Damn, Kevin Done Goof'd

Like I said before. It ain't about none of that I don't know why y'all are even trying to do the math :lol:

Stop playing you know what this is

It is about that monster in your pants. That devil :lol:

Thinking with that other head is a mother****a. Especially when alcohol gets involved :smh:
Like I said before. It ain't about none of that I don't know why y'all are even trying to do the math :lol:

Stop playing you know what this is

It is about that monster in your pants. That devil :lol:

Thinking with that other head is a mother****a. Especially when alcohol gets involved :smh:



Truer words have never been spoken.

The thing that pisses me off is that he preaches that holier than thou act, yet he's a wolf in sheep's clothing :smh:
Did this O really have a press conference?

for what? :lol: You slept with a man you knew was married.Son had his ring on too, so what ground does she have to stand on here? :smh:
I can't get over this pic


Dude really got comfortable and sloppy with a scandalous broad.

WILDING!!! Dude out here taking "remember when" pics with side pieces? You smash and dash. This dude looks like he's one nut away from cuddling and going to a late night diner after round two.
If I'm Kevin I'm firing anyone who is on my payroll that was with me that night. Somebody on his team should have stopped that stuff before it even happened or took care of the details so that no filming took place.

Despite that Kevin does have a new comedy special or is going back on tour (can't remember which) and coming from a guy who says his best comedy comes from his 'real life' situations and his family you don't think that this wont be part of his stand up...
If I'm Kevin I'm firing anyone who is on my payroll that was with me that night. Somebody on his team should have stopped that stuff before it even happened or took care of the details so that no filming took place.

Shoulda had somebody search the room first. Shoulda been in the hotel room before the girl was.
They said he was face timing with her friend asking about her trip. Hahahahaha

He super buggin yo
I think the biggest issue is that's probably his ceiling as far as who he can bag. And in Vegas?One win at the table and I could've snagged that broad. If he was risking it all for that chick, he definitely been cheating since the beginning.

Lets me honest here though, are people ever impressed when we see the females these celebs and athletes are cheating on their wives with? Look at Tiger Woods, Kobe, Kevin Hart, etc. The chicks they get caught smashing on the side are always 7s or 8s, never true dimes. These guys aren't thinking clearly, sometimes due to drugs/alcohol but also due to hubris. They legit think they'll never get caught, so why not smash an endless row of 7s and 8s? We look at it from the prospective of "why risk your career for a girl you can get easily?" or "Why risk your career for a girl that's not better looking than your current wife/girlfriend?" whereas they don't even see it as a risk at all.
Kevin should have paid for an escort to avoid this situation.
I don't even see how Kevin Hart got so big, dude isn't funny to me.

Who knows. Same thing happened to Dane Cook. Guy just blew up and started selling out arenas but nobody understood why. I guess people just liked their movies.

I never liked Kevin Hart. What made me really dislike him was when he was filming him self giving a homeless person $100 acting like a hero. Hate **** like that.
You feel me?! You worth 50 mil and you risked it all for an 8?

What did he risk?

He's not losing his film career. He might lose his wife, but that wasn't a guarantee anyway.

It's about the act of sex, not how she looks.
What did he risk?

He's not losing his film career. He might lose his wife, but that wasn't a guarantee anyway.

It's about the act of sex, not how she looks.

You asked and answered your question in the same sentence :lol:
You asked and answered your question in the same sentence :lol:

You missed my point. His wife was the side chick. And if she was in it for the money, she wasn't sticking around long term anyway. His wife wasn't a guarantee. So if he "loses" her, did he lose her? and what is she worth losing?

If anything this might help Kevin out long term. Get her out of his life sooner rather than later if she's there for the wrong reasons.

This will provide more material, and hopefully he will get rid of the Tyrese holier than thou spiel he has been doing recently. Because that breakfast club clip bit him in the ***. People want a comedian who's flawed and relatable.

kev out here washed bruh. that molly musta been extra strength

she look like son form criss cross


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