Dark Girls: Documentary On deep-seated biases and attitudes about skin color (Dark Girls: 10 PM: OWN

So I got teased for being light, y'all got teased for being dark skin, how does this work? We ain't that damn subconscious as a people are we?

I never thought it was that big of a deal. I've seen pretty dark women with a lot of confidence and ugly ones who play that people think I'm ugly cuz I'm dark card. Na ***** you just ugly. People stay looking for acceptance from others. If you accept yourself everything else will follow. Stop blaming others for your insecurities.
So I got teased for being light, y'all got teased for being dark skin, how does this work? We ain't that damn subconscious as a people are we?

I never thought it was that big of a deal. I've seen pretty dark women with a lot of confidence and ugly ones who play that people think I'm ugly cuz I'm dark card. Na ***** you just ugly. People stay looking for acceptance from others. If you accept yourself everything else will follow. Stop blaming others for your insecurities.
It's sad you don't get it at all
Man people make too much of this. I can't worry about unattractive people of either shade whining about not getting a man. Hell where the documentary on Own "short men" or "I make 50k but I'm not good enough for her cause she make 55k" or any other way alot of women probably these too use to justify not talking to certain men. I'm really supposed to care that much about people who probably are unattractive no matter what shade they are? Good smoke screen by the dark skin union lol cause I guess now people can't have a prefrence. When I see fine dark skin women getting passed over for duck light skin chicks wholesale I'll believe in this theory but until then this is just junk.
you buggin if you dont think it has a psychological effect on people in the long run my g.

talking about "it doesnt matter". that's a cop out to save face bruh. it is what it is.

we're not over here loosing sleep... just discussing it, and in a very mature manner btw... props to the NTers.

So I got teased for being light, y'all got teased for being dark skin, how does this work? We ain't that damn subconscious as a people are we?

I never thought it was that big of a deal. I've seen pretty dark women with a lot of confidence and ugly ones who play that people think I'm ugly cuz I'm dark card. Na ***** you just ugly. People stay looking for acceptance from others. If you accept yourself everything else will follow. Stop blaming others for your insecurities.
naaaaaaw, my g...

see, everybody got teased... but as a yamb, i can promise you some of these light skinned 4s are considered 7s BECAUSE they're light skinned.

i've heard WAY more cats say "i only mess w/ yellas" as opposed to "i only mess w/ dark skinned cuties"...
It's sad you don't get it at all

**** ***** don't go at me head enlighten me.

Yeah I know yellow is on right now but **** in the 70's and 80's it was all African pride. Remember the whole black is beautiful movement. My aunt is dark and so is my grandma. My moms yellow and I heard from all 3 of them how hard it was for my mom cuz she was light.

Yeah it's sad that we do this to each other but people with confidence will overcome it. Light skin was not always the it thing.
Man people make too much of this. I can't worry about unattractive people of either shade whining about not getting a man. Hell where the documentary on Own "short men" or "I make 50k but I'm not good enough for her cause she make 55k" or any other way alot of women probably these too use to justify not talking to certain men. I'm really supposed to care that much about people who probably are unattractive no matter what shade they are? Good smoke screen by the dark skin union lol cause I guess now people can't have a prefrence. When I see fine dark skin women getting passed over for duck light skin chicks wholesale I'll believe in this theory but until then this is just junk.
you buggin if you dont think it has a psychological effect on people in the long run my g.

talking about "it doesnt matter". that's a cop out to save face bruh. it is what it is.

we're not over here loosing sleep... just discussing it, and in a very mature manner btw... props to the NTers.

So I got teased for being light, y'all got teased for being dark skin, how does this work? We ain't that damn subconscious as a people are we?

I never thought it was that big of a deal. I've seen pretty dark women with a lot of confidence and ugly ones who play that people think I'm ugly cuz I'm dark card. Na ***** you just ugly. People stay looking for acceptance from others. If you accept yourself everything else will follow. Stop blaming others for your insecurities.
naaaaaaw, my g...

see, everybody got teased... but as a yamb, i can promise you some of these light skinned 4s are considered 7s BECAUSE they're light skinned.

