Damn, Kevin Done Goof'd

i mean
eniko cute
but its a bunch of eniko looking types out there
i would smash
but i could tell kev never smashed a female better looking than his wife ever
straight only smashed 3's and 4's
so as soon as he got eniko
he was sprung
"is this a case???"(joe budden podcast joke)

You can tell just by the way Kev speaks on women with all that "it's too time consuming to cheat" **** that he was a rookie. I pray the man got a prenup.

It doesn't matter how bad she is, Kev has been smashing that whenever he's felt like it for years now and he wanted something new. She's pregnant and he's a celebrity who's on the road alot. You do the math. Plus he wasn't thinking straight, rumor has it he was on that Peruvian flake.

Some women have this mindset that they're too bad to cheat on; ain't no such thing. If he wants to cheat, he'll cheat, it doesn't matter if you're a 3 or prime Stacy Dash.

The cheating comes with the territory of being worth millions. She knew that and he exercised that. My whole thing is if you gonna play in mud don't track footprints in the house. Not that he intentionally went out there to get caught up. But he was too careless with shorty like he was having the time of his life. When I'm smashing mud ducks I'm always looking over my shoulder, deleting text messages and only wanting to meet at night, indoors. I ain't no millionaire with resources. No such thing as a chick that's too bad to cheat on, definitely.

I mean marriage and serious relationships are complex.... it's not all about looks. Sometimes the best looking women are the hardest ones to be with. Nobody truly knows what their relationship is like except them. Dudes cheat on their 9s and 10s for 5s all the time and it's easy to say they're stupid or you would never do that. When u have a 10 u get used to her physical beauty but when she's acting like a 2, the looks don't matter anymore. Not saying this is the case with Kev but u can't judge another man unless ur in his shoes

Of course I don't know the nuances of their relationship and Kev can be unhappy with Eniko, who knows. My whole thing is that when you have that much to lose you gotta be that much more cautious with everything, ESPECIALLY who you're sticking your pee pee in. There always has to be a "is this worth it" type of justification in your head before you get to cheating. A fat ***, a nice chest, big lips, good at Mario Kart, something you ain't getting at home. Kev's resources risking it all for that chick and so sloppy with it at that is just bad judgement every step
Kev just got comfortable. It’s no other explanation for all the pics and ****.

Where tf his team at to make sure **** like this doesn’t happen ?
Why do yall act like your **** knows you got money?

I told myself after HS, no more fat *******, I'm 31 and guess what.......


:rofl: :rofl:
them **** is wack, whoever said risking it all for a 8 gotta deduct 1/2 for that sag.

Thats the problem with some of yall. Just cause dude got money yall think regular P cant be just as tempting. Yall think Celebs only smashing 10s? You fooled
If anything this might help Kevin out long term. Get her out of his life sooner rather than later if she's there for the wrong reasons.


Bruh... losing millions to get new material and tarnishing the image that made you those millions is hustling backwards. Wifing a side chick is a dumb move in the first place. He should've just gone heel after he dumped his wife and kept it 100% player.

Bruh... losing millions to get new material and tarnishing the image that made you those millions is hustling backwards. Wifing a side chick is a dumb move in the first place. He should've just gone heel after he dumped his wife and kept it 100% player.

Again, the longer the will stay with her the more the divorce will cost. That's if she even leaves.

And the tarnishing his image is temporary. People move on to the next gossip story. Who doesn't think a celeb cheated? Are people going to stop seeing his movies or seeing him in concerts because of this? Hell, if anything it will make him more interesting to see in concert. Did cheating hurt Jay-Z? Has cheating ever hurt anyone in history?
U forget tiger woods?

Again, the longer the will stay with her the more the divorce will cost. That's if she even leaves.

And the tarnishing his image is temporary. People move on to the next gossip story. Who doesn't think a celeb cheated? Are people going to stop seeing his movies or seeing him in concerts because of this? Hell, if anything it will make him more interesting to see in concert. Did cheating hurt Jay-Z? Has cheating ever hurt anyone in history?
Like why even do dirt in this country with M's like that? My boy went to Medellín, Colombia last summer and let his rocks off all over that place. He was showing me videos of him smashing the most gorgeous women like they were hood favorites and he was in em raw as hell smh. The ***** came back to his girl like nothing happened. One of the girls hit him on Facebook and told him she may be pregnant and he blocked her :rofl: :smh: like bruh works at Delta and was able to keep it more pimpin the Kevin Hart.
Like why even do dirt in this country with M's like that? My boy went to Medellín, Colombia last summer and let his rocks off all over that place. He was showing me videos of him smashing the most gorgeous women like they were hood favorites and he was in em raw as hell smh. The ***** came back to his girl like nothing happened. One of the girls hit him on Facebook and told him she may be pregnant and he blocked her :rofl: :smh: like bruh works at Delta and was able to keep it more pimpin the Kevin Hart.
This story went from :smh: to :rofl:
Like why even do dirt in this country with M's like that? My boy went to Medellín, Colombia last summer and let his rocks off all over that place. He was showing me videos of him smashing the most gorgeous women like they were hood favorites and he was in em raw as hell smh. The ***** came back to his girl like nothing happened. One of the girls hit him on Facebook and told him she may be pregnant and he blocked her :rofl: :smh: like bruh works at Delta and was able to keep it more pimpin the Kevin Hart.

Going raw in chicks in Colombia

Nah that's still a smh at that entire thing. You can't just be impregnate people in foreign countries and bounce. That's beyond scumbag material. A random at that? Bruh wildin.
Thats the problem with some of yall. Just cause dude got money yall think regular P cant be just as tempting. Yall think Celebs only smashing 10s? You fooled

im not disputing that, my gripe is you could get a 7.5 that would've been a trained side thot that knows her place to all star 6th (wo)man of da year caliber.
Like why even do dirt in this country with M's like that? My boy went to Medellín, Colombia last summer and let his rocks off all over that place

all my Dominican compatriots all do this, married or not...

women over there just let u beat if you cool, there's no stigma to sleeping around.
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