Cops Crash Pool Party...

I think the toughest thing to pinpoint is that it's NOT EVERY WHIE PERSON...

Like... It makes it tougher because you can meet 10 white people.

0 could be bigots...

Or 10 could be bigots...

And can act totally the same in public.

Definitely. but think about it from a white persons perspective. They would never, ever be able to discern who was racist or bigoted. The racists ones are invisible to them. Racists extremists are the nicest people in the world, to other white people. No wonder they think racism doesn't exist.
This whole story is just sad dog. He slammed a lil girl on to the pavement then put pressure on her back. Then pulled out the strap on some freshmen. Smh. I am really ashamed of American society atm. That police is trace not because he's white but if you took out the race factor (and they where all black or all white) and watched the video you would still feel like he is wrong. Handling children like that?? Trash!
Definitely. but think about it from a white persons perspective. They would never, ever be able to discern who was racist or bigoted. The racists ones are invisible to them. Racists extremists are the nicest people in the world, to other white people. No wonder they think racism doesn't exist.


Never even thought of it like that, famb.

White NT famb.. Any truth?

Do racists whites hide it from you till they're comfortable?

Then blindside you with it?
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Its because of things like this that every time I meet a white person whos like 50+

Automaticly sws

This 60 year old white dude at my job is cool as hell. I talked to him about Ferguson and what happened in Baltimore and he don't run from the fact that it's racially motivated, he gets more upset than me lol. So it's not all of them but you gotta keep your eyes open.
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Never even thought of it like that, famb.

White NT famb.. Any truth?

Do racists whites hide it from you till they're comfortable?

Then blindside you with it?

Its not even about hiding it. It's just in day to day interactions with strangers the white racist is going to treat other white folks with kindness and black folks with hate. If you live in a 90% white neighborhood, attended amjority white schools and the only time you see your 1 black friend is at work you just aren't gonna have the opportunity to see racism in action. Now if it's a family member or friend, someone you regularly interact and converse with then Im sure over time you would be able to see their bias.

Prime example, a racist cop pulls a white family over for speeding and they will witness the nicest most professional civil servant they could hope for. A black person is not gonna see that. It's why white people can genuinely stand up for cops, good or bad, because they are all always good to them, for the most part.
Every once in a while you'll run into a white person who will tell the truth about racism...specifically I mean that they'll shed light on some of the racism that they see that is made invisible to the rest of us.   

I knew a girl in college who was like this, she taught me a lot about racism just by telling some of the stuff other white people would say about black people when there werent any blacks around.  I would just have the Weebay face while she told me the crazy **** other white people would pass at each other when they thought they were 'safe.'
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Every once in a while you'll run into a white person who will tell the truth about racism...specifically I mean that they'll shed light on some of the racism that they see that is made invisible to the rest of us.   

I knew a girl in college who was like this, she taught me a lot about racism just by telling some of the stuff other white people would say about black people when there werent any blacks around.  I would just have the Weebay face while she told me the crazy **** other white people would pass at each other when they thought they were 'safe.'

I'm white this is 100% truth
Some of the stuff people have said to me blows my mind
I don't even think I would bother having a conversation on current events with a white person. It would just feel like I'm walking into a stupid situation that would better be avoided. You rarely if ever change anyone's mind during these convos, ignorance just gets to be put on display.

And yes, I understand my statement is ignorant in itself.
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I have a story......

Basically I was having a convo with someone about Marthas vineyard...

Said I had no interest in going

They said "oh why? Because all the black people?"

I was straight baffled.

I said no,i don't have any problems with black ppl.

They were like yeah I guess they call it the oil spill beach cause all the black ppl that go there

Man. :smh:
It really is goofy at its core :lol: like, who was the first racist that thought of White and Colored water fountains???
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I'm white this is 100% truth
Some of the stuff people have said to me blows my mind

^ if you don't mind can you share some of it :nerd:
enlighten us b

Typical stuff you would think of for the most part. But one time in class we had to break into groups of 4 so I was with Jane and bobby and we needed a 4th so I said hey let's recruit samantha. (Samantha at the time was dating my good friend who was also black) Jane proceeded to hit me with "no way she's a "n" lover" **** blew me away. I just got up and started my own group with Samantha. Jane than hit me with the "oh you're not one too are you?"
Fam, yall lucky. I be at work and these old white dudes come in spitting that patriotic nonsense and start talking about govt and ****. One dude really wanted to have a conversation about Obama with me. "He's ruining the country, he's a communist, he wasn't even born here, he's dividing the country!" I'm literally just like "yea....yup....uh huh...yup" dude was really preaching his heart out telling me if I care about the country I should vote for republican next year :rofl:
Had a woman spaz on me at work cause she overheard me saying that Obama won the election @ 12am on election night

I brushed it off back then but how I feel now I would've reported her to HR. I give no damns anymore :lol:

I was never about that getting coworkers in trouble over petty stuff life but I've seen some of these coworkers get folks in trouble over the stupidest ****.
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Fam, when I was in HS, they showed his inauguration speech during class and the teachers allowed us students to leave the room if we felt "uncomfortable" :x

I hope they do that for the next president too.
Fam, yall lucky. I be at work and these old white dudes come in spitting that patriotic nonsense and start talking about govt and ****. One dude really wanted to have a conversation about Obama with me. "He's ruining the country, he's a communist, he wasn't even born here, he's dividing the country!" I'm literally just like "yea....yup....uh huh...yup" dude was really preaching his heart out telling me if I care about the country I should vote for republican next year :rofl:

Fam, yall lucky. I be at work and these old white dudes come in spitting that patriotic nonsense and start talking about govt and ****. One dude really wanted to have a conversation about Obama with me. "He's ruining the country, he's a communist, he wasn't even born here, he's dividing the country!" I'm literally just like "yea....yup....uh huh...yup" dude was really preaching his heart out telling me if I care about the country I should vote for republican next year :rofl:

Too gotdamn true. Too too too too true.
you wanna see true feelings, watch the video of the verdict in the OJ trial being read around the country. Very enlightening.

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