Good win both teams....

Feels good to get a win in a close game and not fold under pressure.

Guys were knocking down free throws, hitting big shots, and the defense was a little better.

3-2...not bad at all
And I don't know how I was player of the week in a loss, but I appreciate it.

Ron Bentley POW for Week 5 though
good win both teams....sorry for coming super last minute guys, woke up a little late and i was coming from riverside. Ron Bentley definately for POW. hah #1was talking so much trash.... it was kinda funny.
nice win guys!! great job ron!! man, free throws do win championships, well in this case games. haha nice work guys!! dude my ear is bruised like no other now,i wish i knew who the hell threw the elbow. freaking hurts way more than ever....sorry for the complaining, ill stop
hah no need to say sorry i know how bad getting clocked in the ear can be..... one of those ticky tack stinging things.... just super annoying... and word upto sinking those free throws really saving our butt. Gritty sunk more FT's than hes changed his avatar this week

"Free-throws wins championships"......?
I thought it was DEFENSE
(you must have gotten clocked pretty hard)

Baysick I'm actually a pretty decent free throw shooter, maybe I've just been rushing.

One more tune up game before week 7.......oh I can not wait
hah adrian im juss pulling your leg, i know you can get that shot to fall....just glad it sank when it counted my dood...
nice win.
To be honest, we should have blown that team out *pause. But i'll take any kind of W.

I almost lost it for y'all, but I did that on purpose just to make the game exciting.
Ray, I think everyone played sloppy.....especially in that first half.

Too many 3's at first.....but we calmed it down and got good shots.

That technical was HUGE.....and we still have to cut down on our turnovers
yup, but I had some terrible turn-overs.
I feel that if we have the ball on a fast break or a steal, we dont always have to slow up the game and dish it to the PG. I was confused, because if we get asteal and I have the open lane, I am the type of player that loves to play the "fast break" and take it to the hole.
Especially when our biggest fault is running plays when we slow it up.

Ron stepped up huge and hit his free-throws, CLUTCH!
I was pissed on that one play where I had a steal and dude fouled was a clear lane (shoulda been 2 shots ?) and I was definitely gonna redeemmyself for that missed dunk attempt I had back in week one

But yo, every week we have to get better. So now if we have a fast break we gotta start taking advantage.....we need EASY baskets.

We'll work on a few things and make adjustments where necessary. It's all good yall
good game gentlemen, I'm proud of everyone's efforts. Big up to the big men improving on controlling the boards this week. Big ups especially to Ronfor knocking down so many key free throws. We definitely need to work on our transition plays. It was a good win for us, but not the best. We could'vedone better and if we meet DP in the playoffs, we will need to play better. They were without their best player Mike Aguila and we barely won.

Things to focus on:

1. minimize turnovers by making eye contact with our target teammate before making the pass. Because of our limited playing time together, we do not know eachindividuals' tendencies. ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS expect that the ball is going to come to you one way or another, we had too many turnovers due to playersnot ready for the pass or not thinking the pass was on the way. Keep our passes strong, swift, and low. We can learn a lot from DP's over head passes,they had at least 4 turnovers based on passes having too much of an arc.

2. Play the game at our pace, remember there is no 24 sec shot clock. No need to rush shots, keep the ball moving to open up the best possible shot.

3. We did a lot better this week in ball movement, but we need to continue to improve on that as well as "moving without the ball"

4. Play tighter defense on the floor, especially on the perimeter, do not allow your man to attempt the jumper in your face. While on defense, stay close toyour man and cut off the passing lane, don't give him too much space for him to come and retrieve the ball when his teammate is trapped.

everyone please add your other concerns as well.

Lets keep improving
Gritty sunk more FT's than hes changed his avatar this week


I almost lost it for y'all, but I did that on purpose just to make the game exciting. image

haha nice nice, good add to the drama ray. i totally thought you were just trying to make us lose. hahah JK JK

"Free-throws wins championships"......?

yea gritty, my hs bball coach preached that to us...and look at this game, Ron's FT seriously pulled us out of this. without his FT points we would haveprobably lost as narrowly as we won. Good job Ron.

