"Days of Future Past" - New X-Men Movie Release Date (First Class Sequel)

There are just so many things to say about this film. :lol:

I liked it. It was good. Fox needs to fire their entire marketing dept.

It's just....cotdamn did they try to have it all. :lol:

The whole X-franchise, really is a mess.

I mean, they made the best out of a bad situation, but that ending in the X-mansion gave me every Lost finale vibe all over again. :nerd:

This got to be your shortest review ever

It's a warm up. Has to be.

He's reading thru the thread, collecting thoughts, multi-quotes, and then he'll MrO us. Be patient.

Called it.

In DoFP, a mutant drops a baseball stadium on the White House, because a time traveler told him, if this one guy visiting the capital gets killed by a mutant, it'll kick off the Sentinels. I get it that it's a new timeline and new things can happen, but that is so stupid. Everyone on the planet coulda watched that and been shook for life. Who cares if you save the president, that's worse than Bay of Pigs or an alien invasion. It's on and crackin. Make a million Sentinels tomorrow.

Obviously you are right here, however, you could also make the case (to the world) that look, we here. We're mutants, we can do ****. Look at us, look what we can do.


Check the blue broad with the gun pulled, NOT kill nobody. Look at the mutants that stop her, or try to stop her. We aren't allllllll bad.

Again, to perspective it, if some rich white kid from Beverly Hills roll up on the pres, we don't go sendin Sentinels to the Hills, ya know?

We got good humans, and bad humans. We got good Mutants, and bad Mutants. Not everything needs government robots to defend us. Cuz then those robots turn on on their own, and wipe out the planet and we send big old Austrian lookin fellas back in time to prevent that ****. I seen'd it. :lol:

The main part of the message was, not all mutants are dangerous, there are good ones, ones that will eventually even work in the government someday. The world can't overreact to every problem that arises, otherwise we'd have no planes on Earth right now, cuz they could crash into buildings, no kids would ever go to school, cuz Columbine, and you never let your daughter date a football player, cuz Cromartie.
Yo, irony...I was gonna read through the thread and do just that, but there were so many new pages, that I just went to the last one and started typin

Come on, you knew I was waitin on that ****.

Like, I'm waitin for you to control copy/paste that bad boy somewhere else for historical safe keeping, if you know what I mean. :lol:
Obviously you are right here, however, you could also make the case (to the world) that look, we here. We're mutants, we can do ****. Look at us, look what we can do.


Check the blue broad with the gun pulled, NOT kill nobody. Look at the mutants that stop her, or try to stop her. We aren't allllllll bad.

Again, to perspective it, if some rich white kid from Beverly Hills roll up on the pres, we don't go sendin Sentinels to the Hills, ya know?

We got good humans, and bad humans. We got good Mutants, and bad Mutants. Not everything needs government robots to defend us. Cuz then those robots turn on on their own, and wipe out the planet and we send big old Austrian lookin fellas back in time to prevent that ****. I seen'd it. :lol:

The main part of the message was, not all mutants are dangerous, there are good ones, ones that will eventually even work in the government someday. The world can't overreact to every problem that arises, otherwise we'd have no planes on Earth right now, cuz they could crash into buildings, no kids would ever go to school, cuz Columbine, and you never let your daughter date a football player, cuz Cromartie.

Either way, he's still justifying the creation of the Sentinal program, after spending a good chunk of the movie trying to stop it. Scumbag Magneto :lol:
Funny thing, my wife went with me, and she loved Fassbender in First Class (she's not a huge comic movie fan, but she'll tolerate)

She was sittin there watchin the movie, and Fass shows up at the house, sentinels primed, suddenly they start shooting all over the place, and I feel her shaking next to me. I look over, she's laughing uncontrollably.

After, I ask her, what you laughin for. She was so lost the whole time, she thought Magneto was good again, and was teamed up with Charles, and was gonna help and be straight and all that, and then she saw him start shooting at everybody and was like "he turned bad again :frown: "

Then I shaking uncontrollably laughing so hard. :lol: :lol: :lol: You KNEW when Mags pulled the gun on Mystique, he was out for his own agenda, as usual. Hell, I was waiting for Gandalf to make the same move in the future, like bail on his peeps and what not. Every movie he has done what he sees best, on his end, never helping for any cause, just doin what he sees fit.

