wouldn't even have been considered if it weren't for the comic book fans. Nope Avengers wouldn't have done a Billie without comic fans. That movie was so well received across the board that many people saw it more than once. Do you think the multiple viewer was the casual movie goer, or the comic fan?

...and LOTR: Return of the King and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows pt 2 both made a billie. The latter made more than IM3 pleighboi >D
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Maybe I'm naive in thinking that it shouldn't just be about money when you're messing with stories and characters that people grew up with *shrugs*

Cartoons exist only to sell toys. Doesnt matter how well received an animated series is, it will be cancelled if it sells toys. Doesnt matter how ****** an animated series is it will last for far to long if it sells toys.

Movies may not need to sell as much merchandise (idk I didnt do the research) but if they could make a more profitable movie by disappointing the fans they would. So fans are important in that regard. X-Men connected two continuities just so they have some familiar faces to toss on screen and they wanted another wolverine centric film, to fans dismay, instead of recasting the future x-men and calling it a day.

Hollywood don't give a **** about us b.

Casual moviegoer has more money to offer than the 30k-120k fans who buy a comic on a monthly basis.
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The casual movie goer just wants to see special effects and explosions. The comic book fan is the guy who starts clapping when Thanos' appears or when Tony Stark and James Rhodes' are getting drunk to a Ghostface song (Wu-tang heads >D) or a Doc Strange reference. These are the guys who change the movie experience for the casual guys, make them do their research and then in turn become fans of the characters. Or maybe I'm naive and everyone thought Loki was a great villain before 2011...
Cartoons exist only to sell toys. Doesnt matter how well received an animated series is, it will be cancelled if it sells toys. Doesnt matter how ****** an animated series is it will last for far to long if it sells toys.

Movies may not need to sell as much merchandise (idk I didnt do the research) but if they could make a more profitable movie by disappointing the fans they would. So fans are important in that regard. X-Men connected two continuities just so they have some familiar faces to toss on screen and they wanted another wolverine centric film, to fans dismay, instead of recasting the future x-men and calling it a day.

Hollywood don't give a **** about us b.

Casual moviegoer has more money to offer than the 30k-120k fans who buy a comic on a monthly basis.

I'm not discrediting anything you said because this is the TRUTH. All I'm saying is that "we" are the nucleus. It starts with us and ends with us. These films, cartoons, etc need our enthusiasm to get the ball rolling. Yeah they can make a movie, make tons of money and not give 2 ***** what we think. But if "we" stop caring, eventually so will the casual audience
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