
Yep. I don’t blame you man. Gotta look out for your family .. even if it means not being involved with others in your family.

Sorry it’s like that. Maybe one day she’ll realize she needs to do better if she wants to be involved.
the last straw was she called my wife unsolicited and called her a *****. :lol:

I was like alright, I've had enough. she's never once tried to apologize or anything either.

I didn't get along that great with my dad growing up either, dude just is different than me. military, engineer and very career oriented and I'm not like that but once I turned 18 he just let me live and now it's fine.
Add me to the list of people that don't talk to their family. Dad dipped 30 years ago and my mom pulled some really ****** stuff to me over the summer so we haven't spoken since. Our relationship was always rocky at best, but that was the final straw.

I'm getting married this October and I won't be inviting my mom unless she apologizes to me, my fiancee, and my fiancee's family. My mom has historically demonstrated an absolute refusal to ever apologize for anything, so it's looking like the only people I'll be inviting from my side will be my cousins and my friends.
my mom thinks it's ok to try to tell me how to have my family function. if I or my wife disagree she's calling us cussing us out. then I tell her she's insane and all the sudden she's the victim. you can't ever be around her without her wilding out, I had enough.

the world is against her, everyone is dumb, she can't get along with anybody. you know the type.
Lol this sounds so familiar.

My mom can't get along with anyone, but she's never the problem. My mom's always picking fights over the dumbest stuff, but she's always the victim. My mom refuses to admit any wrongdoing or that she has any character flaws, but everyone else is a "narcissist." If you prove to her that she did something wrong, it "wasn't that bad." If you show her how it was "that bad," well that's because you deserved it.

Some people aren't capable of changing, so at some point you just need to cut your losses and preserve your peace of mind.
Exactly. I’ve had numerous talks with her about we need to just agree to disagree. She says ok and never changes.

She always wants a “resolution” which is usually just her claiming she’s right and trying to get you to agree and repeating herself over and over.

I’ve told her all this and she calls me mean. :lol: f it man.
Yeah I'm at the point where the only form of apology I'l accept from my mom is changed behavior, which isn't gonna happen.

Even when she wanted to bury the hatchet she would just be like "I don't wanna fight anymore, now say you're sorry and we can move on" :lol: :smh: . I'm done bending the knee just so she can go back to being the same ******* she's always been.
We got the same mom dude. :lol:
Back in middle school (90s), me and my friend would go through the white pages and prank call people on 2-way. One time we called some guy with the last name Brown and an older sounding lady picked up

Lady- Hello
Friend- Is Mr Brown available
Lady- No he’s not here
Friend- Well you better find him cause I got some beef with him
Lady- Im sorry but he’s not here
Friend- Dont play with me. He owes me money
Lady- My husband passed away a few years ago
Friend- *silence*
Friend- Sorry wrong number *hangs up the phone*

We both felt like **** afterwards and took a break from pranks. Only lasted a week though 😅
i think my depression may be coming back.

My wife has a lot going on and I don’t want to make her worry, but it’s been weeks now and I’m sort of battling it in my own at nights and sometimes during the day as well.

Telling her wouldn’t even do much tbh. This has been, and will always be, something that I have to handle on my own and in my own psyche.

Multiple weeks of it ongoing isn’t normal for me, though. Not since it was really bad over 10 years ago. I’m hoping I can get a grip on this before it gets much worse.
i think my depression may be coming back.

My wife has a lot going on and I don’t want to make her worry, but it’s been weeks now and I’m sort of battling it in my own at nights and sometimes during the day as well.

Telling her wouldn’t even do much tbh. This has been, and will always be, something that I have to handle on my own and in my own psyche.

Multiple weeks of it ongoing isn’t normal for me, though. Not since it was really bad over 10 years ago. I’m hoping I can get a grip on this before it gets much worse.
I'm glad you're putting it out there somewhere instead of suppressing.
Are you currently seeing a counselor or anything?
I'm glad you're putting it out there somewhere instead of suppressing.
Are you currently seeing a counselor or anything?
Not yet. I’ve seen a therapist in the past for other issues but my depression wasn’t really a big issues in recent years.

If it continues to get worse then I may have to see a therapist. It just sucks trying to find one that works for you.
Not yet. I’ve seen a therapist in the past for other issues but my depression wasn’t really a big issues in recent years.

