
I regret staying home this summer and working instead of leaving for school early and working the olympic trials :smh:
Anybody else in a relationship that they feel like they should end, but feel like they can't? :smh: feels batman
All I care about is my seed
Outside of any gay acts, I dnt think there is anything I wouldn't do for the right price
When I pray, things in my life almost instantly get better..however I think I lost my religion a min ago
I have a lot of ill feelings for my bm but she is a great mother and that's really all that matters
My car went down a month ago and my life has been ****** as a seem like when you need ppl the most that's when they switch up on you
The only thing keeping me from picking up and leaving to start fresh is my daughter...I can't leave her
GFID wasn't that good aside from about the first 8 didn't do what I needed it to
If it wasn't for a few of my bros holding me down and keeping my mind right I would be out here masked up
-In a career market that has basically no jobs. Have a fall back first career that could barely make ends meet.
-Friends are all doing well moving on to the next stages of life.
-GF is basically waiting to get married, I fear of letting her down. Been together more than 7 years. Sometimes I feel like she is holding me back, but most of the time I feel like she is the only reason why I live.
-Room is always a mess. Nothing ever helps when I clean it.
-I feel like I need to get small things in life in order to get any motivation to do anything else. Room, diet, fitness/health.
-I need a solid daily routine.
-I'm about to start college at the biggest university in the state, scared to death on the factor of both the school load and the social aspects
-I've always presented myself in a way that makes others think I can do anything and that I'm ready to move and start college..but i'm sh*tting bricks knowing that it's only 2 weeks away
-starting high school i had the same conflict on trying to meet people, but ended up being cool with peeps, even some in my closest circle
now starting college, i don't know if i have it in me to meet new people..can only hope things come in place
-i have a lisp that interferes with talking to people..and recently for the last year has caused a sort of phobia of socializing :rolleyes
-i cheated my way through high school..making others think i'm smarter than i really am
-my ex and i broke up in march out of nowhere, basically a this isn't a right thing/moment type of ordeal..still heartbroken over it and cant get passed it, can't look at any other girl the same way
-i know she feels the same way about me, which is the worst part, but her stubborn *** doesnt want to admit she is wrong
-i don't sleep until the sun rises, hence me burning almost everyday in june with some buds or myself at night, been trying to regress since
-i want the best college experience..but i fear i will crash and burn academically and socially
-my biggest fear is rejection..
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All I care about is my seed
Outside of any gay acts, I dnt think there is anything I wouldn't do for the right price
When I pray, things in my life almost instantly get better..however I think I lost my religion a min ago
I have a lot of ill feelings for my bm but she is a great mother and that's really all that matters
My car went down a month ago and my life has been ****** as a seem like when you need ppl the most that's when they switch up on you
The only thing keeping me from picking up and leaving to start fresh is my daughter...I can't leave her
GFID wasn't that good aside from about the first 8 didn't do what I needed it to
If it wasn't for a few of my bros holding me down and keeping my mind right I would be out here masked up
nope, i doubt u would be.  not tryin to test ur "street cred" tho.  actually, it's a compliment, really.  see they say u r the company u keep.  i'm loud brash arrogant a jerk and all of that, even to my friends.  but for some reason i only attract good people and wifey's in my life, which i believe profoundly speaks to the inherent qualities of my character.  so u see, these friends of urs that r good ppl are around u because ur good ppl.  plus, having a duaghter i hope would cause u to think twice about doin something abominable.  sure, u could come up and heist grands but it's not worth spending extended  time in prison and only talking/seeing ur daughter periodically.

i was locked up in county for a month (baby bid DUI) a while back and being without my daughter was the hardest.  forget tv, movies, restaurants, ps3, haze, sex, all of that meant nothing compared to the absence of my daughter and my needing to be there for her. 

keep ya head up man, ull be good.

confessions, eh? 

i kissed my cousin when i was like 5 and me and her showed each other our genitals.

oh, i also want to try crack to

A) see how it feels

B) say that i did it and didnt get hooked,

dumb  i know
I feel lonely when I am by myself, but lately I feel annoyed when I am around most people.

It's weird. It's like I enjoy being by myself and doing things by myself now, but at the same time I feel sad and lonely. I wish I had more people to spend time with, but most people in society are fake and annoying. Its such a lose-lose...

