
when you see her just let it all hang out honestly so no matter what happens you dont have nothing left to say 
after 3 years?
might as well get it out now its always gonna be the itch he wont be able to scratch 
So I researched the New Black Panther Party a bit. It turns out they are independent from the original Black Panther Party. The BPP straight denounced them. That's one less member
I remember reading an article about the NBPP and they are basically a racist hate group. They may use the name but they are more about terrorizing than fighting racial injustice.
Its not too late fam... chase her bro... send her flowers... little things like that will matter especially since she is not materialistic

after 3 years? :lol:

Might just be enough time for her to forget what he did. It's tough as **** to do though, if he keeps trying she's more likely to end up annoyed and creeped out rather than back in his arms. **** it though, there's those rare moments, nothing to lose at this point.
Nah I seen that. I wanna know about the original BPP denouncing the new one.
Google it, I don't have the official story. All I know is the BPP just went out and said these guys aren't anything like them
So I researched the New Black Panther Party a bit. It turns out they are independent from the original Black Panther Party. The BPP straight denounced them. That's one less member
I remember reading an article about the NBPP and they are basically a racist hate group. They may use the name but they are more about terrorizing than fighting racial injustice.
I saw that as well. Had me like 
I just had an endoscopy a couple of days ago. I was terrified w/ the thought of what they would find and being put under anesthesia. When i woke up off that propofol i was rather excited. (never had any surgeries or hospital serious hospital stays) ... Feeling pretty good about everything now and happy to be alive and happy that i didn't put off seeing the doctor when i initally started having serious symptoms.
Damn b don't say **** like that about yourself.
Everyday I look in the mirror and tell myself, I love you. Sometimes I don't be looking as good as I would like but I know I'm a beautiful person. **** really picks my mood up and confidence. Until it escalates to the point I feel like I'm the ******g man. All the ladies be Mirin, you can just feel it. Its a great feeling. Stay up homies
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sunshineblotters, I strongly recommend that you practice some Couéism. In general, it is the following (copied from Wikipedia because I'm a lazy **** and don't want to paraphrase):

The application of his mantra-like conscious autosuggestion, "Every day, in every way, I'm getting better and better" (French: Tous les jours à tous points de vue je vais de mieux en mieux) is called Couéism or the Coué method.[3] The Coué method centers on a routine repetition of this particular expression according to a specified ritual, in a given physical state, and in the absence of any sort of allied mental imagery, at the beginning and at the end of each day.[citation needed] Unlike a common held belief that a strong conscious will constitutes the best path to success, Coué maintained that curing some of our troubles requires a change in our unconscious thought, which can only be achieved by using our imagination. Although stressing that he was not primarily a healer but one who taught others to heal themselves, Coué claimed to have effected organic changes through autosuggestion.[3]

You need some mental re-enforcement that you are worth more than you give yourself credit for.
Half the size of any man my height and age
Not good lookin in any way
Haven't started my big boy job
I am a proud nerd and refuse to change myself for anyone

I know this because:
Every girl I ever truly liked (four in total) is dating the polar opposite of me. From the *******s to the ones with their lives intact
No girl has ever liked me
What kind of women are you aiming for?

You need to climb the confidence ladder my man. Maybe you're setting your goals too high for women. Don't worry about impressing the next man with your woman, start dating a woman in your league that you find attractive and build a relationship. Don't try to impress her, just be yourself. Since you're a nerd, find a nerd girl who's likes the same kinds of things that you like.

But here's the thing, if you feel you aren't worth the time, no one else will either. Step your grooming and fitness up. Keep yourself clean, neatly dressed and motivated to stay in shape. You don't have to look the The Rock (most women don't want that anyway) but look like you take pride in your health and appearance.

Brush your teeth, keep your breath fresh and find reasons to smile. Making women laugh gets the ***** wet. I put that on everything. Once you get a girl laughing, you don't need alcohol to get her loose, you just need a well timed, "so you wanna get outta here?"

Stop telling yourself you're no good because your attitude shows. Find things to be confident about and change the things that you aren't confident about. We all have gifts. Find yours and polish them til they shine my dude.
What kind of women are you aiming for?

