
i don't even talk to women these days because i know i will get rejected. Even the ugliest joints and i don't think i'm that ugly. I just fap and go on nofap regularly cause i don't get the time of day.

I'm just talking about normally, like when a bunch of the guys will get down and start talking. I just don't know how to talk or join in and stay silent the whole time
Maybe you are hanging around people who's interests are different than yours?  If a group were talking about music or sports I'd have a ton to say but if it was about anime or something like that I'd be silent too...
Not putting you down so don't read it that way, more of an introspection point for you to consider. Have you stopped, took a look at yourself and realize how pathetic and unattractive you're sounding? don't you feel that should change? do you want to change? who's going to do that for YOU?
yeah and i've been trying. Hitting the gym recently and been bulking up but they don't love it. Slimmed down and started dressing better. I'm been doing better at most things and am hoping to become business partners with a local CEO. and you know it's gotten to the point where's it's like ehhhh, attraction is started to become lost
Maybe you are hanging around people who's interests are different than yours?  If a group were talking about music or sports I'd have a ton to say but if it was about anime or something like that I'd be silent too...
that's the thing even if it is similar interests, i can talk about all that you mentioned, i still can't. Maybe cause of my anxiety problems or idk, maybe i don't know how to put words together and say them out of my mouth
that's the thing even if it is similar interests, i can talk about all that you mentioned, i still can't. Maybe cause of my anxiety problems or idk, maybe i don't know how to put words together and say them out of my mouth
There ya go, at least you know what to fix.  Something that helped me was coming to accept that I was the one who saw things incorrectly not everyone else.  It was my disposition and viewpoint that caused problems for me not that other people didn't like me.  You just have to learn to push past your instincts and realize you are thinking in the wrong way when you are anxious. 
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Straight just chilled today.
Not sure if I should be out exploring or not
I had some great milanesa tho
And the Argentina game later
I should be ok
I try to be as busy as I can
Hate thinking for long periods of time
Hate thinking for long periods of time
when I look in the mirror I think I'm good looking. But that might be my inflated ego, I look completely different in pictures
oh bruh, everyone is whimsical when you're on some hard substance.
was she rolling too? because that would explain the "change". After I roll I always get super emotional to the point of it's not too uncommon

We both took a tab and were tripping together and both had some MDMA on the Friday, she didn't have nearly as much as I had. But one day was 100% sober together, and the other two days started out 100% sober together. Oh well though, going to Lolla and Made In America with another girl anyway, it just struck me as weird. My guess is she prolly has a boyfriend that she didn't tell me about, and while she was at the festival she just did what she wanted to.
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that's the thing even if it is similar interests, i can talk about all that you mentioned, i still can't. Maybe cause of my anxiety problems or idk, maybe i don't know how to put words together and say them out of my mouth
Is it just a confidence thing? Or do you just not want to speak up?

I mean you hit the gym as you've said earlier and you dressed better, cause those were what helped me with my confidence

You said you dont even try with the women cause you KNOW they will reject you, whys that?
Is it just a confidence thing? Or do you just not want to speak up?

I mean you hit the gym as you've said earlier and you dressed better, cause those were what helped me with my confidence

You said you dont even try with the women cause you KNOW they will reject you, whys that?
maybe it's a confidence thing

and because i've been rejected so many times its just like why try anymore.
maybe it's a confidence thing

and because i've been rejected so many times its just like why try anymore.
Damn bro I dont think you have been rejected as much as I have lol, but Ive said it before if I get rejected its whatever we move on, Im still breathing its not like all women are the same. You gotta keep trying bro!! You never know because I'll get shushed away by some average girls but ones that people consider super pretty I have always had success with them.

But if its a confidence then we can definitely work on that!
Damn bro I dont think you have been rejected as much as I have lol, but Ive said it before if I get rejected its whatever we move on, Im still breathing its not like all women are the same. You gotta keep trying bro!! You never know because I'll get shushed away by some average girls but ones that people consider super pretty I have always had success with them.

But if its a confidence then we can definitely work on that!
i'll keep on trying but i don't even know how to talk to them lol, i'll try
i'll keep on trying but i don't even know how to talk to them lol, i'll try
Just say whatever man...they aren't expecting you to be a rocket scientist.  One time in college I got my friend laid by just standing by a door and introducing him to every girl that walked into the party.  
yeah and i've been trying. Hitting the gym recently and been bulking up but they don't love it. Slimmed down and started dressing better. I'm been doing better at most things and am hoping to become business partners with a local CEO. and you know it's gotten to the point where's it's like ehhhh, attraction is started to become lost

Dude, for real?
That's the most unattractive thing on a person..lack of self confidence. Take a long, hard look in the mirror and tell yourself "that'll do" and proceed to walk around like a boss. Girls aren't going to notice you if you doubt yourself (and trust me, we can smell a spineless male a mile away).
This thread is awesome these last few pages.
Thank you to those that shared so openly.