Don't know if anyone else can understand that feeling...
-I'm about to start college at the biggest university in the state, scared to death on the factor of both the school load and the social aspects
-I've always presented myself in a way that makes others think I can do anything and that I'm ready to move and start college..but i'm sh*tting bricks knowing that it's only 2 weeks away
-starting high school i had the same conflict on trying to meet people, but ended up being cool with peeps, even some in my closest circle
now starting college, i don't know if i have it in me..can hope things call in place
-i have a lisp that interferes with talking to people..and recently for the last year has caused a sort of phobia of socializing

-i cheated my way through high school..making others think i'm smarter than i really am
-my ex and i broke up in march out of nowhere, basically a this isn't a right thing/moment type of ordeal..still heartbroken over it and cant get passed it, can't look at any other girl the same way
-i know she feels the same way about me, which is the worst part, but her stubborn *** doesnt want to admit she is wrong
-i don't sleep until the sun rises, hence me burning almost everyday in june with some buds or myself at night, been trying to regress since
-i want the best college experience..but i fear i will crash and burn academically and socially
-my biggest fear is rejection..
Everyone fears rejection dont worry about it because its only gonna hold you back.   Look forward to the future and keep your head in the books and you will be straight.  Trust me your gonna meet some amazing women while your in college.  i guarantee it especially if your going to the biggest university in your state.   
I just had an epiphany I think is worth sharing....

After posting ive come to the conclusion that lately i've been taking LIFE too seriously and playing around / miss managing things with my business and craft.... everything will ultimate change things.

"Enjoy life. Have fun. Live a little bit and take your craft and business seriously."

The answer!
I feel lonely when I am by myself, but lately I feel annoyed when I am around most people.
It's weird. It's like I enjoy being by myself and doing things by myself now, but at the same time I feel sad and lonely. I wish I had more people to spend time with, but most people in society are fake and annoying. Its such a lose-lose...
Don't know if anyone else can understand that feeling...

I can relate. Most of my friends live about 45 min away. Over the past about 7-8 months that has somehow become an issue that it is to far, in they're eyes. I hardly ever see any of them anymore unless there is some event going on. Most of the time I don't even care. The friends I have where I live have became total simpletons and are never free to do anything, and when I do see them I am thinking about how they have became straight up lames and I just want to leave.

I haven't held down a relationship in over 4 years and it feels bad.

I suck at meeting new people.

I am 25 and still have several years left of school cause I have been screwing around not getting my **** together :smh:

My confidence is at an all time low.

Sometimes I feel like I could just go away and nobody besides my family would notice.
-My family moves around almost every two years... hard time settling in to new america life...
-Briefly lived in this city for a while... had my first love(dated for a while) eventually i moved away to another city.. one hour away for university... that really killed us we fell apart almost year ago and im getting over her.
-Because we moved alot i lost alot of friends... so im stalk with fake people
-I hate my dad... well.. not hate but i despise him... he is the most selfish person in the world... not the perfect definition of "perfect dad". I went through everything BY MY SELF, my first gf, sex, everything. he never bothered even talking to me about those things he was never a father figure for me and he always sits on his *** watch tv 24/7, eat, and goes to work. BARELY talks to my mom,sister. :smh: :x.
I guess he did show me one thing though.. be the OPPOSITE of him, DO EVERYTING opposite of what hes doing then i will someday will become a great dad.
-Went to university.. ditched my high schools friends to live with my new "boys" in sophomore year.. didnt work out ... fakest people you will ever meet. they liked to talk behind my back living in same house... last 1 month of the school year we barely saw each other ( mind you we were living in same house)
-I feel like i have no friends anymore because of that incident... i still have few people 2-3 to chill with... but i dontk now if they are fake neither and usually i dont really cliq with them at all...
-This girl cheated on her bf with me . Broke up with her bf to be with me. after realizing that the thrill was gone and her imperfection were slowly showing.. it was ugly... we have nothing in common and she is SELFISH,IMMATURE, EGOCENTRIC and wants ALL of my attention/time towards her... nah broad im good. One day she got me really mad and i told straight up just leave me alone and stop txting then. Fast foward... she txts out of nowhere and says im the one that she really likes and she cant see anyone else with her except for me. Shes still a virgin and shes so boring, if she doesnt give it up soon im going to dead it.... i know its so bad for my health.... i cant keep pretending i like her just because of her yambs :smh:
-My job co-workers all theyhey do is suck up and get promoted. I was promised to get paid in certain wage but they never gave it to me because i was the only one who didnt suck up to their horrible management... its a joke.
-Have two midterms tomorrow... instead of studying im reading all 13 pages of this...
-I dont know what to do with my life.... im thinking of studying abroad this year to step back from all this and come back as a new me.
-Just feels like nothing is going right in my life.... hopefully it ends soon or im going to lose it.
-Oh did i mention? im still getting over my first gf, i keep comparing other broads to her and it honestly kills me to see her with another man that she claims shes not dating anyone.. :x