I was pissed on that one play where I had a steal and dude fouled me.......But yo, every week we have to get better. So now if we have a fast break we gotta start taking advantage.....we need EASY baskets.

yea, adrian i was pissed when the ref called that foul, you had them like king james on a break away. i was looking forward to the acrobatics you would havegiven us. but all in all a good foul i guess. Yup, easy baskets are always great, so if we got a fast breakaway, take it down the lane, if not just dish theball the the trailer.

yes, turnovers kill us!!! we need to stop denying the turnovers. We just need to relax when handling the ball and be really smart about the passing and pleaseno more magic johnson passes unless we got eye contact with the cutter or intended player being passed to. TO has been a huge problem, especially when passing,so we need to get that corrected quick because teams can and will convert on those.

also need to work on calling out the screens, i got clobbered so many times trying to guard number 20 but then again thats probably just my crappy job ingetting around the 200 pounds giant of a center

but nevertheless, it was a sweet victory after the crappy losses lately but lets keep the Ws coming.

Great win for money shot, it was nice to see them play.

BTW, depending on what time the game is on Sunday, I hope its later in the day, I might not be able to make it since I will be returning sunday morning from alaw conference in vegas that day. so if i cant make it, good luck you guys!! ill keep ya'll posted.
yay we won. All Righty.
Congrates to Mr. Ron Bently as well. Lets keep this streak goin on for a while.

Practice Thursday guys???? My class on thurs night got canceled for this week so i can go this time. let me know cuz i don't like being left out of things.It sucks cuz as much as i want to go show up for practice, i can't because of class. the rest of you guys got to practice and run plays together and itsucks not knowing what goes down. the only thing i could do really is show up prepared to play on Sundays. All and all, i'm glad you all are practicingthough. it shows committment, as for me i want to apologize for my busy schedule.

Anyways, good work to all of my teammates (Regs) as well as money$hot.

yo lets get a tuesday night practice in if we can. I cant make wed or a thurs since i leave thurs for my conference. who can make it out on tuesday? holla!

as for practice, is it possible to get together for practice on wed nights, hopefully at the west co gym? how does that work for most of you guys? i cant evermake it to a thurs night practice because of my prior commitment to school and we end up doing school work all night thurs. i want to run but cant do it onthursdays. let me know when you guys can.
Originally Posted by ImNOTFilipino

Practice Thursday guys???? My class on thurs night got canceled for this week so i can go this time. let me know cuz i don't like being left out of things. It sucks cuz as much as i want to go show up for practice, i can't because of class. the rest of you guys got to practice and run plays together and it sucks not knowing what goes down. the only thing i could do really is show up prepared to play on Sundays. All and all, i'm glad you all are practicing though. it shows committment, as for me i want to apologize for my busy schedule.
No need to apologize dude, we all have busy schedules and getting 10 dudes together who live all over SoCal is just hard......

Thurs/Fri/Sat West Co is open, so any of those days will work for a practice...I'm thinking Friday, but then againthats only if yall willing to give up yall evenings to play some ball.
^^ hey adrian is tuesday really open at west co? i thought last week it was closed due to a league game? its not wed that its open to the public to play?

btw my apologies for not showing up on saturday afternoon adrian, my cousin's kid b-day party ran longer than i thought, especially when she pretty muchgot free babysitting from me and the family haha. but ill promise to show up to days when i say i am down to run. my bad.
I feel like everytime there is an opportunity for practice, i always have something to do, its not that i don't want to practice its just that i have soomuch goin on. I can definitely make it to practice thursday if there is one. As for the weekend its tough, i work too much. My parents own a donut shop so ihave to drive back home on the weekend. I just want ya'll to know that just cuz i can't make it to practices, doesn't mean i don't give it myall during the games. Always ready to ball. See ya'lls sundays and hopefully to another one of practices. Much respect for the regulators and all otherteams as well.
im down for practice on friday.... mike you down? i have to be somewhere thursday night.... and if west co is open, im down to meet there....
Mikey it's cool bro don't sweat it......

It's not that people aren't interested in practice, it's just finding a location and time that is suitable for everyone that is the issue....

I think Friday would be the best there anyone who CAN'T make it?

Oh and if that kid JR is going to be a part of the squad, tell him to show up as well.....
hah oh yeah, adrian and drew.... what did you think of think of JR, i know it was the first time you guys got to play with him? ill let him know aboutpractice...
He can play, I'm sure he can help the team.....

We can use another outside shooter to help open things up, and as long as he buys into what we're trying to do as a team.... he's cool with me
yea JR is a cool dude. good point also. i look forward to practice, if it ever works out for me. i can make practices next week, its a no go this week, unlessits on Tuesday night (11/13/07), but if not, then i cant meet up until next week since ill be gone early this week.
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