You need to climb the confidence ladder my man. Maybe you're setting your goals too high for women. Don't worry about impressing the next man with your woman, start dating a woman in your league that you find attractive and build a relationship. Don't try to impress her, just be yourself. Since you're a nerd, find a nerd girl who's likes the same kinds of things that you like.

But here's the thing, if you feel you aren't worth the time, no one else will either. Step your grooming and fitness up. Keep yourself clean, neatly dressed and motivated to stay in shape. You don't have to look the The Rock (most women don't want that anyway) but look like you take pride in your health and appearance.

Brush your teeth, keep your breath fresh and find reasons to smile. Making women laugh gets the ***** wet. I put that on everything. Once you get a girl laughing, you don't need alcohol to get her loose, you just need a well timed, "so you wanna get outta here?"

Stop telling yourself you're no good because your attitude shows. Find things to be confident about and change the things that you aren't confident about. We all have gifts. Find yours and polish them til they shine my dude.

All of this but floss too. People stay dipping on the flossing. Such a big part of dental hygiene.

And sunshine be proud of being a nerd. You need to find some like minded people. Once you get around people who you're comfortable being around and have the ability to open up and be yourself the yambs will come.
My style game on point. Never need to worry about that. Hygiene is good too. I work out but I still have a long way to go. I'm a nerd in the same way RZA is a nerd. Not over the top or anything. It is not evident unless you talk to me.

You are right tho. :/ still some time away from fb would do me some good so I am making a new fb so I can keep tabs on the groups Im in but adding no friends. I'll reactivate it when i'm ready.

As for types of women I like (in any order):
I like a thick chick from the hood |I
Awkward/cool nerdy chicks
Women who dont need no man
Fresh off the boat hispanic women
Hispanic women of pretty much any kind
Soulful women
Stoner Chicks
Women with culture
The type of girls who like gansta rap but aint gangsta in any way

Only dealbreaker for me is being overweight or not knowing how to dress. I shouldn't have to dress down when I am around a girl.
My style game on point. Never need to worry about that. Hygiene is good too. I work out but I still have a long way to go. I'm a nerd in the same way RZA is a nerd. Not over the top or anything. It is not evident unless you talk to me.

You are right tho. :/ still some time away from fb would do me some good so I am making a new fb so I can keep tabs on the groups Im in but adding no friends. I'll reactivate it when i'm ready.

As for types of women I like (in any order):
I like a thick chick from the hood |I
Awkward/cool nerdy chicks
Women who dont need no man
Fresh off the boat hispanic women
Hispanic women of pretty much any kind
Soulful women
Stoner Chicks
Women with culture
The type of girls who like gansta rap but aint gangsta in any way

Only dealbreaker for me is being overweight or not knowing how to dress. I shouldn't have to dress down when I am around a girl.

With that many types of girls, I can't imagine you not being able to scoop up a few broads to mingle with.
Half the size of any man my height and age
Not good lookin in any way
Haven't started my big boy job
I am a proud nerd and refuse to change myself for anyone

I know this because:
Every girl I ever truly liked (four in total) is dating the polar opposite of me. From the *******s to the ones with their lives intact
No girl has ever liked me
Just because they date your polar opposites, does not mean you don't have a chance. It never does. Never.

Why are you comparing yourself to people your height and age? They are irrelevant when talking about yourself. Stop looking at others, and look at your damn self. If I looked at Bradly Cooper all day, I'm not going to sit around calling myself ugly in comparison. It makes no damn sense. Find your own qualities. Not others. If you stop worrying about the next man's looks and worry about your own damn self I'm sure that you will find some qualities about yourself worth liking. 

Big boy job? Sunshine, you just graduated. Not even a week ago. You are sitting here expecting to find a great job right out of college? It doesn't fall into your lap. You have a degree in accounting, or some kind of mathematics, use it. People with math degrees get jobs like butter. Find some internships, and work your way to the top. 

Be yourself, and do what you want to do. Nobody else can, will, or try and stop you.

You are a proud nerd. Act like it. 
Half the size of any man my height and age
Not good lookin in any way
Haven't started my big boy job
I am a proud nerd and refuse to change myself for anyone

I know this because:
Every girl I ever truly liked (four in total) is dating the polar opposite of me. From the *******s to the ones with their lives intact
No girl has ever liked me
kill that noise if flava flav can get wiminz before the show so can anybody.
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