Feels good..... if any of yall is reading is... feel free to gimme some advice
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Wish my parents never bought me video games... Such a waste of time...could've been training and getting better in baseball
Also I'm tight that my parents didn't let me go away to play baseball in college... They never went to college so they don't know ****... They thought baseball would Mess me up costs 30k...would've dropped it to 4 figures if I went to at baseball... Bothers me because I would've loved the whole dorming experience and meeting new people... And becoming more independent...
couldnt you still go for baseball?  
-My family moves around almost every two years... hard time settling in to new america life...
-Briefly lived in this city for a while... had my first love(dated for a while) eventually i moved away to another city.. one hour away for university... that really killed us we fell apart almost year ago and im getting over her.
-Because we moved alot i lost alot of friends... so im stalk with fake people
-I hate my dad... well.. not hate but i despise him... he is the most selfish person in the world... not the perfect definition of "perfect dad". I went through everything BY MY SELF, my first gf, sex, everything. he never bothered even talking to me about those things he was never a father figure for me and he always sits on his *** watch tv 24/7, eat, and goes to work. BARELY talks to my mom,sister.
I guess he did show me one thing though.. be the OPPOSITE of him, DO EVERYTING opposite of what hes doing then i will someday will become a great dad.
-Went to university.. ditched my high schools friends to live with my new "boys" in sophomore year.. didnt work out ... fakest people you will ever meet. they liked to talk behind my back living in same house... last 1 month of the school year we barely saw each other ( mind you we were living in same house)
-I feel like i have no friends anymore because of that incident... i still have few people 2-3 to chill with... but i dontk now if they are fake neither and usually i dont really cliq with them at all...
-This girl cheated on her bf with me . Broke up with her bf to be with me. after realizing that the thrill was gone and her imperfection were slowly showing.. it was ugly... we have nothing in common and she is SELFISH,IMMATURE, EGOCENTRIC and wants ALL of my attention/time towards her... nah broad im good. One day she got me really mad and i told straight up just leave me alone and stop txting then. Fast foward... she txts out of nowhere and says im the one that she really likes and she cant see anyone else with her except for me. Shes still a virgin and shes so boring, if she doesnt give it up soon im going to dead it.... i know its so bad for my health.... i cant keep pretending i like her just because of her yambs

-My job co-workers all theyhey do is suck up and get promoted. I was promised to get paid in certain wage but they never gave it to me because i was the only one who didnt suck up to their horrible management... its a joke.
-Have two midterms tomorrow... instead of studying im reading all 13 pages of this...
-I dont know what to do with my life.... im thinking of studying abroad this year to step back from all this and come back as a new me.
-Just feels like nothing is going right in my life.... hopefully it ends soon or im going to lose it.
-Oh did i mention? im still getting over my first gf, i keep comparing other broads to her and it honestly kills me to see her with another man that she claims shes not dating anyone..

Feels good..... if any of yall is reading is... feel free to gimme some advice
I know what its like to be lied to at work about getting a promotion that never comes and all the d**k riders get promoted over you.  Keep working hard and at the same time start  looking for a new job.     About your ex just let her go.  Once you stop comparing your ex to other girls and you move on everything will get better for you when it comes to women.  Nowadays about 90% of people you meet are gonna be fake.  If i was you i'd just relax and not worry about whos gonna be fake to you or not.  You can make new friends just dont let them get close enough to you to where they can screw you over.   Last thing id like to say is this.  I think you should talk to your pops about how you feel.  He could be clueless to what hes doing.
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Haven't watch MTV in a year, last show I watched was Teen Wolf. Just don't have the time and nothing interests me, not even Real World anymore.