I really hope Fassbender likes doing these movies. He crushes it, every time. I have feared he would get bored, or only do _ number of films, etc, but if he's already on for Apocalypse, then maybe he's really into the character and wants to be a part of the franchise goin forward.
I enjoyed the time watching this movie but after letting it sink in, I'm good on seeing this movie again. Why am I watching an X-Men movie and the only people getting shine are Wolverine (no surprise), Mystique, and Magneto. They really should just start fresh and have the next X-Men movie have Cyclops as a main character.
except Cyclops is the worst. THE. WORST.
Justin Wong's Cyclops >>>>>> 

Cyclops: the Worst Leader (an interview)

So, you’re a teacher at a school where mutant kids can learn to control their powers. What tricks do you use to keep your powers under control?

I don’t. I have a special pair of glasses that does it for me.

[awkward pause]

Without them, I am helpless and blind.

Well, designing them must have taken considerable ingenui—

I didn’t design them. The Professor did.

Oh. Well, that was kind of him. He also asked you to lead his team of mutant superheroes, the X-men, from their inception. What qualities led him to trust you to lead at such a young age?

I am a natural leader.

Er, yes. How so?

I am very good at leadership.

But what aspects of leadership?

The part where I am the leader of the team.

Let’s try this another way. How did a teenager handle the responsibility of making decisions under pressure without Xavier’s help?

By asking him psychically what to do.

…I’m sorry?

For the first few years, he stayed in constant contact with the entire team using his psychic powers every time we went on a mission. He would come up with plans, coordinate our actions, and make critical decisions in the heat of battle.

Oh. Um. Well, what did you do?

I led the team.

What were your responsibilities as team leader, I mean?

I would tell them to carry out the Professor’s orders, mostly.

So, the Professor would come up with a plan, and you would say, “do that?”

Yes. With my natural leadership skills, it was easy.

I see. Well, you said this was only for the first few years. What happened after that?

For a while, we all thought the Professor was dead. It was a very difficult time.

Oh! So, you stepped in to fill in his role?

No. Around that time, Jean’s telepathy developed, so she took over the Professor’s old duties.

And you…

…led the team. I would tell them to carry out Jean’s plans. Which, it turned out, were also the Professor’s orders.


Yes. It turned out the Professor hadn’t died after all. He had to fake his own death in order to focus on a critical long-term threat.

He let his own students think he was dead?!

Yes. Except for Jean. He made sure to tell her what was going on.

So he faked his own death, entrusting his responsibilities and the knowledge of his survival to one student, and that student was Jean Grey.

That’s correct.

And you… led the team.


Moving on, then. Let’s talk about the personnel change that many say redefined the X-men. The entire team left, except for you!

Yes. I wanted them to stay, but they ignored me.

You had to rebuild the team from scratch.

It was the hardest time for me as a leader. There was no one to lead.

What was your role in the recruitment of the new cast of international heroes?

I mostly had to be patient while the Professor recruited them. It was very difficult.

Surely there was more to it than that?

Well, of course. First he had to scan for them with Cerebro. Then he had to build dossiers, drawing on his contacts in the government and his abilities for any information he could find, trying to decide whether they were suitable for the team. Then he had to fly all over the world, trying to convince them to sign up.

Ah. And, if I may venture a guess: you led the team?

No. There was no one there to lead. I thought I explained this.

Sorry, my mistake.

For a while, it felt as though my role as leader was just an empty title.

How sad.

But then the Professor came back with a new team for me to lead! It was a great moment.

And then you went back to telling the team to do whatever the Professor told them to do.

Of course not. First, I had to train them.

Oh, really? So you trained the new team? Teaching combat skills must be a great challenge.

It sure is! Fortunately, the Professor built a special room full of automated training machines and scripted a whole series of programs for me to use.


The Danger Room is amazing.

But you still had to tutor them in controlling their powers, at least?

Well, this team was made up of adults rather than teenagers. They already knew how to use their powers. Many had been relying on their mutant skills for a living. Some even had combat training.

So what exactly were you teaching them?

How to work as a team.

