~~!!!Dallas Cowboys Offseason Thread Vol. Who Stays, Who Goes!!!~~

been telling anyone that would listen...if the o line is even mediocre this year, were gonna be naaaaasty..

as for the giants, it seems the closer we get to the game, the more optimistic i become about the outcome...

im REEAAAALLLYY eager to see how our new secondary stacks up against eli...i have vivid nightmares of him closing his eyes and chucking one over scandricks/newmans head...cruz dancing and such...i expect claiborne to struggle, but even struggling i expct him to be better than scan +tnew...and i heard mike jenkins might play...so im hyped..

like someone else said, bruce and barry have alot expected of them...the only two question marks on a D that seemingly improved all the weak spots..

lets not forget ratliff still may be out...i feel comfortable with lissemore/brent taking those snaps, but it aint nothing like rat over the center...dude is nice

romo is gonna light it up this year...starting wed night...if dez plays 16 healthy games, then dez is top 5 in ever receiving category..

bottom line, ive read everywhere from 8-8 finish to 12-4 from the people that predict those things...somewhere in the middle should be good enough to win the east....

starts with eli!! #lets go
Reading That, Straight Got Me Hyped....

With our Tuned up secondary... And Not To forget Our LB Core... Oh Jesus. 

Is It Sept. 5th Yet...........
Season opening and game day on my Birthday, All I want is a win. :wow:

Can't wait! :pimp:
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Here we go guys...

I don't know how I feel about it this year... Every year I go in :pimp: :pimp: :pimp: about us.. And we show huge potential in the beginning of the year... Then by weeks 9 I'm :frown: :frown: :frown:

Don't know if I can take the heartbreak this year with them
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Was pretty happy with most of the teams play..

Romo looked great.. Minus the one pick.. He passed efficiently.. And was able to extend plays that led to big gains.. Only critique is he needs to recognize reads faster. Too many close calls for Delay of games ..

Murray started slow, but he came out 2nd half and showed us what he can do, and his ability as a very good running back.

Felix has lost starting for good..

Dez looked great

Miles came out ghost but picked it up.. I'm looking for him to get better as the season goes on as he gets used to playing..

Ogletree :pimp: 'Nuff said

Witten didn't look like himself for good reason

O-Line.. Looked much better in the 2nd half. But for christ sake they are really bad. Tyron seems out of place. As does Free.. I feel they'll be the death of a couple wins..

D-Line decent pressure on Eli... And very good rush defense...

Linebackers... Impressed by Carter and Lee... Ware is a beast as always

Corners... Biggest surprise.. Carr, Clairborne, Scandrick all looked very good.. Carr & Clairborne seems to change the look of our entire defense..

Safeties... :smh: Same as always.. Can't read plays.. Can't take proper angles.. Can't pick up a man..
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