i've heard WAY more cats say "i only mess w/ yellas" as opposed to "i only mess w/ dark skinned cuties"...
Im not buggin you and the others are buggin. I don't care about people's preference in dating. As long as your not crapping on people do what you do all that other stuff I don't care. So what if some dudes don't want to mess with dark skin chicks? They will find somebody but nope we are supposed to care this much they need shows about it? Nah and even if what somebody preferred excluded me it's life it happens I'll be good. That's what I don't get everybody isn't going to want you take the L and find somebody that does. Why isn't it that simple cause people got teased? Hell I was teased too and I teased others I'm still looking for what the big deal is. I don't need no cop out to save nothing you care I don't nobody can really give me anything that would make me think differently as far as dating goes. If we are talking about that stopping you from living, eating, working, cool but dating please.
You over here talking about black vs light. We're focusing on why the skin color even matters in the first place. Why do lighter people get more publicity, why is it more favorable etc... There's nothing different about dark skin except for melanin pigment content. But basically why are we even talking about this, why is our society having issues with this? Why are people not willin to date someone dark? why do jobs get passed on to people with fairer skin... Stuff like that.. The ignorant perceptions of American minds, why cant we git rid of that ****..

I'm dark skinned and chillin, but I know it changes how people see my character even though they don't know anything about me. I try to walk around like a human at all times, but your mind is stubborn sometimes, and it focuses on the fact that you are black, and you understand how society sees you.. Stuff like that..
You over here talking about black vs light. We're focusing on why the skin color even matters in the first place. Why do lighter people get more publicity, why is it more favorable etc... There's nothing different about dark skin except for melanin pigment content. But basically why are we even talking about this, why is our society having issues with this? Why are people not willin to date someone dark? why do jobs get passed on to people with fairer skin... Stuff like that.. The ignorant perceptions of American minds, why cant we git rid of that ****..

I'm dark skinned and chillin, but I know it changes how people see my character even though they don't know anything about me. I try to walk around like a human at all times, but your mind is stubborn sometimes, and it focuses on the fact that you are black, and you understand how society sees you.. Stuff like that..

Lol I know dark women who don't date light skin men. P is P to me and most men out here. I think it's a waaaaay smaller group of black men who only go after light for the reasons yal saying.

I think there are more important issues in the black community then who dates who. People blowin this waaaay out of proportion.
You over here talking about black vs light. We're focusing on why the skin color even matters in the first place. Why do lighter people get more publicity, why is it more favorable etc... There's nothing different about dark skin except for melanin pigment content. But basically why are we even talking about this, why is our society having issues with this? Why are people not willin to date someone dark? why do jobs get passed on to people with fairer skin... Stuff like that.. The ignorant perceptions of American minds, why cant we git rid of that ****..

I'm dark skinned and chillin, but I know it changes how people see my character even though they don't know anything about me. I try to walk around like a human at all times, but your mind is stubborn sometimes, and it focuses on the fact that you are black, and you understand how society sees you.. Stuff like that..
I'm assuming your talking to me and if so you still aren't saying nothing not trying to be funny cause I see how it sounds. Skin color doesn't matter to me unless we talking about dating and it's a tie breaker situation and it doesn't matter to most people like Internet cats like to claim. You asking some dumb questions to me though. You know why lighter or white things are more featured because they are the ones controling the stuff at the top most of the time. Most people are at least a little racially bias to prefer their look over others. If you watch a Spanish channel you going to see stuff marketed to that demo, just like bet more to their demo, and on and on and on. Unfortunately same thing can be said about jobs too and any other thing. Like them AT&T commercials its not that complicated. If there were more blacks and that was still the trend holler at me then. As far as dating dark skin women if you look good they have no problem and if they look like that low hair cut lady in the show you going to have problems. Y'all some funny dudes making it seem like every dark skin chick or even most of them are starving for attention from dudes.
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Peteweezy: It was directed for Koopa, but I feel what your saying. I know the questions were pretty immature and mostly already known. But just the fact that it's an issue sucks.

I personally have no pref, ive been with asians, black, mex, white chicks... My current girl is hispanic.
Peteweezy: It was directed for Koopa, but I feel what your saying. I know the questions were pretty immature and mostly already known. But just the fact that it's an issue sucks.

I personally have no pref, ive been with asians, black, mex, white chicks... My current girl is hispanic.
This is me too I don't really have no pref as long as you look good lol. I don't know why it's a topic but irl I don't hear this topic much outside of comparisons and I will say dark skin chicks lose out but real dating as we know don't work like that. It's a topic cause people make it a bigger issue than it really is ESP from a dating aspect. Now serious stuff I'm not with the discrimination but dating nah.

She did this one commercial listing all her ethnicities and paused and said and black . She also went on tv saying she wish she was latina she gotta be the most embarassing black woman in entertainment sometimes .The skin lighten in her ads and her videos just ruins her for me.
There is no link, she never said that.
That pic is a mess though smh

I get what peteweezy is saying.
Bigger fish to fry, stop complaining about who doesnt want you and realize who does want you.