If it continues to get worse then I may have to see a therapist. It just sucks trying to find one that works for you.
Sorry you're going through it, man.
Want to talk more about what's been going on until you get back into counseling? I've got a few questions if you're open to it. On here or PM, either/or.
Sorry you're going through it, man.
Want to talk more about what's been going on until you get back into counseling? I've got a few questions if you're open to it. On here or PM, either/or.
I’m open to talking about what I’m experiencing. Ask away.
i think my depression may be coming back.

My wife has a lot going on and I don’t want to make her worry, but it’s been weeks now and I’m sort of battling it in my own at nights and sometimes during the day as well.

Telling her wouldn’t even do much tbh. This has been, and will always be, something that I have to handle on my own and in my own psyche.

Multiple weeks of it ongoing isn’t normal for me, though. Not since it was really bad over 10 years ago. I’m hoping I can get a grip on this before it gets much worse.
Do you remember what got you out? Have some sort of routine that at least keeps it short?
Do you remember what got you out? Have some sort of routine that at least keeps it short?
The last time ended because I underwent a huge life change and a massive struggle (with many triumphs and wins) that required all of my attention and time. I had no space or time to sit in the depression. It’s almost like what 50 cent said that one time about it being a “privilege” to be depressed because that means you have time to sit down and take a moment and that’s just what fills it. Some people don’t have that luxury.

It always bubbled here and there since then. Kept short by my hobbies (gaming and playing music, or listening to music). I even added the gym in recent years and that’s been a huge help.

For some reason, this time around I’m firing on all cylinders into those and yet it’s still lingering.
I’m open to talking about what I’m experiencing. Ask away.
For the sake of time, I'm'a throw a few questions out there instead of 1 question, response, 1 question, response, 1 question, response.

So first: You said that your depression has been a few weeks now which is not the norm for whenever you experience depression. Was there something that happened a few weeks ago that you can think of?

You mentioned that you're not new to experiencing depression. Are there things that you normally turn to in order to shake yourself out of it? Writing? Listening to music? Crafts/projects? Sports? Surfing online?

You on any meds?

(Again, feel free to move to PM if you want. I'm taking your lead.)
For the sake of time, I'm'a throw a few questions out there instead of 1, response, 1 response, 1 response.
So first: You said that your depression has been a few weeks now which is not the norm for whenever you experience depression. Was there something that happened a few weeks ago that you can think of?

You mentioned that you're not new to experiencing depression. Are there things that you normally turn to in order to shake yourself out of it? Writing? Listening to music? Crafts/projects? Sports? Surfing online?

You on any meds?

(Again, feel free to move to PM if you want. I'm taking your lead.)
- my depression “bubbles” here and there as I call it. It comes up for a few nights out of the blue. Can’t sleep. Don’t want to sleep. Just a profound nothingness of staring and thinking; about nothing. Just darkness. I can exist, like most who have depression. Social events, life of the party, funniest guy in the room, etc. isn’t a problem. It’s when all the noise stops that this takes over. If/when this begins blending into my daily life and social personality, I’ll know for sure I’m losing the battle.

-sometimes there are triggers. Sometimes there are not. This time there was a small trigger but nothing that should (in my opinion) have spiraled me into whatever this is.

-I am a musician, so music is my main cope. Unfortunately, sometimes it can also be an enabler in the type of music I listen to. It can be a “hand to hold” in the darkness, and one that I don’t want to leave until I know I can get out. Other than that, I play video games with friends and also go to the gym 3-4 times a week. All of that has been working for years. This is the first time that despite all of that, I seem to be sinking.

-no meds. Never officially diagnosed.
"Social events, life of the party, funniest guy in the room" all have to do with other people. I'm curious: do you ever do any projects on you own? Or any hobbies or anything solo? Biking, basketball, anything around the house?

Also, do you thrive on social interaction? Do you feel happy/good around people? Or perhaps do you feel judged in social situations?

What was the small trigger that you mentioned? You said there was something that you don't think should have spiraled into this current episode. What was it?

So there's a 'familiar comfort' in dark music, right? But then it also fuels the depressive thoughts. I get that. Whatever kind of music you listen to, are there any positive songs that you like? I think the familiarity of darker songs is helpful, (and relatable, on a personal note), but if that's the only thing you're feeding between your ears, it can be tough to shake free from these kinds of episodes, right?

How do you feel about meds? Because you don't need a diagnosis to get a prescription.
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