Damn Detroit..you scary.

Originally Posted by 6 got dem handlez

Detroit IS a scary place, and this video is inspirational BUT there's has to be more to this story.
You just don't go into areas of Detroit like that UNLESS you have friends with a PASS. Even still
you'd get merked.

Check the "Post You Car" thread, I almost was robbed and I was blasted at by some low lifes 
who started convo about my Jordans and tried to set me up.

In the D you have to be on your P's and Q's at all time, so this kid had to be messing with low lifes
to even be invited to take a trip across 8mile. Which means there were drugs or some sort of illegal
activity he was mixed up in.
I stay in the D. You can go to most areas without being invited..I drive around everywhere. Its only 2 areas I wont go to.

Police dont give a heck. They pull you over and if you have drugs and money they will take it and say goodbye. Takes 40 mintues for a police officer to respond to a call.

There is no such thing as speed limit in Detroit freeway, everybody drive like its the nascar..

Now they are plenty of beautiful places in Detroit and outer Detroit is like another city. Downtown is very fun

I dont mess with to many girls cause they will set u up. Westside girls are known for this
Originally Posted by sillyputty

at all this "god" talk...

Let the kid live and be happy that he is alive.

@ god is SO good.

So if god is so good, how did this happen?

God let him get

A. Taken advantage of and disappear for 3 days
B. Get his body blown to bits
C. Made him completely unrecognizable to emergency medical team
D. made it necessary for modern medicine to KEEP HIM ALIVE when he would have died 100 years ago...unless god's powers "evolve" ...

E. made it necessary for medical technicians to even be trained in the first place
F. made him go to COURT instead of god "striking down" or doing whatever gods do to people who wrong others, but oddly get left up to the "justice system"
G. Makes the kid lose years of his life due to being shot.
H. God made the kid mentally unstable for years and years to come???

If your god is all powerful and all knowing then god KNEW that the kid would have all of this happen to him and furthermore, created the circumstances for the kid to even get harmed by another kid who god KNEW would harm the victim.

So either we have free-will or we don't...

Either your god can do everything or he/she/it can't


he/she/it can be everywhere or can't


he/she/it can know everything or he/she/it does not.

Then your god is not as infinitely wise, powerful, or present as you say it is.

But no, GOD is so great.
But HERP DERP DERP...he felt hands pushing him up!...


It was his own will to survive. He underwent MASSIVE shock and he probably was hallucinating but he tried to tell himself to get up. There were no hands pushing him...he said he FELT being helped, but that doesn't mean that he was. Sometimes in traumatic conditions we lose sense of our faculties and incorrectly attribute experiences to other things. Our minds are going hay-wire.

Hell, he said he blacked out a bunch of times so clearly hes fading into consciousness and trying to make it alive.

Research out of body experiences. Its a result of our need for proprioceptive centers in the brain trying to orient themselves and somewhat going crazy...It creates the FEELING of doing or being somewhere but it doesn't make it true.

Remember, his body is trying to react after being shot like 2-3 times...from a SHOT gun..

What happened to basic altruism? Humans aren't the only species that care for others btw. Its why we have cops and medical professionals in the first place.

I'm happy that kid surivived but lets stop calling it a "miracle" because for every 100 people that get shot in those same circumstances, they ARE NOT that lucky. He is just alive because he didn't die. Thats it. Its not a miracle. Unless its a miracle that all that unfortunate stuff happened to him in the first place. You can't just pick and choose. So are the thousands of others that don't make it "not" blessed? Come on now. So whats so great about HIS life? You have to explain this.

All i'm saying is that being emotionally motivated or moved by his story doesn't mean that there is some supernatural force out there. It was just this kids will to not die in the woods and stumble out the street that let someone notice him. Lets be clear about that.