But this is bigger then just dating.
Im not buggin you and the others are buggin. I don't care about people's preference in dating. As long as your not crapping on people do what you do all that other stuff I don't care. So what if some dudes don't want to mess with dark skin chicks? They will find somebody but nope we are supposed to care this much they need shows about it? Nah and even if what somebody preferred excluded me it's life it happens I'll be good. That's what I don't get everybody isn't going to want you take the L and find somebody that does. Why isn't it that simple cause people got teased? Hell I was teased too and I teased others I'm still looking for what the big deal is. I don't need no cop out to save nothing you care I don't nobody can really give me anything that would make me think differently as far as dating goes. If we are talking about that stopping you from living, eating, working, cool but dating please.
but.... that's exactly what happens, though...
Peteweezy: It was directed for Koopa, but I feel what your saying. I know the questions were pretty immature and mostly already known. But just the fact that it's an issue sucks.

I personally have no pref, ive been with asians, black, mex, white chicks... My current girl is hispanic.

Just what I was trying to say. Us still experiencing skin color issues in 2013 sucks. I remember a episode of like Moral Court or something where a dark skin women didnt want to have children with her dark skin man because she didnt want the children to be made fun of for being dark skin and I'm like that's a shame. I never see whole threads or shows made where Asians or Latinos are discussing skin color differences.
Im not buggin you and the others are buggin. I don't care about people's preference in dating. As long as your not crapping on people do what you do all that other stuff I don't care. So what if some dudes don't want to mess with dark skin chicks? They will find somebody but nope we are supposed to care this much they need shows about it? Nah and even if what somebody preferred excluded me it's life it happens I'll be good. That's what I don't get everybody isn't going to want you take the L and find somebody that does. Why isn't it that simple cause people got teased? Hell I was teased too and I teased others I'm still looking for what the big deal is. I don't need no cop out to save nothing you care I don't nobody can really give me anything that would make me think differently as far as dating goes. If we are talking about that stopping you from living, eating, working, cool but dating please.
but.... that's exactly what happens, though...
Well F them dudes and dudettes seriously and irl I just don't see it like that. Mainly online do I see this or irl if it's a get together. It's just hard talking from a dating perspective cause lets be real that's how most are talking from to feel any sympathy. Girls might not date me cause of my skin color, height, money situation, etc soo. Serious question why does black dudes preference just talking dating such a big thing? Majority still marry black but we are being strong armed to only talk to dark skin women or else we hate ourselves? Dont think that's fair and hell this is coming form somebody who doesn't mind any shade as long as you look good to me. We just don't agree I see on this one Ricky but maybe next time like,that men dating thing we can be teamed up again.
Just what I was trying to say. Us still experiencing skin color issues in 2013 sucks. I remember a episode of like Moral Court or something where a dark skin women didnt want to have children with her dark skin man because she didnt want the children to be made fun of for being dark skin and I'm like that's a shame. I never see whole threads or shows made where Asians or Latinos are discussing skin color differences.

Asians are the king of bleaching creams
They showed a video of Asian women swimming in full body suits with a mask to not get a tan.

All the Asian actors have fair skin and plastic surgery

We ain't then only ones b
I will say I have a preference for lighter skin. Almost all of my family is light and I grew up and went to school with very few black folks. I think that plus society influenced me.

I have never shunned dark girls, though some would disagree, the first chick I was in a serious relationship with was Nigerian.

I don't think there's anything wrong with my preference as I don't scream it to the world and I don't say anything crazy like "pretty for a dark chick"

I also have a preference for short petite slim chicks and many times the girls that fit that description are mixed or non black. The last few chicks I've talked to seriously or been in a relatinship with have been Asian, Latina, Blasian, and Persian.
Just what I was trying to say. Us still experiencing skin color issues in 2013 sucks. I remember a episode of like Moral Court or something where a dark skin women didnt want to have children with her dark skin man because she didnt want the children to be made fun of for being dark skin and I'm like that's a shame. I never see whole threads or shows made where Asians or Latinos are discussing skin color differences.

Asians are the king of bleaching creams
They showed a video of Asian women swimming in full body suits with a mask to not get a tan.

All the Asian actors have fair skin and plastic surgery

We ain't then only ones b

Indians and Pakistanis have a cream called "fair and lovely". I've seen how popular it is with them firsthand. Dark skin is really distasteful in their culture. Turn on one of their channels and you won't see a single dark weather girl or news anchor
It's a shame how we can't get pass skin tone in today's society
And using the term " personal preference " as a mask for racism
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