That does sound important… So, you forged them into a coordinated fighting force?

Well, that was the goal of the training. Unfortunately, they weren’t very good at it.

So you were unable to teach a group of combat-trained mutant veterans with good control of their powers to function as a team?

Yes. I told them to work together, but they wouldn’t. I mean, sometimes they would, when they felt like it, or when it was their own idea. But for some reason, I could say “work together” all I wanted and they still wouldn’t.

What did you do to teach them the value of teamwork?

Well, I told them teamwork was valuable and that they should work as a team. I don’t know what more you could ask of me than that.


Some of them seemed to actually get a kick out of ignoring me. Heck, a lot of them still do.

I can’t imagine.

I still maintain that Thunderbird might have lived if we had been more coordinated.

You lost a team member?

On our second mission, yes.

That must have been terrible.

I told them, “This is what happens when you don’t work as a team! Next time listen to me better!”

And you must have reexamined yourself as a leader after that.

Well, it certainly made me feel like less of a leader.


I mean, one day, I was leading seven people. Then the next day, I was only leading six.

…That’s it?

Well, six isn’t that few. At the beginning, I had only been leading four.

But you didn’t reconsider your leadership style?

I thought about it, sure. But the problem wasn’t my leadership style, it was their following style. I said “work as a team,” and they didn’t work as a team. I think it’s pretty clear where the problem was.

So you seriously think leadership responsibilities begin and end with “tell people what to do”?

You forgot the training part.

Which didn’t actually work.

Correct. They were impossible to train.

You said many of them already had training.

Yes. In things like combat, espionage, acrobatics, thievery, and controlling their unprecedented superhuman abilities. Learning to look out for your teammates must be harder than all those other things.

One of them was a Russian communist! You couldn’t teach a child of the Soviet Union to think of the common good?

Well, he did seem a little more promising than the others.

So, you don’t recruit, you don’t plan, you don’t make decisions, you don’t control your powers, no one listens to your orders, no one trusts you with important information, and your idea of training is “tell someone what to do and then hope they do it.” Do you do anything? Conduct job interviews? Help your teammates with their personal lives?

I’ve never thought of that. I bet I would be really good at dealing with people’s personal problems! I mean, no one who hasn’t been there knows what to do when your true love dies in your arms.

Finally we’re getting somewhere! What do you do in that situation?

Well, the first time—

The first time?

Yes, the first time, I married her exact physical duplicate who wasn’t related in any way, and quit the team.


Well, technically I was forced off the team by Storm, who thought I should concentrate on my wife and son.


But then I heard my original girlfriend was still alive, so I abandoned my family with no explanation to join a new team with the original girlfriend.


Of course, I didn’t tell the original what was going on, either, and swore everyone who knew I was married to secrecy so I could go back to dating my resurrected girlfriend in peace.

You have got to be ******* kidding me.

When my wife came to find me, demanding to know what the hell was going on, things looked pretty grim for a while.

Hard to believe that would bite you in the ***.

But fortunately it turned out that she had been a clone all along.

So you mean totally identical, unrelated women aren’t that common?

Also, maddened by jealousy, rage, and grief at our son’s kidnapping—

Kidnapping?! You didn’t think this was worth mentioning?

—she had struck a bargain with a demon to give her incredible powers so she could take revenge.

Why ever would she want to do that?

So we just defeated her like any other supervillain, and she committed suicide. Things sorted themselves right out after that!

Well, on the bright side, now I know why people don’t come to you for help with their personal problems. On the other hand, this interview is over, *******. Rot in hell.

Wait? Don’t you want to hear what I did the second time she died…?
:rofl: @ Mr.O. I finished his reply to CP and was not expecting a longer one after that :lol: and the thing is he completely expands on points I didn't and wasn't going to to such a degree I can't help but Alonzo gif. I was trying to ignore certain things even though I realized them immediately like I did with MOS but some of that **** is just undeniable. I pretty much knew where he was going when I saw his first post.

That Magneto point had me thinking why is he even locked up if he can control from that far away to such a degree. Plot induced stupidity. You just spen a good amount of time thinking Fass is a badass you ignore it. Same with Xavier but it was acted so well. I had to ignore that cure stuff and yeah I still hate what has been done to Mystique and like I said anything she did in this movie just didn't make sense.

