Cops Crash Pool Party...

Fam, when I was in HS, they showed his inauguration speech during class and the teachers allowed us students to leave the room if we felt "uncomfortable"

I hope they do that for the next president too.
Yeah man texas is definitely weird..  I was at a bar in West Campus (University of TX) during the 2nd inauguration and I kid you not, flocks of uppity frats/sororities (even the few tokens) were legit sobbing when BO won.  I should have recorded it. 
Yup. I'll never forget the day after Obama won the Election in 08. I was sitting in Spanish class watching his speech and all the white girls were crying. I remember one of them going up to the girl behinde and comforting her. Saying it'll he alright. :lol:
Prime example, a racist cop pulls a white family over for speeding and they will witness the nicest most professional civil servant they could hope for. A black person is not gonna see that. It's why white people can genuinely stand up for cops, good or bad, because they are all always good to them, for the most part.

But it's 99% white suburban middle to upper middle class white people (and a few tokens) that always support the police and I'm pretty sure I know why. To most people on here it's common knowledge that the socioeconomic status of a community/are is inversely proportional to the crime rate. The more wealth in your area the lower the crime rate, the closer the area is to poverty the higher the crime rate. Problem is white people in the suburbs (and minorities with their mind sets) are attributing the lower crime rates in their areas to "good police work" and and of course less black people. When in reality the cops in the suburbs have less work to do than cops in the cities.
Yeah man texas is definitely weird..  I was at a bar in West Campus (University of TX) during the 2nd inauguration and I kid you not, flocks of uppity frats/sororities (even the few tokens) were legit sobbing when BO won.  I should have recorded it. 

CRINE!!! :rofl: omg fam I can picture a self hating black dude crying
Yup. I'll never forget the day after Obama won the Election in 08. I was sitting in Spanish class watching his speech and all the white girls were crying. I remember one of them going up to the girl behinde and comforting her. Saying it'll he alright.
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I was on SMU'S campus in the dorms when Barack won the first time.

It was hilarious.

All those old money, upper class, right wing Texans were legit distraught.
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There's more than enough racism here in New York I can't even imagine how it is in the south :x

It explains why a lot of black NTers see things the way they do and rightfully so. Dude was right talking about what some white people say when they feel they are "safe".

**** is disgusting every time
"****** lover" is some old school ****...her grandparents probably taught her that :lol:

Funny that ****** lover got brought up. I'm in the military and I sit the Command Assessment Team and we go over climate surveys which basically is like an internal investigation into whether our workplace is free of discrimination whether it be racial or sexual and that sort of thing. The members both military and civilian sit at their computers and answer a bunch of questions about discrimination and they provide feedback on what they have seen or heard, all anonymous and somebody wrote that their supervisor call them a ****** lover. I'm like they still use that term? Like that term is still alive?
There's more than enough racism here in New York I can't even imagine how it is in the south :x

It explains why a lot of black NTers see things the way they do and rightfully so. Dude was right talking about what some white people say when they feel they are "safe".

**** is disgusting every time

Just from my experience I think the racism difference between the north and south is drastically overstated. The difference in the south is that racists in the south are upfront. They dont like you and thats just how it is. If they dont wanna acknowledge you they wont. Racists in thr north will try to be politically correct and interact with you, even be friends with you, especially if youre a "good one". Then one day they'll start talking about current and be like "Look at those hoodlums in Baltimore, what are they even mad about? Why cant they be good like you".

I'm honestly at the point I just want racists to out themselves. Stop all the fakin and just say you dont like blacks so we can move on.
This actually made the national news here in Belgium. That says a lot about how bad all these cases of excessive force are getting.
Sad to see racism and excessive use of force by police still go so strong in today's world.
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I was on SMU'S campus in the dorms when Barack won the first time.

It was hilarious.

All those old money, upper class, right wing Texans were legit distraught.

I was in the school library, one dude flipped his **** and was screaming "Really America, a ******* black guy"

They had to kick him out.

-The day after was like you could pick out which white people were racist and which were not. Some white folk were in legit mourning :lol:
I was on SMU'S campus in the dorms when Barack won the first time.

It was hilarious.

All those old money, upper class, right wing Texans were legit distraught.

I was in the school library, one dude flipped his **** and was screaming "Really America, a ******* black guy"

They had to kick him out.

-The day after was like you could pick out which white people were racist and which were not. Some white folk were in legit mourning :lol:

"We're losing the country" :lol:

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Yet again its funny as @#%$ to hear white people talk how our half white president is ruining the country. I watch fox news strictly for its comedic value .Megyn kelly is a dumb c@#$ in my opinion. If you listen to them treyvon martin deserved to be shot,obama ruining the country, freddie grey was a thug, but what josh duggar did should be excused because it happened 10 years ago and god forgave him for it. I will say that not all white cops are like this guy.Im black and i have been pulled over by some regular white dudes just doing their job.
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wow.. how did I not see this earlier 

Not surprised. But i'm weak at some of you guys election comments and how white people were acting as if President Obama declared war on them. Back in 08, chillin at the bus stop with my boys in our obama gear some old white woman walked past us and said some slick ish along the lines of "you people are disgusting". We started chanting "obama!" till the bus came. 
Just from my experience I think the racism difference between the north and south is drastically overstated. The difference in the south is that racists in the south are upfront. They dont like you and thats just how it is. If they dont wanna acknowledge you they wont. Racists in thr north will try to be politically correct and interact with you, even be friends with you, especially if youre a "good one". Then one day they'll start talking about current and be like "Look at those hoodlums in Baltimore, what are they even mad about? Why cant they be good like you".

