
I feel you blotters I want my own aunt kinda put me in check on being an entreprenuer she said do you want it for the prestige of just having a business or are you in it for the money..and right now truthfully its more of an ego thing..I feel though if I have my own the money will come

I can't wait to go back to school forreal
i'm scared that i'm waiting for nothing.
dont ever wait for anything, go and take it.
Man I've been away for a min and this is the first thread I see. Had to see whats going on and well although there is some down and negativity, thepositive people helping in any way possible is amazing. I'll be responding a lot more to this one.

Just remember, life is bigger than the man made things around us. Sometimes you just have to get a hug, figure out your problems, and either take them down alone like David or find someone to be your Batman until you can be.
I was on some bull ****, running around looking for sympathy. Sympathy is for the unfortunate, the poor, single mothers, and good women that got ****** over by ain't-**** *** dudes.

Ain't no sympathy for the man. If you don't get any, take it as a compliment.
trill gotta take it n roll with will make you feel day when your situation is over and your on to better things your gonna look back and be like I handled that like a boss

My brother taught me that

Since I'm very sexually active(no humble brag) every time I get sick even the slightest..I think the worst..I use condoms every trip btw
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I am the happiest I have ever been in a long time today. If there is such thing as high of life, this is it.

In the morning, I had a dream about the girl. AKA 'The Great White Buffalo'. It was a really good dream, it put me in a good mood. I woke up to a clean house, and nobody was arguing. I made a great breakfast consisting of multiple fruits, a bagel, and some eggs. I went to the basketball court, I pulled a Dr. Jay holding the ball out of bounds then bringing it back in for a finish. Some guy started talking a lot of trash, so I walked up to him and he pushed me. I held my hands up and punched  him in the jaw, wrapped around and put him in a choke hold and told him to lay down and shut the **** up. Nothing else was said. 

After a good day on the court, I was talking to my good friend about politics and racism. It was good and clean, and I actually changed someones views on the world. Which feels really great, and it tends to be a rarity. 

Got home, neighbor made me cupcakes. There was dinner ready for me, nice and hot. 

I got on Facebook and decided to make peace with an old enemy from years back. It went really well. Really really well. Towards the end of the conversation, the Great White Buffalo messaged me. Out of random. Which is also a rarity. 

As I sit here typing this, I have a really big smile on my face. 

Ice Cube's good day has got nothing on this!
I am the happiest I have ever been in a long time today. If there is such thing as high of life, this is it.

In the morning, I had a dream about the girl. AKA 'The Great White Buffalo'. It was a really good dream, it put me in a good mood. I woke up to a clean house, and nobody was arguing. I made a great breakfast consisting of multiple fruits, a bagel, and some eggs. I went to the basketball court, I pulled a Dr. Jay holding the ball out of bounds then bringing it back in for a finish. Some guy started talking a lot of trash, so I walked up to him and he pushed me. I held my hands up and punched  him in the jaw, wrapped around and put him in a choke hold and told him to lay down and shut the **** up. Nothing else was said. 

After a good day on the court, I was talking to my good friend about politics and racism. It was good and clean, and I actually changed someones views on the world. Which feels really great, and it tends to be a rarity. 

Got home, neighbor made me cupcakes. There was dinner ready for me, nice and hot. 

I got on Facebook and decided to make peace with an old enemy from years back. It went really well. Really really well. Towards the end of the conversation, the Great White Buffalo messaged me. Out of random. Which is also a rarity. 

As I sit here typing this, I have a really big smile on my face. 

Ice Cube's good day has got nothing on this!

Good for you. Don't let negativity bring you down.

Off topic. Ended up seeing my ex at a mutual friends wedding yesterday, didn't know how to feel, so I drank the night away. Seeing her was a bad idea. I definitely think that I need some closure.

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I am the happiest I have ever been in a long time today. If there is such thing as high of life, this is it.

In the morning, I had a dream about the girl. AKA 'The Great White Buffalo'. It was a really good dream, it put me in a good mood. I woke up to a clean house, and nobody was arguing. I made a great breakfast consisting of multiple fruits, a bagel, and some eggs. I went to the basketball court, I pulled a Dr. Jay holding the ball out of bounds then bringing it back in for a finish. Some guy started talking a lot of trash, so I walked up to him and he pushed me. I held my hands up and punched  him in the jaw, wrapped around and put him in a choke hold and told him to lay down and shut the **** up. Nothing else was said. 

After a good day on the court, I was talking to my good friend about politics and racism. It was good and clean, and I actually changed someones views on the world. Which feels really great, and it tends to be a rarity. 

Got home, neighbor made me cupcakes. There was dinner ready for me, nice and hot. 

I got on Facebook and decided to make peace with an old enemy from years back. It went really well. Really really well. Towards the end of the conversation, the Great White Buffalo messaged me. Out of random. Which is also a rarity. 

As I sit here typing this, I have a really big smile on my face. 

Ice Cube's good day has got nothing on this!

:pimp: could only imagine
Man I got one of those random outburst of pure sadness that hits me every once in a while. I am going to bed before it gets worse.
^^^ We all go threw those times fam, especially when your by yourself and thinking dam what have i accomplised in my life, what do i have to show for it. Life aint easy we all got our issues to sort threw, everyones felt lonely and sad its normal. What isnt normal is to stay in that dark mindstate, stay strong.
^Yah I am feeling better now. I am always by myself so the feeling comes often especially since I havent accomplished ****.

