
Recently been thinking more about the girl I met and was dating last summer. We met through mutual friends and we hit it off really well. We went on to go on a few dates, texted just about every day, were both really into each other, and things were going perfectly. We were never "official," but we were like a week or two away from that if you could put a timeframe on it.

She was just coming back from her two week vacation and we had all these plans laid out for the week she was coming back. We couldn't do anything the day she did because she told me she was going to a friend's birthday party that night. I got a text the next day saying that she doesn't think that we'll be able to hang out that week and then for the rest of summer because she got in trouble with her parents. She wouldn't really go into detail and it was so sudden because everything was going fine just the other day.

She seemed like she was withholding something and eventually came forward and said it was because she came home from the party hungover the next day. It was totally unlike her to do anything like that and I guess that's why she got in so much trouble. She then went on to say that she doesn't think things could work out considering we wouldn't have anymore time to get even closer before we went to different schools and because of that she didn't want to try a long distance relationship and that it would probably just be best to move on.

I was so frustrated since she wouldn't hear me out and because everything fell apart out of nowhere. I had recently had a bad experience with another girl who made a bunch of excuses and so I couldn't help but think that she might be lying about getting in trouble. I let my frustration show and she said it felt like I was attacking her with what I said. We didn't talk for months until I tried to initiate conversation which didn't get very far.

Like I said I recently started thinking about her more. I've never felt as close as I did with her as I have with any other girl and I'm seriously starting to think I'll never meet a girl like her ever again. I texted her the other day asking how she was doing and told her I was sorry for getting angry with her and that I wanted to talk to her again. She still hasn't responded and I don't think she will. 

Is there anything I should say or do?
Move on homie, I know you felt when you said that she had that special connection like no other but you'll meet other girls as move on. I was in the same shoes, not exactly as you but I know how you feel when you said you've never felt this close. She'll always be in your head until you find someone else.

I'll be honest I haven't let go of that special connection with the girl till this day cause we still talk and stuff but my best decision was putting my head and going forward. This is easier when you two go to different schools.

Stay strong my friend, if you really wanna know how she feel CALL her dont text, CALL its old fashion and its not the norm as it use to be and it'll feel weird cause this generation we are programmed just to text but calling is the way to go. If she doesnt pick up its a clue to move on

Best of my luck my man
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You guys are right, guess I just needed to hear some people talk me out of doing anything else. Unfortunately dwelling on the past/thinking too much are things I do often but I am trying to get better on cutting down on it.

@shevshenko  @Joepac12  The biggest thing is finding someone else so that I can totally move on and I'm kind of struggling to do so. Obviously the goal is to move on to better things and sure there are better looking girls, but she was one of the rare cases where her personality is on par with her looks. I hate to compare other girls to her, but I can't help it.

I probably shouldn't have even included the question in there since I know what I really should do. I was more venting because something that seemed so sure slipped away and I'm not sure when I'll meet another girl like that.
AgentZero AgentZero aye if you need someone to talk to about getting through this I'll be able to help you. Just hit me with a pm and I'll tell you how I handled my situation personally and stuff

The NT fam is here to help man. There's plenty of chick out there
Welp, I just realized I shouldn't be feeling sad or down about that girl or being lonely in general.

The night I was heading to Electric Forest (2 weeks ago), my sister texted me that a girl we used to work with was murdered by her 15 year old cousin, we also used to work with her fiance, they are hanging out with him right now and he told them today was the first day he didn't want to kill himself. I can't even imagine what he's feeling/going through.

That really put things into perspective for me. I really need to stop worrying about stupid things and be thankful for the life that I have and all of the things I've gotten to do and experience in it.
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You guys are right, guess I just needed to hear some people talk me out of doing anything else. Unfortunately dwelling on the past/thinking too much are things I do often but I am trying to get better on cutting down on it.

 The biggest thing is finding someone else so that I can totally move on and I'm kind of struggling to do so. Obviously the goal is to move on to better things and sure there are better looking girls, but she was one of the rare cases where her personality is on par with her looks. I hate to compare other girls to her, but I can't help it.

I probably shouldn't have even included the question in there since I know what I really should do. I was more venting because something that seemed so sure slipped away and I'm not sure when I'll meet another girl like that.
Nothing wrong with how you're feeling. Most of us have been through something similar.

Me, personally, I still can't rationalize it. Some of it, I can blame myself for -- for enabling certain behaviors, etc. But a lot of it I can't ascribe any logic to. The best I can do is to tell myself the girl just has some deep-seated issues that can never be overcome.

Also, don't plan to meet a better girl. Just plan to meet the right girl. Remember, you > these *@#$.
Feels weird lately since I cut off my friends , but I'm getting use to it now
I'm lucky to have something to do productive till school starts , I'm tryna hit the ground running but my laziness holds me back a lot :smh: taking it one day at a time tho
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Can't believe it's been 2 years already since you've been gone. Crazy how I started working for our favorite baseball team. Don't know why you decided to end your life cuz you didn't have to man. I was one call away and so was everyone else man. I wish you could've been here to see your twins grow up and how your sisters always talk about you and the rest of the family always hold you close to our hearts. Just know everyone miss you and loves you and I still feel sorry for missing that last call didn't mean to at all you should've kept calling me left me a voicemail anything and I would've dropped it and met up with you to show you that you weren't alone...

RIP to your family member |I.