In the end FOX wanted it all. So of course a lot of the **** just seems sloppy and unnecessary.

Stann Lee on not having a cameo 

"As a matter of fact I have never requested a cameo. I love doing them. I'm incredibly happy when somebody asks me to do a cam but I don't ask for them. In fact there are times I don't get them. In the new X-Men movie, I don't have a cameo because it was shot, I think, somewhere in Europe, and I wasn't able to go there. But I have a funny theory about it; it also could be they didn't want me to do a cameo because, without my cameo, the movie will make more money. You are wondering how and I am going to explain that. You see, somebody watches the movie and the movie ends and the person says "Wow, I didn't see Stan's cameo. I must have missed it. So what do they do? Right back to the box office, buy another ticket, and watch the movie again. So I think it's a big moneymaking ploy on the part of the producers."

Stan the Man :nthat:  

Stan delusional but clever :rofl:
In DoFP, a mutant drops a baseball stadium on the White House ... Everyone on the planet coulda watched that and been shook for life. Who cares if you save the president, that's worse than Bay of Pigs or an alien invasion. It's on and crackin. Make a million Sentinels tomorrow.

Obviously you are right here, however, you could also make the case (to the world) that look, we here. We're mutants, we can do ****. Look at us, look what we can do.


Check the blue broad with the gun pulled, NOT kill nobody. Look at the mutants that stop her, or try to stop her. We aren't allllllll bad.

See...you're tryna get tunnelvision and ignore the obvious. Any creature lifting an entire sports stadium over a city and dropping it on the president of your country >>>> anything.

No one's gonna be talking about some blue chick NOT shooting the president. They're gonna talk about how we gon get rid of this baseball stadium? Guess we gotta cancel all the games for the next decade. If I was president, whoever did this is more wanted than dude who shot JFK. Wait...that was the SAME GUY?!?! :lol:

The main part of the message was, not all mutants are dangerous, there are good ones, ones that will eventually even work in the government someday. The world can't overreact to every problem that arises, otherwise we'd have no planes on Earth right now, cuz they could crash into buildings, no kids would ever go to school, cuz Columbine, and you never let your daughter date a football player, cuz Cromartie.

Nah, what you're talking about actually happened in the movie before that. When all that int'l press caught Mystique on camera out in the open, using her power. And then they saw her, Magneto and Beast all fight each other. And one mutant trying to protect people from the other. That's what you're talking about.

Seeing a mutant that powerful destroy the White House using just his mind? It's like Dr. Manhattan in Watchmen. God is real, and he is American (err...German). It'd be the new atom bomb, and there'd be an arms race to try and deal with someone like that existing. And if you heard...we got a mutant detector and killer, right here? Mannnnnnnn
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Cousin's birthday, yesterday she took us to the movies. She paid since she knows how I feel about this series. So I couldnt say no to her since she loves the X-Men movies


Verdict: Worth the watch. Not bad, not good. Just okay. Second best of the movies. This movie is plagued by its attachment to the first trilogy. Otherwise wouldve been a good movie.

Fassbender - A+ performance. Disney quality Magneto.

The fight scenes in the future were cool but why was Wolverine sent back in time to stop sentinels that didnt even exist in X1-X3.

Truly if this was just another universe where the characters looked the same as the X1-X3 universe it wouldve been better so we wouldnt have to deal with crap like trask becoming tall and black one day and the fact that the prequels have Mystique and Xavier practically as brother and sister then in X1-3 Its like they never knew each other and other time paradoxes that make no sense. Granted all movies are out of the timeline now except for this and first class but the story still have to make sense. And to top it off they likely used the old characters/story to sell movie tickets and it isnt doing as well as projected. After adjusting for inflation it isnt even doing better than the old X-Men movies.

IDK why it wouldve hurt Singer for Quick to have a twin that wasnt in this movie for some excuse or the other instead of a much younger sister. Those two being close is important.

Quick was way better than I thought he would be. I actually wished he was in more of the movie. Even Warpath was cool too despite both lookin like lames. Blink's looked better in the movie than the promo material... somehow. Her powerset was awesome. Didnt care for bobby. Blink and Magneto had the best action scenes in the movie. Hands down.