Believe I'm transcending into the next stage of my adult life, my taste in clothes, music, and activities have changed DRASTICALLY. Even though I'm in my twenties and look fairly young, people older than me have been calling me "Sir" and displaying an subordinate level of respect.

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I feel lonely when I am by myself, but lately I feel annoyed when I am around most people.

It's weird. It's like I enjoy being by myself and doing things by myself now, but at the same time I feel sad and lonely. I wish I had more people to spend time with, but most people in society are fake and annoying. Its such a lose-lose...

Don't know if anyone else can understand that feeling...
this is me to a t
I found the perfect girl to be with, but the timing is terrible. feels batman. We're both going back to our respective colleges and everything inside me tells me not to take it an extra step. On the other hand, she has no problem being in a long distance relationship. Confusing time for me to say the least. Id appreciate some comments or opinions.

This online confessions thing is weird, its a good method to get stuff out there tho
I found the perfect girl to be with, but the timing is terrible. feels batman. We're both going back to our respective colleges and everything inside me tells me not to take it an extra step. On the other hand, she has no problem being in a long distance relationship. Confusing time for me to say the least. Id appreciate some comments or opinions.
This online confessions thing is weird, its a good method to get stuff out there tho
If you like her that much why dont you guys give it a shot? Youll never know if you dont try.
I found the perfect girl to be with, but the timing is terrible. feels batman. We're both going back to our respective colleges and everything inside me tells me not to take it an extra step. On the other hand, she has no problem being in a long distance relationship. Confusing time for me to say the least. Id appreciate some comments or opinions.

This online confessions thing is weird, its a good method to get stuff out there tho
long disntance is rough but if shes the one why not try, if it fails your still at a school with lots of girls
If you like her that much why dont you guys give it a shot? Youll never know if you dont try.
idk bruh, part of me feels like i wont experience college the right way, im entering my 3rd year and the women have been on point this far. its a bit too early to be tied down imo. I also think id have a hard time not being able to see my shorty whenever I wanted to, for the yambs, to chill, etc. Shes def a great girl. Holds me down in all types of ways. But I just really dont trust myself.. Idk man

long disntance is rough but if shes the one why not try, if it fails your still at a school with lots of girls

idk about the one this early in life, im barely 20 bruh. and she was a good friend before we got emotionally involved so if it does fail, i want it to fail on a good note and not because i got drunk and banged out some random broad. i know, i sound like a simp, im ight with that
I found the perfect girl to be with, but the timing is terrible. feels batman. We're both going back to our respective colleges and everything inside me tells me not to take it an extra step. On the other hand, she has no problem being in a long distance relationship. Confusing time for me to say the least. Id appreciate some comments or opinions.
This online confessions thing is weird, its a good method to get stuff out there tho

Period at this age dont do it. I know how hard it is but remember relationships are already tough throw in the long distance and its worse. I think once two adults are a little older and more secure mentally and financially long distance can really work but right now noooooo
-I hate my dad... well.. not hate but i despise him... he is the most selfish person in the world... not the perfect definition of "perfect dad". I went through everything BY MY SELF, my first gf, sex, everything. he never bothered even talking to me about those things he was never a father figure for me and he always sits on his *** watch tv 24/7, eat, and goes to work. BARELY talks to my mom,sister. :smh: :x.

I know this feeling. Sounds exactly like me. Only time he talks to me is to tell me to do things, "go pick up your brother", "you've graduated now, go get a job (so you can marry your gf and move the f out)". Anytime my siblings or myself ask anything all we get are one word answers or some wishy-washy answer that is not even related to the question or doesn't give an answer at all. "Do you need the car tonight?" "yeah I MIGHT need the car tonight" and then I get home at night after a long hassle of taking public transit and then finding someone to drop me off at home to find out my dad didn't even take the car out bc his buddy drove.

idk bruh, part of me feels like i wont experience college the right way, im entering my 3rd year and the women have been on point this far. its a bit too early to be tied down imo.

Sometimes I think this too. Tied down early in 1st year and am still good today with her. Throughout the years I saw lots of potential and it always had me wondering what if. Now it would be stupid to throw everything away.
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