College Offical GAME SHORTS post... all the Game short collectors PLEASE POST AND LOOK!!!

NO we do not mean these. ALSO you can not post ebay links oryou will be suspended. SObe careful...
Word. I edited out then.

My Michigan's from '96 or '97. Not game used obviously, but pretty dope.

How the hell do you guys get these game worn team shorts?

And from all different conferences across the country at that?
equipment managers, friends and sometimes I get lucky and find stuff on ebay..sometimes it's hard as hell though..
Damn, the reserve for those Uconn shorts are $350 per??? That's insane, the auction for the white ones only ended at 150 I think...anyways, sz40 is way toosmall for

Hope I dont get suspended cause I posted my auction link from previous post... Nice depaul shorts Youngswag31
yea the 40's are small but for INSIDE INFO the navys are BIGGER than whites. Some of you might be able to pull navys off. Just a little more baggy for somereason. WHITES are TOO SMALL. I know they are the same size but I have tried both on...
You are right abunike, for some reason most home versions of game shorts whether NBA or NCAA run smaller...except with the mesh material shorts like clippers,04's Missip State, 07' Minny, Nets, etc. What size is the road Uconn shorts you have (same style as on auction) abunike?
I'm not sure what more insane bballgenius..the fact that he paid all that money for some size 40 shorts or the fact that he's now trying to sell thesame shorts tiny shorts for what he paid..Oh's the big kicker..someone offered him 250 and he turned them down..
I am not selling my UCONNS EVER! sorry. and they kid bought those two uconns size 40 for 350 and a pair of mesh Zona 44 red for 345... He was pretty crazy forem. V-Techs are like that..the whites are smaller then the orange but they are both same size..
Yes and he would hate your guts... DO ever wear or put those together again. haha. but nice shorts I just can never buy or wear dukes. Could have got themcheap 1000's of times but JUST WONT DO IT PERIOD. TOO loyal
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