I'm honestly at the point I just want racists to out themselves. Stop all the fakin and just say you dont like blacks so we can move on.

This a short and lazy but concise reply to what I agree with above.

During slavery, rich white people, before the founding of the U.S., made poor whites who worked alongside slaves believe that they were superior to black people and black slaves. As to prevent an uprising among slaves and poor whites. Kinda like how they included the Italian, Irish and later the Jewish diaspora into the white demographic.

After the civil war the rich whites from the north literally blamed slavery on southern white people. As if they forgot about slavery in the north before there was a "U.S."

Any northern American will tell you that racism is worse in the south but to be honest, racism in pretty bad everywhere in the US.

These dudes living outside of the south are literally trying to absolve themselves of the racism that took place in our history and literally trying to put it all on the side that tried to secede. All the while, being racist and not acknowleding it or actually being unaware of their racism.
And by being unaware of their racism, I'm talking about the white people that talk slick, actually thinking it a compliment.

"Oh, you speak so well."
" Wow, you are so cultured."

Compared to a what? A neanderthal? F outta here wit that.
The slick talk is what really bothers me. They say it so casually, like they don't even realize btheres an issue with what they said..

For example..

Just the other day, my wife was telling me about a situation that happened at work.

She's a manager at a retail store in newton MA. A lot of white Jewish ppl. Old money.

Soms old lady had a question about something so she helped her. After she was donenthe lady goes
"oh, how do you pronounce your last name?"
After my wife tells her, she askes where its from
My wife says its Brazilian
Lady goes
"Oh you guys are the best cleaners"

My wife's white. I'm from Brazil.
almost same situation in ohio...

Pool incident escalates; police, patron versions differ

CINCINNATI — An altercation between Fairfield, Ohio, police and patrons at the Fairfield Aquatic Center last week has yielded two versions of what occurred, with each side claiming unnecessary and inappropriate, even injurious, actions were taken to calm the situation.

Both sides claim there is videotape to back their statements.

The event happened June 9 when Fairfield police responded to the pool after a group of juveniles was asked to leave because one of them did not have a swimsuit.

The incident escalated to one where police physically restrained the youths and used pepper spray on one of the teenagers. Four people were arrested: two adults, plus a 12-year-old and 15-year-old.
I was on SMU'S campus in the dorms when Barack won the first time.

It was hilarious.

All those old money, upper class, right wing Texans were legit distraught.

I was in the school library, one dude flipped his **** and was screaming "Really America, a ******* black guy"

They had to kick him out.

-The day after was like you could pick out which white people were racist and which were not. Some white folk were in legit mourning :lol:

:lol: :lol: ditto, I was in Arkansas at the time and the pure sadness some of them were in was so comical. They were outright distraught.
almost same situation in ohio...

Pool incident escalates; police, patron versions differ

CINCINNATI — An altercation between Fairfield, Ohio, police and patrons at the Fairfield Aquatic Center last week has yielded two versions of what occurred, with each side claiming unnecessary and inappropriate, even injurious, actions were taken to calm the situation.

Both sides claim there is videotape to back their statements.

The event happened June 9 when Fairfield police responded to the pool after a group of juveniles was asked to leave because one of them did not have a swimsuit.

The incident escalated to one where police physically restrained the youths and used pepper spray on one of the teenagers. Four people were arrested: two adults, plus a 12-year-old and 15-year-old.
New rules for Swimming While Black :frown:
The slick talk is what really bothers me. They say it so casually, like they don't even realize btheres an issue with what they said..

For example..

Soms old lady had a question about something so she helped her. After she was donenthe lady goes
"oh, how do you pronounce your last name?"
After my wife tells her, she askes where its from
My wife says its Brazilian
Lady goes
"Oh you guys are the best cleaners"

My wife's white. I'm from Brazil.
I swear I will never understand people can fix their mouth to say silly crap like this. It's mind blowing.
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almost same situation in ohio...

Pool incident escalates; police, patron versions differ

CINCINNATI — An altercation between Fairfield, Ohio, police and patrons at the Fairfield Aquatic Center last week has yielded two versions of what occurred, with each side claiming unnecessary and inappropriate, even injurious, actions were taken to calm the situation.

Both sides claim there is videotape to back their statements.

The event happened June 9 when Fairfield police responded to the pool after a group of juveniles was asked to leave because one of them did not have a swimsuit.

The incident escalated to one where police physically restrained the youths and used pepper spray on one of the teenagers. Four people were arrested: two adults, plus a 12-year-old and 15-year-old.

Thanks for the bump, been meaning to post this.

:x the white civilian with the forearm in the neck :smh:

Fast forward to about the 1:30 mark.

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