Good story though. Dude actually has a knack for retelling his ordeal. Happy to see him pushing through.

dude really typed an essay..

kinda agree though why would god let that happen to him in the first place?
Originally Posted by Cap29

I love when the atheist chime in on matters like this. Silly Putty did not disappoint.
Makes me feel good to be a believer.

we're proud to be sheep now?


i love how "everything happens for a reason" but when he makes it it's because "god" did it.
Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Originally Posted by Cap29

I love when the atheist chime in on matters like this. Silly Putty did not disappoint.
Makes me feel good to be a believer.
You were the first one to bring it up, genius.
God she is an idiot

Anyways amazing story. The human spirit is incredible. I'm sure he appreciates life every day more than any of us can imagine
son do you know how ridiculous you sound? ..people are dying violent deaths everyday on this planet..bad violent destructive things happen here...

Detroit cops killed a 7 year old girl while they were filming %%!+!*@ First 48 for crying out loud...and here you go talkin bout thank the justice system...man $+@* you.

...every premise you operate under is FALSE. The #+%% you say is utterly unsophisticated...it's not even to be taken seriously...thats why the person to blame in this thread is whoever mentioned your name and gave you the context to respond with your ignorance. 
Im sure you were ecstatic to recieve a little recognition in life...lame

...Im not wasting any more of my time going back and forth with you either

...back this story...how the hell did his friend get a shotty past him on the ride over there anyway? 
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

son do you know how ridiculous you sound? ..people are dying violent deaths everyday on this planet..bad violent destructive things happen here...

Detroit cops killed a 7 year old girl while they were filming %%!+!*@ First 48 for crying out loud...and here you go talkin bout thank the justice system...man $+@* you.

...every premise you operate under is FALSE. The #+%% you say is utterly unsophisticated...it's not even to be taken seriously...thats why the person to blame in this thread is whoever mentioned your name and gave you the context to respond with your ignorance. 
Im sure you were ecstatic to recieve a little recognition in life...lame

...Im not wasting any more of my time going back and forth with you either

...back this story...how the hell did his friend get a shotty past him on the ride over there anyway? 
You're proving my point PERFECTLY.

Where is god in these deaths? For people to run around saying that god was so active here? It just shows how dumb it is to thank "god" for the work of DOCTORS NURSES AND COPS who saved this kids life. 

I didn't say to praise the justice system. And watch your mouth telling me that I said all cops were good cops. We all know they act right in front of the camera anyways.

I'm saying that if it wasn't for the alphabet boys, dude who pulled the trigger would have gotten away. So stop it like you're about that life. Citizens don't have arresting powers. Cops do. For every cop that jumps the gun and fires too soon or does something dirty there are many times more that actually DO try to instill order and provide for justice. 

You can't go around acting like cops are evil until you need them to help save you. Because if it wasn't for that cop rolling up on that kid then that kid would have been another statistic on the nightly news. Believe that. 

God didn't save that kids life. The doctors who spent 10+ years in school training for THAT DAY saved his life. Otherwise he would have died in a gutter somewhere. 

What premise? I give credit where its due? 

If your god was so great why did the kid have to go to the hospital in the first place? Why wasn't that god there to just jump in and save the kid from getting shot...or even driving the shooter around? Or even being FRIENDS with the kid?

You addressed me first. Huh? 

I'm glad you won't address me anymore, even though you ALWAYS talk to me when I never initiate anything with you. No one told you to respond to me, nor addressed you. On top of that, you can't keep defending a losing stance that has so many holes in it. 

I like how you also get to start flying off at the mouth dropping curses and no one calls you out on being emotionally unstable. 

I don't like your language or how you're addressing me. You can not respect my thoughts, but you will not disrespect ME. Know the difference. 

That being said, the only reason I posted was because I wanted people to give credit where it was due...to the people who ACTUALLY saved this kids life. ..not "god"
Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Originally Posted by Cap29

I love when the atheist chime in on matters like this. Silly Putty did not disappoint.
Makes me feel good to be a believer.
You were the first one to bring it up, genius.
God she is an idiot
 so mad and sensitive. technically all i did was ask a question. it was answered. 
 i'm not bothered by the way he answered.
top comment on youtube.
And people don't believe in Second Chance Pro

Reminds me of the time I was out painting at a yard where the walls are legal and some kids asked me to give them a ride home... I knew what that was. Crazy that he knew dude for 10 years though. Always go with your gut.
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