
I fly a lot and my doctor gave it to me for long flights, 18 months later, it's not just flights anymore. I try and explain to people that it doesn't even get me high or impair my judgement. I could be on a bar and nobody around me would have a clue. I've had some pretty major surgeries and been through the oxy's, roxy's, Norco's, percs and nothing ever grabbed till I popped a Xanax. Idk, kinda feel stuck at this point, it hasn't effected my life or a career in anyway but 2 days without and I feel like a dope fiend..... On some BOB Dear John stuff
Between Ex's and X I'm not sure what's worse! They'll both bend you up. Def wish my doc woulda gave me something else, hopefully limiting my travel and staying in the gym will rebalance everything
I want to a party last night and met a young cat that reminded me of myself at a younger age. It was his 18th birthday and the party was packed with honeys. Dude was mad cool and a lot of the chicks were digging him. His girl showed up and he was super stoked and introduced her to everybody all proudly. It was then that I realized 2 things
-What happened to me
-I'm no longer in love
I want to a party last night and met a young cat that reminded me of myself at a younger age. It was his 18th birthday and the party was packed with honeys. Dude was mad cool and a lot of the chicks were digging him. His girl showed up and he was super stoked and introduced her to everybody all proudly. It was then that I realized 2 things
-What happened to me
-I'm no longer in love


And it's great when you run into a young gunner that reminds you of yourself. I'm the type of person that will sit down with you and have a full blown convo. Especially if I'm off the Henny, what?! My ***** I will tell you my life story and somehow link my life with yours and say that you gotta appreciate the small things
I want to a party last night and met a young cat that reminded me of myself at a younger age. It was his 18th birthday and the party was packed with honeys. Dude was mad cool and a lot of the chicks were digging him. His girl showed up and he was super stoked and introduced her to everybody all proudly. It was then that I realized 2 things
-What happened to me
-I'm no longer in love

where do you go to Party, where 18 year olds are present?
Just found out my grandmother has moderate Alzheimer's, the way I feel right now is unexplainable. I'm going to go see her this weekend but I'm not ready for this journey, the day she no longer recognizes me I have no idea how I'm going to react. She's the one person that I can talk to for hours about nothing at all and never lose interest. It's like from this point on I'm racing against the clock.

im on the same boat. it will be awhile before she doesnt recognizes you though. Everyday my grandmother gets surprised that i have 3 kids but she remembers my older brother having twins 6 years ago. just be patient though she will forget things and remember things. at this point you cant control it. i been talking to grandmother about her childhood and she remembers it all like it was yesterday so start from there in case she 1 day forgets at least you can remind her.

I appreciate that fam. I actually went to see her today, I'm trying to see her as much as I can before I move next month. Everything is going well right now and like you said, I'm asking her many questions about her past.

And it's great when you run into a young gunner that reminds you of yourself. I'm the type of person that will sit down with you and have a full blown convo. Especially if I'm off the Henny, what?! My ***** I will tell you my life story and somehow link my life with yours and say that you gotta appreciate the small things

Yea, he seemed so full of energy and optimism. Made me realize how insignificant some of the problems in life are. I also woke up with a go getter mentality. Time to chase some of my dreams

where do you go to Party, where 18 year olds are present?

Funny. He was the nephew of a friend of a friend. If that makes sense lol
Thanks everyone for the prayers and positivity.

We heard back from the Dr. and she said that 90% of people with a similar tumor have no serious problems or deaths resulting from the tumor. She prescribed medicine to shrink it, which is great news because the tumor was causing problems that my gf has been dealing with for a while.

The tumor is on her pituitary (sp?) gland which has caused problems with a number of things and now she can finally have some normality in her life with regard to weight and fertility.

I'm happy. Thanks again NT. :nthat:

Yo this was mad uplifting for me tonight. Really glad to hear that you and your girl got good news. Keep us updated.
Thanks everyone for the prayers and positivity.

We heard back from the Dr. and she said that 90% of people with a similar tumor have no serious problems or deaths resulting from the tumor. She prescribed medicine to shrink it, which is great news because the tumor was causing problems that my gf has been dealing with for a while.

The tumor is on her pituitary (sp?) gland which has caused problems with a number of things and now she can finally have some normality in her life with regard to weight and fertility.

I'm happy. Thanks again NT. :nthat:


Wish you guys the best
It doesn't matter how many awards they won whether the biggest on stage at the Grammys or anywhere I honestly believe the average person/american will never really understand how phenomenal Daft Punk truly is.

also.... I'm not happy...
Not happy with where i am in life.

Broke up with babymama, feel like i dont love her anymore after dating for 7 years, like i just lost feelings day by day which sucks cause shes an awesome girl and im kinda feeling this girl at work smh. and all i can think about is how this will affect my daughter, shes only a year old but still....

I cant seem to enjoy school , i have 2 math courses left to get my AA but math and i dont get along and no matter how hard i bust my *** i still cant seem to get it.

I hate how i always hurt my loved ones, i need to get rid of my selfish ways but it just come outta me. I think i may go see a therapist....
Not happy with where i am in life.

Broke up with babymama, feel like i dont love her anymore after dating for 7 years, like i just lost feelings day by day which sucks cause shes an awesome girl and im kinda feeling this girl at work smh. and all i can think about is how this will affect my daughter, shes only a year old but still....

