"Days of Future Past" - New X-Men Movie Release Date (First Class Sequel)

In reference to all the xmen films that of came out :lol:

Wolverine is a human pitbull with metal bones. He never gets tired, doesn't care about anything but his people, has poor social skills, and sometimes goes into an uncontrollable rage. He's basically the hulk but little and doesn't gain strength when angrey.

If you haven't seen the wolverine DONT :lol:

Ohh. Well you threw me off cuz that can be said about 90sum % of Fox's X-Men characters.

He cares about more than just his people in recent comics. Like the last 15ish years. After AvX he has pretty much told the world he is the benedict arnold of the mutants.
I don't think Jennifer Lawrence is bad as Mystique. It's just that it's obviously her under all that blue skin and she's more famous than the other chick.
For what they did with her in First Class, she was well cast. The problem back then was, that was the ugliest makeup on the planet. And they had her say so much goofy ****. And that love rectangle was beyond corny. :lol: But she was good casting for a young Mystique who wasn't that sexy assassin yet.

She settled into the part a lot better in DoFP. She didn't have any goofy moments, and the makeup was a lot better. But they changed the role. They made her that sexy assassin, and Jen ain't it. She got that girl next door, one of the guys, jokey vibe. And she can be..yknow...kina surprisingly sexy. But Mystique is supposed to be sex personified. And look like the smartest one in the room, always in control.

Plus...Jen kinda has the wrong body type? Like you could especially tell in the fight scenes. It's w/e, she's fine and she's the one they went with. And she'll only get better in the part. but for the way they went, they maybe shoulda went with someone like Milla Jovovich.
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Only thing about her looks that bothers me is her hair, but if they just have her hair styled any other way, it'll probably look weird also.
The hair bothers me too. Just die her regular hair red and try to give me something close to this

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J. Law is sexy enough to be mystique, she just gives off an innocent vibe. Partly due to how she was portrayed in First Class, which was awesome
I've seen Jen Lawrence in other roles and I wouldn't say she had an innocent vibe in any of them.

She can do mature. Honestly, it's her physical appearance that bothers me the most about her as Mystique.

I still have to see the movie - probably tonight - but I doubt I'll see anything that changes my mind about her in that role.
Yea.. Not a fan of the slicked back hair thing they do with mystique.. All of them
I find her really attractive but she seems like the kinda girl that takes nasty dumps. We'd get some stuff from the taco truck and she'd eat more than me, word to the girl in that taco bell commercial.
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