I'm fixing that tho. Don't care what it takes.
^ Just stay positive believe me i know its difficult to maintain, and feel trapped in your mind sometimes is difficult to deal with. I always listen to music to keep me uplifted lol it helps tho.
Waffles that video was great.

Damn I feel like kicking myself. I was being recruited for a position at kpmg but had to ask to reschedule my interview b/c my grandmothers funeral. they said rescheduling for the following week was fine but I have yet to reviece the confirmation email I had asked for. I know there were probably hundreds of applicants and it was great they selected me but Im starting to feel like they were like "well he can't make it, so on to the next one."

Hopefully I'm just being a bit paranoid as usual but I just have this feeling they moved on without me. I told my my mom this and she well you didn't have to come and i was wtf why didn't I know this before hand and i would have avaliable at their request. I'm already here in Chicago and the funeral is today so I madey choice but hopefully it didn't hurt my chances...
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^Damn. I want to work for the big 4 so bad. Such a career booster. Part of my sadness is the fact that 95% of my graduating class had jobs before they graduated. My grades were not good enough for that but I dont see why grades matter when you graduate from a top 10 undergrad accounting program and a top 20 grad program in the field with a B+ and a B average.

Taking FAR on the 29th and I feel so underprepared. This week I will practically be binging on adderall. After my eurotrip I will take BEC. I havent gotten my review materials for REG or AUD. IDK what to do first between those two. AUD has the highest failure rate. Worst of all I was in the tax track. I dont understand Audit to save my life.

I'll watch that video in a min!
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I am in love with my girl best sucks trying to hide it. I did good,in the beginning, now it's getting kind of obvious I like her
I am in love with my girl best sucks trying to hide it. I did good,in the beginning, now it's getting kind of obvious I like her

Does your girl's best friend know that you "love" her? Why even be with current bird? Just hurting yourself by doing it.

On a side note. There's something wrong with me. Idk if I'm going through a phase. I should have never gone to that wedding. Brb. Gonna go run 3 or 4 miles to clear my head.
I am in love with my girl best sucks trying to hide it. I did good,in the beginning, now it's getting kind of obvious I like her

Does your girl's best friend know that you "love" her? Why even be with current bird? Just hurting yourself by doing it.

On a side note. There's something wrong with me. Idk if I'm going through a phase. I should have never gone to that wedding. Brb. Gonna go run 3 or 4 miles to clear my head.

I think he means he's in love with his female best friend, not his girlsfriend's best friend.

To the guy in love with his female best friend, you have only two options:

1. Tell her how you feel and face the repercussions. If she feels the same way, you won. If she doesn't, it may or may not alter the friendship forever. Something you can try is get a mutual friend to talk to her about if she ever sees you as more than a friend. This way, you can find out without the friendship being ruined (depending on how you handle it).
2. Slowly distance yourself from her. You can do this intentionally, or by focusing more on the rest of your life. Focus on other women, your career, school, hobbies, etc. Over time, your infatuation for your friend will wear off and you'll laugh at the idea that you had romantic feelings in the first place. This happened to me with a female crush I had in high school and then into college, and after dating my current girlfriend for over a year, I laugh at the notion. I don't even think about her anymore.

If a girl can't picture you naked comfortably, she will never see you as a boyfriend. Period. There is no physical/sexual attraction. 99% of women in this world want to be ravaged in bed, and if you can't provide that, well then you can be the friend that listens to her problems fully clothed. That's just the truth.

If you find out she does just see you as a friend, and you still want to be with her, you will need to start transforming yourself, both physically and mentally, to increase attraction. Work out, groom yourself, smell good around her, and focus on your career. Date other women. If she sees that other women are interested in you romantically, it might re-wire her brain a little. She'll become curious and that might spark attraction.

Best of luck.
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Been having bad dreams about being forced to use my firearm to protect myself.
I always wake up right after I'm forced to use it, and I have this feeling that's hard to's mad unsettling though.
If need be I wouldn't hesitate to protect myself but I pray that I'm NEVER thrust in any situation where I'd have to draw a weapon on someone.
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I'm not suicidal, but when I crossed the street, I hoped the car would hit me,
but now that I;m back in the house those feelings have subsided, I'm kinda worried.

I've never loved Jesus or God, I've just been afraid of hell.
I'm not suicidal, but when I crossed the street, I hoped the car would hit me,
but now that I;m back in the house those feelings have subsided, I'm kinda worried.

I've never loved Jesus or God, I've just been afraid of hell.

Hell doesn't apply to the people who die. It applies to the people who love you and how they're going to feel when you're taken from them.

You think you're going to Hell after you die? More like, those who are alive will be going through Hell as they grieve for you.

Just remember that.
Happiest I've ever been. Today was another good day like the last. 

Right now, you can't tell me nothing! 

Oh, and I saw a FouseyTube hoody today. I smirked
Date other women. If she sees that other women are interested in you romantically, it might re-wire her brain a little. She'll become curious and that might spark attraction.

Best of luck.

This is very true. I had a friend back in like highschool that i caught feelings for.. And I told her.. She said that she loved me " like a big brother".. So I was like.. iight cool.. Took the L and kept me moving.

Started dating another girl like 2 weeks later.. And a couple days into the relationship..
She hits me up saying she realizes she does have feelings and that she's jealous im with someone else
I am in love with my girl best sucks trying to hide it. I did good,in the beginning, now it's getting kind of obvious I like her

Been there, things escalated a drunken night to another level. Things were never the same since. That was a couple years ago but when I see her I still get caught up sometimes :smh: Haven't talked to her in a couple months though trying to move on and distance myself from it since I am pretty sure it will never pan out :frown:
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