Could society function better if there were restrictions on who could have kids?

Jan 5, 2013
It's a thought I've considered a few times. What do you guys think? What sort of criteria would you have people adhere to if you had a say in the matter?

Who should get to decide?

What does it mean to "function better"?

But it'd also be immoral. You can't stop someone from reproducing. It just isn't right, no matter how beneficial it may be.
How you gon stop people from having unprotected sex tho?
you dont have to stop people from having sex. 

how does china handle  they one kid policy?  

Thing is how it should be done?  how to enforce who can and can't have kids. Don't think its likely to happen but i wouldnt mind if it did. Think it would be good for society. 
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I actually think about this all the time :lol:...

Look at how quickly populations have risen in the past 300 years... At this pace, Earth will be drastically stripped of its resources and will be over populated... Soon... Very ******* soon... And this isn't taking into account the financial burden of stupid people having stupid kids having stupid kids...
Logical answer is yes. Emotional answer is how dare you suggest such a thing.

Population growth is exponential and more people are being birthed than dying, so even if the Earth had a stable amount of resources we'd run into a problem eventually. And it doesn't have a stable amount of resources.

It's a real issue but also a nasty can of worms, but we'll all be dead before things go too far off the tracks.
There should've been restrictions a long time ago, society is already shot at this point.
Logical answer is yes. Emotional answer is how dare you suggest such a thing.

Population growth is exponential and more people are being birthed than dying, so even if the Earth had a stable amount of resources we'd run into a problem eventually. And it doesn't have a stable amount of resources.

It's a real issue but also a nasty can of worms, but we'll all be dead before things go too far off the tracks.

Meh, let the next generation figure it out... :smh:
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Pop control is going to become necessary. Another reason religion is ridiculous.
What does give people more economic opportunities mean? Is that a euphemism for money?
Simplest way to implement this is to pay people to not have kids... Have it be a "contract" for a certain amount of time... Make it a 10-15 year contract, promise a fair amount of payment, and include 5 year "bonuses" or college tuition... LOTS of people will sign up between 18-22...
Yes op Yes. Just to reduce the population.

Offer people a lifelong salary for the option of not having kids. If I catch em having kids, ima cut off their genitals, take the baby, and peel off a toe-nail.
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doesn't china have restriction policies? how's it working out for them?
Not good. Gender imbalance, buying and kidnapping girls for boys to marry, amongst other things. Not really working. China gon China tho.
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