Conan O'Brien -- Free at Last

He's on right now for any interested, the final countdown...

Spoon is performing tonight, so that's cool
Norm McDonald

"congratulations for securing your permanent position as host of the Tonight Show"
Leno threw a few shots @ Letterman on his show tonight during the Chelsea & BING segment.

Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi


@ La Bamba


Mid 90's to very early 00's were the best though...

Staring contests with Andy (funny ones after 96 Olympics), Pimpbot, Carl "Oldie" Olsen (RIP), Masturbating Bear, dude in weiner costume, Max on Maxchannel and channel surfing, Joel, etc...
Originally Posted by sole vintage
That was cool..NBC messed everything up though seriously...Replace Carson with Fallon and put jay and conan as they were..Either way the onlyreason I was watching Jay was the lead up to Conan in the first place.
Letterman just killed that was brutal.

But Conan's show was classic, these last shows are gold!
Letterman is right. I understand that Leno never wanted to retire but come on, if Conan can negotiate a buy-out from his contract, Jay Leno certainly couldhave too. Either that or just leave the Tonight Show to Conan and wait the 6 months until his contract expired and then become a free agent and sign with Foxor ABC.
Originally Posted by Nako XL

Originally Posted by eeibaby

Originally Posted by AgentArenas

Originally Posted by RickFoxJr

Conan O'Brien is losing "The Tonight Show" but he'll be getting a $32.5 million consolation prize courtesy of NBC ..

In return, we've learned Conan has agreed to sit on the bench until September. Translation -- he can't host another show until the fall.

In addition to the $32.5 mil, we've learned NBC is also paying severance to Conan's "Tonight Show" employees. In all, we're told NBC's payout is around $40 million.

But Conan probably won't see close to the $32.5 mil. Under the deal, any money Conan makes during the remaining contract period with NBC will offset the network's obligation. So, if Fox were to make a deal with Conan and pay him $25 mil during the NBC contract period, Conan would only score $7.5 mil from NBC.

One well-placed NBC source told us something surprising -- looks like NBC may keep its intellectual property rights. So Conan can't take his creations -- such as Triumph the Insult Comic Dog and the Masturbating Bear -- to his next gig.

That would suck. Sure hed have the freedom to make other stuff but still, that sucks.
Can they really do that?
yes. and if they're smart they will.

google the term "works for hire"
Is stuff like "masturbating polar bear" and "in the year 3001" possible though?
Thatd be pretty funny.
i watched my first episode of conan last night and i sincerely regret sleeping on this man for the past 10 years. he is absolutely hilarious. anyway to catchhis past shows?
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

i watched my first episode of conan last night and i sincerely regret sleeping on this man for the past 10 years. he is absolutely hilarious. anyway to catch his past shows?
hulu should have episodes
Originally Posted by dvdjamm5150

Originally Posted by Fundamental21Ticket

Letterman's been going hard at Leno these past few weeks
Dave is killing Leno...The day after Conan's last show I expect him to guest on the Late Show for the whole hour and Dave and Conan (and possibly even Jimmy Kimmel via satellite) will roast Leno and Jay can do nothing about it
Don't forget about Howard Stern.� Since he's not going to be on Conan show this week, he will be willing to go on Letterman if askedbecause the show is in New York.� Howard Stern's been urging Dave to rip Leno and now that he's a got a reason, it will be great television.
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