I cant seem to enjoy school , i have 2 math courses left to get my AA but math and i dont get along and no matter how hard i bust my *** i still cant seem to get it.

I hate how i always hurt my loved ones, i need to get rid of my selfish ways but it just come outta me. I think i may go see a therapist....
the reason u ain't feeling your baby mama is Cuz shorty at work. Trust me. TRUST ME!!!!!! Don't do it bro
I appreciate that fam. I actually went to see her today, I'm trying to see her as much as I can before I move next month. Everything is going well right now and like you said, I'm asking her many questions about her past.
Man have her take 2 teaspoons of coconut oil a day. i heard from many people it works wonders for the all timers
A guy I was in love with and maybe still am has been out of my life for almost two years after I went into the service. His family still talks to me because they always look at me as the daughter in law they never had. Well recently this guy hit me up around thanksgiving and I was just cordial. Then communication ceased again because he just stopped talking to me. So I said screw it. Then I get a text last week from some random number and it's him again. I keep it cordial still because I'm in a relationship and don't want to be a jerk to this guy. But again we will be in the middle of a convo via text given the time difference and he just never responds. Little does he know that I know he lives with his girl and they're expecting a kid. Which I will admit I'm low key heartbroken over (he just met this girl) I feel guilty because I can't stop thinking about him but really I just want him to leave me alone and I don't understand why he even reaches out to me. As in stop randomly contacting me. He's made his decision. Imo
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A guy I was in love with and maybe still am has been out of my life for almost two years after I went into the service. His family still talks to me because they always look at me as the daughter in law they never had. Well recently this guy hit me up around thanksgiving and I was just cordial. Then communication ceased again because he just stopped talking to me. So I said screw it. Then I get a text last week from some random number and it's him again. I keep it cordial still because I'm in a relationship and don't want to be a jerk to this guy. But again we will be in the middle of a convo via text given the time difference and he just never responds. Little does he know that I know he lives with his girl and they're expecting a kid. Which I will admit I'm low key heartbroken over (he just met this girl) I feel guilty because I can't stop thinking about him but really I just want him to leave me alone and I don't understand why he even reaches out to me. As in stop randomly contacting me. He's made his decision. Imo

Your post is exact reason he keep hitting you up

Besides him using you as a backup incase things go south
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A guy I was in love with and maybe still am has been out of my life for almost two years after I went into the service. His family still talks to me because they always look at me as the daughter in law they never had. Well recently this guy hit me up around thanksgiving and I was just cordial. Then communication ceased again because he just stopped talking to me. So I said screw it. Then I get a text last week from some random number and it's him again. I keep it cordial still because I'm in a relationship and don't want to be a jerk to this guy. But again we will be in the middle of a convo via text given the time difference and he just never responds. Little does he know that I know he lives with his girl and they're expecting a kid. Which I will admit I'm low key heartbroken over (he just met this girl) I feel guilty because I can't stop thinking about him but really I just want him to leave me alone and I don't understand why he even reaches out to me. As in stop randomly contacting me. He's made his decision. Imo

Girl, got to cut him off. Not for yourself, but it's really for him. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with TRYING to be friends because it's possible..but you two moved on. He has a child on the way and you're in (I'm assuming) a committed relationship. And not for nothing, continuing to engage with him will only re-open wounds for you..eventually.
Do yourself a favor and put him behind. If you think you're still in love with him it's another powerful motive for you to dead that. He's creeping on the mother of his child, you know this. You know the game. You sound like a bright woman. And letting his family suck you in is only helping you hang on to what was. There's nothing wrong with being cordial with the fam..but sometimes you just gotta let it go babe.
You obviously still care, but if you're not open with your current partner about his random know you ought to leave that be.
Make your move.
Your post is exact reason he keep hitting you up

Besides him using you as a backup incase things go south

Girl, got to cut him off. Not for yourself, but it's really for him. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with TRYING to be friends because it's possible..but you two moved on. He has a child on the way and you're in (I'm assuming) a committed relationship. And not for nothing, continuing to engage with him will only re-open wounds for you..eventually.
Do yourself a favor and put him behind. If you think you're still in love with him it's another powerful motive for you to dead that. He's creeping on the mother of his child, you know this. You know the game. You sound like a bright woman. And letting his family suck you in is only helping you hang on to what was. There's nothing wrong with being cordial with the fam..but sometimes you just gotta let it go babe.
You obviously still care, but if you're not open with your current partner about his random know you ought to leave that be.
Make your move.

Thank you both. In reality I knew this but it's just hard. It felt good to get that off my chest though. I've been holding that in for a while.

Appreciate the feedback you guys are both correct.
As a dude in a similar situation, I drop off because of the uncertainty. She's not a "back up", she's the one I really want but life goes on. Someone I cared about that I want in my life that i'm unsure of how to go about it, that's it. After a while you just figure it's easier to just leave it be. God I hope I didn't catch a "break baby".
no problem. I totally get it.

and if/when the next time he hits you up: don't say anything, no farewell texts or paragraphs (I've been guilty of it). it's not a game kind of's just so he gets the hint to leave you alone. for good.

and the less contact you have with him, the better. you'll begin to move on completely :smile:
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As a dude in a similar situation, I drop off because of the uncertainty. She's not a "back up", she's the one I really want but life goes on. Someone I cared about that I want in my life that i'm unsure of how to go about it, that's it. After a while you just figure it's easier to just leave it be. God I hope I didn't catch a "break baby".

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