Nvm......I think I'm just sleep deprived

as a hypochondriac , i'd say that everytime I'm sleep deprived is when my self diagnoses really go into overdrive
then i wake up the next day and dismiss it like "oh it was probably nothing. i mean i was reallly tired"
but it's not nothing, yaknow? I'm gunna have that fear until I deal with it.

Whats the worry with chemical imbalance? speak on it brah
Looking at my ex instagram. Feel like such a loser im the one that dumped her and she happy AF its like im dead and never existed in her life. **** she happier than when she was with me. Makes me feel worse about how I handled it and I guess its what I deserve

Hell I was gonna hit her up just to catch up and see how she's doing but now I dont want to. I dont want to remind her of the past, her life is great the way it is now
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This thread is awesome these last few pages.
Thank you to those that shared so openly.
as a hypochondriac , i'd say that everytime I'm sleep deprived is when my self diagnoses really go into overdrive
then i wake up the next day and dismiss it like "oh it was probably nothing. i mean i was reallly tired"
but it's not nothing, yaknow? I'm gunna have that fear until I deal with it.

Whats the worry with chemical imbalance? speak on it brah

i feel complete opposite than i did yesterday

as far as worry really. i do know somebody who is diagnosed bipolar 1 though
Recently been thinking more about the girl I met and was dating last summer. We met through mutual friends and we hit it off really well. We went on to go on a few dates, texted just about every day, were both really into each other, and things were going perfectly. We were never "official," but we were like a week or two away from that if you could put a timeframe on it.

She was just coming back from her two week vacation and we had all these plans laid out for the week she was coming back. We couldn't do anything the day she did because she told me she was going to a friend's birthday party that night. I got a text the next day saying that she doesn't think that we'll be able to hang out that week and then for the rest of summer because she got in trouble with her parents. She wouldn't really go into detail and it was so sudden because everything was going fine just the other day.

She seemed like she was withholding something and eventually came forward and said it was because she came home from the party hungover the next day. It was totally unlike her to do anything like that and I guess that's why she got in so much trouble. She then went on to say that she doesn't think things could work out considering we wouldn't have anymore time to get even closer before we went to different schools and because of that she didn't want to try a long distance relationship and that it would probably just be best to move on.

I was so frustrated since she wouldn't hear me out and because everything fell apart out of nowhere. I had recently had a bad experience with another girl who made a bunch of excuses and so I couldn't help but think that she might be lying about getting in trouble. I let my frustration show and she said it felt like I was attacking her with what I said. We didn't talk for months until I tried to initiate conversation which didn't get very far.

Like I said I recently started thinking about her more. I've never felt as close as I did with her as I have with any other girl and I'm seriously starting to think I'll never meet a girl like her ever again. I texted her the other day asking how she was doing and told her I was sorry for getting angry with her and that I wanted to talk to her again. She still hasn't responded and I don't think she will. 

Is there anything I should say or do?
I really am starting to think I'm going to be alone forever. :frown:

Oh well, back to this stupid Watch Dogs game.
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Recently been thinking more about the girl I met and was dating last summer. We met through mutual friends and we hit it off really well. We went on to go on a few dates, texted just about every day, were both really into each other, and things were going perfectly. We were never "official," but we were like a week or two away from that if you could put a timeframe on it.

She was just coming back from her two week vacation and we had all these plans laid out for the week she was coming back. We couldn't do anything the day she did because she told me she was going to a friend's birthday party that night. I got a text the next day saying that she doesn't think that we'll be able to hang out that week and then for the rest of summer because she got in trouble with her parents. She wouldn't really go into detail and it was so sudden because everything was going fine just the other day.

She seemed like she was withholding something and eventually came forward and said it was because she came home from the party hungover the next day. It was totally unlike her to do anything like that and I guess that's why she got in so much trouble. She then went on to say that she doesn't think things could work out considering we wouldn't have anymore time to get even closer before we went to different schools and because of that she didn't want to try a long distance relationship and that it would probably just be best to move on.

I was so frustrated since she wouldn't hear me out and because everything fell apart out of nowhere. I had recently had a bad experience with another girl who made a bunch of excuses and so I couldn't help but think that she might be lying about getting in trouble. I let my frustration show and she said it felt like I was attacking her with what I said. We didn't talk for months until I tried to initiate conversation which didn't get very far.

Like I said I recently started thinking about her more. I've never felt as close as I did with her as I have with any other girl and I'm seriously starting to think I'll never meet a girl like her ever again. I texted her the other day asking how she was doing and told her I was sorry for getting angry with her and that I wanted to talk to her again. She still hasn't responded and I don't think she will. |I

Is there anything I should say or do?
damn son :smh:
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