I still don't approve of Quick's costume (or anyone else's) but I get why they FELT they had to do it. They needed to make Peters look more than 10 years younger than Fassbender. Still no excuse for that costume. At least lose the goggles next time.

Ellen Page tho. What a waste of what could be since Kitty is so underdeveloped. I truly felt she could've done something. Should have sent her back in the past with wolverine (physically) since you must have a wolverine centric universe and you couldve also developed kitty at the same time. Never explained why she has the ******** powers to send people mentally back in time. There is literally a dozen mutants who he couldve added to the roster and it would've made perfect sense. Still shouldve went the physical route.

Much better than I thought tho

Also what were JFKs powers?
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:rofl: @ Mr.O. I finished his reply to CP and was not expecting a longer one after that :lol: and the thing is he completely expands on points I didn't and wasn't going to to such a degree I can't help but Alonzo gif. I was trying to ignore certain things even though I realized them immediately like I did with MOS but some of that **** is just undeniable. I pretty much knew where he was going when I saw his first post.

Although the Magneto stuffed he mentioned flew over my head while watching, the whole take a serum to stop my powers and help me walk again was insane from first viewing.
See...you're tryna get tunnelvision and ignore the obvious. Any creature lifting an entire sports stadium over a city and dropping it on the president of your country >>>> anything.

No one's gonna be talking about some blue chick NOT shooting the president. They're gonna talk about how we gon get rid of this baseball stadium? Guess we gotta cancel all the games for the next decade. If I was president, whoever did this is more wanted than dude who shot JFK. Wait...that was the SAME GUY?!?! :lol:

In DoFP, a mutant drops a baseball stadium on the White House, because a time traveler told him, if this one guy visiting the capital gets killed by a mutant, it'll kick off the Sentinels. I get it that it's a new timeline and new things can happen, but that is so stupid. Everyone on the planet coulda watched that and been shook for life. Who cares if you save the president, that's worse than Bay of Pigs or an alien invasion. It's on and crackin. Make a million Sentinels tomorrow.

Obviously you are right here, however, you could also make the case (to the world) that look, we here. We're mutants, we can do ****. Look at us, look what we can do.


Check the blue broad with the gun pulled, NOT kill nobody. Look at the mutants that stop her, or try to stop her. We aren't allllllll bad.

Again, to perspective it, if some rich white kid from Beverly Hills roll up on the pres, we don't go sendin Sentinels to the Hills, ya know?

We got good humans, and bad humans. We got good Mutants, and bad Mutants. Not everything needs government robots to defend us. Cuz then those robots turn on on their own, and wipe out the planet and we send big old Austrian lookin fellas back in time to prevent that ****. I seen'd it. :lol:

The main part of the message was, not all mutants are dangerous, there are good ones, ones that will eventually even work in the government someday. The world can't overreact to every problem that arises, otherwise we'd have no planes on Earth right now, cuz they could crash into buildings, no kids would ever go to school, cuz Columbine, and you never let your daughter date a football player, cuz Cromartie.
But it's 1973 though. The 60s just finished.

It makes you think why shouldn't we expect X-Men: Apocalypse to have the subplot be the country's mutants addicted to the equivalent of crack? I mean since it's set in the 80s.
Damn, way too absolutely **** on Cyclops in one sitting. :lol:
That entire interview is exactly how I feel about Cyclops. He basically just has one of Superman's eye abilities and is a leader in name only. Son always been lame to me. The interview should've kept going on to talk about his failings as a father, failing to save Jean from death again, his son who wasn't raised by him becoming a better leader than him, cheating on his wife and then failing to save her again, then his slow erosion of morality to the point he treats mutants like child soldiers, the chick he cheated on Jean with cheating on him with Namor, and then going mad with god like power and killing Prof. X.
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Damn. I'm not gonna anticipate reading about this guy when I get into X-Men comics. :lol:
Jean lusting after a 200 year old dwarf with metal claws is the real reason cyclops is lame. He can't keep his **** in check
What's wolverine's official comic book weight? Isn't dude built like a terminator and weighs a ton? :lol:
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