
I feel like I'm beneath everyone cause I'm at community college and I'm almost turning 22. I hardly put effort into my school work because I have no interest in it. I know thats not a excuse but I genuinely feel school isn't for me. I feel imprisoned and bored out of my mind. Lectures go over my head and I never fully understand anything. I want to put in work but when I do study, I easily get distracted. I know I am more than capable of achieving anything I put my mind into but I'm not motivated by school... What I'm good at is writing and making people laugh. I would love to pursue in a field that can lead me into becoming a screen writer but I'm scared I would doom myself since its a high risk job. All my cousins graduated or attending college already that are pretty damb prestigious... my younger cousin just recently got accepted to Cornell and I feel way inferior then him. Academics is a big deal probably to everyone but especially in my family. My parents and their cousins came here about 20 years ago so that their kids can have a better education and life, I feel like I let my parents down by being so careless. I want to do better but my GPA of 2.5 won't even be good enough to transfer out of this place. :smh: :smh: :smh:
Really not a confession but whatever.

I wanna write down everything when i'm :pimp: and what i remember from my dreams but never do. :smh:
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I feel like I'm beneath everyone cause I'm at community college and I'm almost turning 22. I hardly put effort into my school work because I have no interest in it. I know thats not a excuse but I genuinely feel school isn't for me. I feel imprisoned and bored out of my mind. Lectures go over my head and I never fully understand anything. I want to put in work but when I do study, I easily get distracted. I know I am more than capable of achieving anything I put my mind into but I'm not motivated by school... What I'm good at is writing and making people laugh. I would love to pursue in a field that can lead me into becoming a screen writer but I'm scared I would doom myself since its a high risk job. All my cousins graduated or attending college already that are pretty damb prestigious... my younger cousin just recently got accepted to Cornell and I feel way inferior then him. Academics is a big deal probably to everyone but especially in my family. My parents and their cousins came here about 20 years ago so that their kids can have a better education and life, I feel like I let my parents down by being so careless. I want to do better but my GPA of 2.5 won't even be good enough to transfer out of this place. :smh: :smh: :smh:

Fam you're still young there is no need for you to get down on yourself about your situation.. You shouldn't compare yourself to others in your family either that ish isn't going to get you anywhere. If you truly have a passion for screenwriting go for it, this might be the main reason you can't excel and focus on school. You might not need to be there in the first place. Im 27 and Im just now figuring out what I want to do with my life so you have plenty of time homie. Get out there and live man, see the world it just might inspire you with your writing.
I got cholinergic urticaria. Non sunny days are the worst for me.

I'm use to breaking out a sweat almost every day and getting sun exposure to keep condition somewhat under control. Seems like when I don't for a day or two... The hives start coming back stronger the following days. I had prickly sensation all over about 7 times today. When it happens I don't scratch eventhough it feels like I'm being stung by a swarm of bees. Just be thinking I can't wait for this bs to be over with.
I saw a group of kids arguing today. They were 13-14 years old, fighting in the streets. I broke it up and told the kids to cut it out. One group on one side, one on the other. I see one kid run away down the street, and run into his house. Then he comes back out with his mother, who is holding some type of pistol. She walks up to me, and points it. I put my hands up and explained that I was just breaking up a fight. Then I started to back up, and eventually walk away.

The story is longer than this, but I'm tired.

good on you man for breaking up that fight.
Lucky you didn't get shot.

Stupid kid and mother for putting you in harm's way for doing a good thing. This world is messed up.
I keep telling myself I am going to be happy knowing full well that aint the case. Even when I have the cash to buy the girls I want. |I
Why do you have to buy girls... what's the fulfillment in buying everything? It doesn't make you feel achieved buying an olympic medal, you gotta earn one.

It comes from girls not liking me despite the fact that I am a nice guy and would be a great boyfriend. Now I am addicted to the feeling of buying women. Knowing I could be a cheating douche and most of these women would stay. Knowing that if I wanted to I could cuff a model and she would never leave if the prenup tight enough.

I did my part in trying to earn one and it didnt work. By the end of the year I should be starting a great career.
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It comes from girls not liking me despite the fact that I am a nice guy and would be a great boyfriend. Now I am addicted to the feeling of buying women. Knowing I could be a cheating douche and most of these women would stay. Knowing that if I wanted to I could cuff a model and she would never leave if the prenup tight enough.

I did my part in trying to earn one and it didnt work. By the end of the year I should be starting a great career.
why are you trying to buy women? No good will ever come from that. Fight your insecurities and be confident. If a chick dont like you cause u not buying her stuff, then let that be a sign that she aint the one you wanna mess with
You quoted the answer to your question. Only a few girls wanted me to buy them stuff, and I left. But I'm about to make money soon. Don't feel I should settle. I could get a 4/10 (both personalty and looks) if I tried real hard or I could buy a 10/10 effortlessly (just looks but personality remains a 4).
You quoted the answer to your question. Only a few girls wanted me to buy them stuff, and I left. But I'm about to make money soon. Don't feel I should settle. I could get a 4/10 (both personalty and looks) if I tried real hard or I could buy a 10/10 effortlessly (just looks but personality remains a 4).
idk buying chicks seems weak. Like I said, nothing good ever ends with spending money for a chicks attention.
You quoted the answer to your question. Only a few girls wanted me to buy them stuff, and I left. But I'm about to make money soon. Don't feel I should settle. I could get a 4/10 (both personalty and looks) if I tried real hard or I could buy a 10/10 effortlessly (just looks but personality remains a 4).
But you are settling by "buying" women.

You gave up trying to get a woman.

Or am I reaching?? I dont think so though.
You're not a nice guy, stop it. The horrible resentful things you've said here about women... Come on. They sposed to **** you cuz you seem nice?
You're not a nice guy, stop it. The horrible resentful things you've said here about women... Come on. They sposed to **** you cuz you seem nice?
Well not anymore. This has been the case for a while now. Almost 2 years. Either way that won't matter once I have the money
^ so u workin hard to get a CPA license jut so u can smash ****? u trippin hard dog, u need to take yo mind off them females 4real
^ so u workin hard to get a CPA license jut so u can smash ****? u trippin hard dog, u need to take yo mind off them females 4real
No I am working hard to get a CPA license for the money. It pays a lot for someone with next to no experience. Even if I dont smash money is very important to me. But if it were to smash so what? I think you guys severely underestimate how often people become very successful just to smash.
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Yeah, it seems that your the issue..... not the chicks.
We'll all these post are representative of the mentality that I picked up 2 years ago november 9th, when I said **** it. (Yes I remember the date). Not representative of how I was before then

Are you trying to power trip?

Don't know if you watch the show but I want to be the black stoner version of this guy so bad(right)

Last day of school Freshmen year of hs we all head to the beach and after a long day in the sun I was dumb thirsty but didnt have a cent on me so I drank some girl from my schools snapple that was sitting in the sand all day smh
What do you look like sunshine?

When I was 13 I used to want to smash my cousin, she's not a blood cousin. |I
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