
My most shameful food weaknesses :

Burger King(It's actually pretty good..)

Any and every "gourmet" potato chip(Kettle and Tom's mostly.)

The 20 piece McNugget deal.
I still don't know how to deal with death. Its inevitable, and a part of life but the void it spawns..nothing can fill it. I can't imagine what you're going through kix and marcus. My mother lives alone in a 2 story house 4 states away. The thought of something happening to her is nerve racking..

When its all said and done I guess you just have to remember the good times, and be the best person you can be.
Well its good to let people know.

My uncle used to go to aa meetings but he said he didnt help.

Wat helped him was his he told himself he was stronger than the addiction and was going to beat it.
If you stop you will really change and love it though.

Good luck man.

Appreciate that man. I agree it has to be done on your own will. I'm not far from hitting that point where I'll stop. I know I can but I know i m not there yet thsbsj again man

I thought like you too. I knew my drinking days were numbered. It was hard but I quit on my own. I was ready to hit treatment if needed. I basically looked at it quite literally and said why am I being some liquids ***** and it's going to kill me. :lol: it sounds stupid but something only has as much power as you give it. When your time comes stay strong. It will be hard to go out and not drink. It was also embarrassing at first declining drinks. Now I'm so used to it I don't even care. You will feel amazing after all the withdrawals bruh. I used to get up at 9 am just stoked as hell not to be drunk still or hungover. (I work nights so that's early for me)
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I thought like you too. I knew my drinking days were numbered. It was hard but I quit on my own. I was ready to hit treatment if needed. I basically looked at it quite literally and said why am I being some liquids ***** and it's going to kill me. :lol: it sounds stupid but something only has as much power as you give it. When your time comes stay strong. It will be hard to go out and not drink. It was also embarrassing at first declining drinks. Now I'm so used to it I don't even care. You will feel amazing after all the withdrawals bruh. I used to get up at 9 am just stoked as hell not to be drunk still or hungover. (I work nights so that's early for me)

Yeah man, and well done. Im sure it wasn't easy at all but sounds like you got it under control now which is awesome! After I confessed in her I had a bit of a reality check and havnt touched in 2 days, which I havnt done in so long I really couldn't tell you the last time I did. Im also a smoker, of the green variety. Ive also gone without that as well, il pick it back up tho but for now im just detoxing and teaching myself how life is run without intoxincants. Im be fine its just the cravings and the time id spend drinking, I now gotta replace with something else. Sleep is going to be better, instead of staying up till 1am everynight and getting up at 7 for work was gonna be the death of me so 10-11pm bed time is gonna reap rewards. My aim is to only drink when theres a reason to be drinking. I don't want to completely stop, I really just want to be able to control when I do instead of "oh I havnt planned anything for tonight, lets gets smashed at home alone because its easy" lol.
Thanks for the tips fellas
You'll be good. I'm a heavy smoker too. I'm not even mad I was a drunk. That's what made me who I am today. Now i got my head together and I'm killing it. If you can control it give that a try. But that doesn't work for most...

If you do quit you'll get your recovred alcoholic 6 pack abs. :lol: I lost every bit of baby fat I had.
You'll be good. I'm a heavy smoker too. I'm not even mad I was a drunk. That's what made me who I am today. Now i got my head together and I'm killing it. If you can control it give that a try. But that doesn't work for most...

If you do quit you'll get your recovred alcoholic 6 pack abs. :lol: I lost every bit of baby fat I had.

gotta have a vice to relax haha. Yeh nah not at all, live and learn as they say. Yeh il give it a crack, if I cant control, il kick it. I know I can I just turned a blind eye to it for too long.
LMAO, really? Im actually tryin to get my abs back, not far off and I never found alcohol to make me gain weight but I drink diet soda with whiskey or rum or cognac etc.
Beer I def notice weight gain, what were you drinking?
You'll be good. I'm a heavy smoker too. I'm not even mad I was a drunk. That's what made me who I am today. Now i got my head together and I'm killing it. If you can control it give that a try. But that doesn't work for most...

If you do quit you'll get your recovred alcoholic 6 pack abs. :lol: I lost every bit of baby fat I had.

gotta have a vice to relax haha. Yeh nah not at all, live and learn as they say. Yeh il give it a crack, if I cant control, il kick it. I know I can I just turned a blind eye to it for too long.
LMAO, really? Im actually tryin to get my abs back, not far off and I never found alcohol to make me gain weight but I drink diet soda with whiskey or rum or cognac etc.
Beer I def notice weight gain, what were you drinking?