Two years ago I buried the only other woman I have loved. Taught me how to be a gentlemen as well as being firm. They only reason why I worked so hard in school was to pay you back for the two jobs you worked. I loved you more than my mom poll because you treated me like I existed. My work a holic comes from you to this day I'll never forget seeing you cry in the bathroom over money and what we were gonna do I was six I new then that I didn't want to be a burden to you. I should have come home faster.

RIP grandma aka Mo
mo heart
mo compassion
Mo strength
mo hustle

RIP to your grandma |I.
Just tell yourself youll never see those people again in your life.

This is how I got through public speaking :lol:.

lolcomin lolcomin , you're quiet around guys too? Man, if you don't jump in that convo. You don't even have to make sense, if you forget a word just laugh and say you forgot how to speak English. Being awkward is pretty much normal these days, don't worry about it.
I also subconciously shake, and i can't stop it even when i notice it. Very nerve wracking

I'm also very sensitive about my personal image, cause i've been bullied and teased about it since forever so i catch feels whenever somebody says something about it
Looking at my ex instagram. Feel like such a loser im the one that dumped her and she happy AF its like im dead and never existed in her life. **** she happier than when she was with me. Makes me feel worse about how I handled it and I guess its what I deserve

Hell I was gonna hit her up just to catch up and see how she's doing but now I dont want to. I dont want to remind her of the past, her life is great the way it is now

Mistake #1, looking at an ex's social media... Instagram is a damn illusion man, don't believe all of it. Most people only post the highlights in their life.
I also subconciously shake, and i can't stop it even when i notice it. Very nerve wracking
I'm also very sensitive about my personal image, cause i've been bullied and teased about it since forever so i catch feels whenever somebody says something about it

I really want to hug you...but my femininity won't let me.
Recently been thinking more about the girl I met and was dating last summer. We met through mutual friends and we hit it off really well. We went on to go on a few dates, texted just about every day, were both really into each other, and things were going perfectly. We were never "official," but we were like a week or two away from that if you could put a timeframe on it.

She was just coming back from her two week vacation and we had all these plans laid out for the week she was coming back. We couldn't do anything the day she did because she told me she was going to a friend's birthday party that night. I got a text the next day saying that she doesn't think that we'll be able to hang out that week and then for the rest of summer because she got in trouble with her parents. She wouldn't really go into detail and it was so sudden because everything was going fine just the other day.

She seemed like she was withholding something and eventually came forward and said it was because she came home from the party hungover the next day. It was totally unlike her to do anything like that and I guess that's why she got in so much trouble. She then went on to say that she doesn't think things could work out considering we wouldn't have anymore time to get even closer before we went to different schools and because of that she didn't want to try a long distance relationship and that it would probably just be best to move on.

I was so frustrated since she wouldn't hear me out and because everything fell apart out of nowhere. I had recently had a bad experience with another girl who made a bunch of excuses and so I couldn't help but think that she might be lying about getting in trouble. I let my frustration show and she said it felt like I was attacking her with what I said. We didn't talk for months until I tried to initiate conversation which didn't get very far.

Like I said I recently started thinking about her more. I've never felt as close as I did with her as I have with any other girl and I'm seriously starting to think I'll never meet a girl like her ever again. I texted her the other day asking how she was doing and told her I was sorry for getting angry with her and that I wanted to talk to her again. She still hasn't responded and I don't think she will. |I

Is there anything I should say or do?

Delete. Move on.
@shoyru are you Asian? Because your pops sounds just like mine.. or used to. Let me tell you this, there was a time, for YEARS, my dad was never proud of what I did. He thought all I did was bang, party, and hang out with the wrong people in high school. I proved him wrong by getting accepted to UCD.

While away from him, it was the most rewarding and most growing up experience I ever had. When you were in Socal, if you still are.. that would have been the time to allow your self a growing experience to not be withheld by anyone or anything. Even when I got my first job back home, he still wasn't proud. All he could say was get another job and it wasn't good enough. I proved him wrong by getting promoted within several months.

Don't listen to him. Don't let him try to mold you into what you are not, he doesn't understand the way we grow up as Americans (assuming you're 1st generation). They are hardwired to think a certain way, but that's not how it is over here. Prove him wrong, and keep doing it over and over again.
@shoyru are you Asian? Because your pops sounds just like mine.. or used to. Let me tell you this, there was a time, for YEARS, my dad was never proud of what I did. He thought all I did was bang, party, and hang out with the wrong people in high school. I proved him wrong by getting accepted to UCD.

While away from him, it was the most rewarding and most growing up experience I ever had. When you were in Socal, if you still are.. that would have been the time to allow your self a growing experience to not be withheld by anyone or anything. Even when I got my first job back home, he still wasn't proud. All he could say was get another job and it wasn't good enough. I proved him wrong by getting promoted within several months.

Don't listen to him. Don't let him try to mold you into what you are not, he doesn't understand the way we grow up as Americans (assuming you're 1st generation). They are hardwired to think a certain way, but that's not how it is over here. Prove him wrong, and keep doing it over and over again.
Yo I thought I was the only one that felt this way with Asian parents. I dont kno what you guys are but Im Viet and thats prob the most gossipy of all asians and the parents are always comparing their kids and trying to 1 up each other. I wanna be friends but our parents/relatives seem to make us compete with one another.

I personally hate being compared to other Viet kids cause we are all different and it just aint right. Anything I do has never been enough, they arent satisfied and expect more. It sucks.
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