:lol: ugh I was copping a 12 pack of red dog and a liter of cabin still erryday before work.
Every girl I meet has some type of baggage. Either she's a girl my boys tried to talk to and wasn't feelin em but she's feeling me or she falls in love too quick. Those are just some of the examples.
Every girl I meet has some type of baggage. Either she's a girl my boys tried to talk to and wasn't feelin em but she's feeling me or she falls in love too quick. Those are just some of the examples.
 I was just thinking the same thing
I have some real up and down days

On the up days I feel confident in everything I do and do feel more careless about what people think of me and I'm just myself

On the down days I'm paranoid of what people think of me, I have no confidence and feel empty, anything that I'm doing in life is getting me no where. Feeling alone is the worse feeling out of all of this
I'm constantly busy, there's people always around me, I see about 20+ new faces every day but I'm lonely fam.
God my depression is getting so much worse. I was looking around and found this explanation of what it's like to be depressed. Connected to me 100% but saddened me when I look deeper into this or go searching for more outreach I hit every symptom, category and condition to the T.
"Okay, imagine you're playing an RPG and you've been going through the most hellish dungeon ever. You've been unprepared, under leveled and barely survived. Then at the end you find one of the most awesome pieces of loot ever. It's called the cape of depression. It's completely OP. Putting it on would give you immunity to nearly everything the game can throw at you. Sure, there are some negative stats on it too, but those seem manageable. You put it on.

And it's as awesome as you thought it would be. Nothing can harm you. It doesn't deflect or defend you against attacks, they simply pass through you. Nothing can touch you anymore. Swords, arrows, fireballs, doesn't matter. It's all the same to you, because you simply don’t feel it anymore. For some time you feel like a god. You glide through the masses and it's exhilarating. Nobody can touch you. You're completely free.

But the cape has disadvantages. It doesn't just let attacks pass through you, but also any blessings, healing spells and potions. Sure, it's a bit inconvenient at first, but you'll manage. After all nobody can hurt you anymore, so you don’t need these kind of things anymore. Actually you don’t even miss them anymore. Since you put on the cape everything has felt the same anyway and those signs of affection don’t have any practical purpose to you anymore, so why bother?

So you continue with your quest, wrapped in the cape. But somehow it doesn't feel the same anymore. Nobody can hurt you anymore, so you walk right through your enemies, not bothering to fight. Nobody can heal or comfort you anymore, so you walk right through your allies too, not bothering to talk. It's just you and the cape.

It's starting to get boring so you think about trying it without the cape, but as you try to take it off, you look down at yourself and realize that you're still carrying the very same injuries you got in the dungeon in which you found the cape. They never healed, but you never got any more either. Then you remember how difficult and dangerous it was without the cape. It's easy to remember too, after all you have those injuries to prove your point. You need the cape, so you decide to leave it on.

At some point things just happen around you without you taking notice anymore. Nothing can affect you, neither good or bad, so why bother? You're truly like a god now, but not in the grand, majestic kind of way. You are simply not in touch - both literally and metaphorically - with the normal people around you anymore. Maybe you're mildly confused and irritated by them. Why do they act like they do? What's the point?

You don’t want to feel left out, like a freak, so you pretend to still be in touch with them. The cape helps you. It grants you a +10 to Acting and Deceiving when talking about yourself. And you need that buff, because if someone would come to close to you, touch you, they would see that they pass right through you and realize something is very, very wrong. You don’t want that, so you stay away from others, which in turn makes you even more distant.

By the time you've realized that the cape was cursed, it's already too late. It has become a part of you. It's wrapped around you, around your true self. You are still somewhere inside, but around your true self is that vast cloak of nothing that keeps any feeling, no matter if good or bad out. You've worn the cape for so long that you have forgotten how it feels... to feel.

When you go to your allies and ask for help they don’t see what the cape has done to you. They only see the old wounds and think you must be in pain. They cast their healing spells on you, but they pass right through you. However all they see is that those old wounds just won’t heal, so they get frustrated and give up. It's just you and the cape."


"...though some of the worst days are those when the cape randomly shifts your alignment to neutral evil. Suddenly you can feel again, but the cape allows you only one single feeling: Anger. You're angry at the cape for having so much power over you, you're angry at yourself for letting it happen and you're angry at your enemies and allies alike. You start to remember every single time insult and injury, from the small goblin that threw rocks at you all the way up to the lich sending wave after wave of mindless undead after you. You remember every single time your tank failed to protect you, every single healing spell cast just a second too late. Suddenly you're the fickle god again, looking down on the masses with a smile of disdain on your face. For a moment you're glad. You feel. And then the next day it's over. The cape has worked its curse again, only to leave you ashamed and guilty for being cruel to your allies and vindictive towards your enemies. But fear not, the cape is still there, wrapping you in nothing that protects you from nothing."

Worse is when the Cloak is auto placed in your inventory at spawn, and automatically equips spontaneously and for no reason. It can be unequipped once you realize it's on, but it can never be dropped, traded, sold, or destroyed. And it will never ever stop randomly equipping itself. Never.

Medics can offer some relief through illusions and potions, but they lose effectiveness when you think about how you need these just to feel somewhat like everyone else does naturally. (meaning drugs and alcohol here)
I've been MISCing, sorry NT fam 

blame meth, he banned me from TAN.
Do I blame my looks? Do I blame my charisma? Do I blame my personality? Maybe it's my Aura?

:smh: I feel ****** up, but I now it's not my fault!
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Remember someone posting this a long while ago, and till this day if I'm down I'll go watch this episode and feel better.
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